Do you really still believe that 'sticks and stones may break my bones...'
Because as a LEO I was called every vile name conceivable. I was spit on, I was threatened with death, my family was threatened. It never "dehumanized" me. I dealt with it and shrugged it off. I have been personally attacked here because of my faith, and my faith itself has been regularly dragged through the mud. Though the tactics of crude simple minds, they can say what they choose. I choose not not let it bother me.
Do you think I give a lot of credence to someone allowing himself to feel "dehumanized" and hurt by words on a computer screen ? One can control "feelings", one can chose to be above allowing someone else to determining how we feel about ourselves.
This whole thread amazes me. Complain about bad behavior, sure, admit to being "hurt" and distraught because of it boggles the mind. That is that persons problem. I, nor anyone else, including those who upset him/her are responsible. He/she offered the best solution for themselves if they can;'t cope. The world can be tough and you can't manipulate it to suit your own perceived needs.
Note: Lest any self appointed PC police sniper begin firing, my use of he/she means nothing other than I don't know the sex of the poster.