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In search of knowledge

Leandro Piva

The Inquirer

I used to be a die-hard atheist but after doing some research on spirituality, I decided to open my mind and study this matter further. Then I found this forum, where I hope to gain knowledge, discuss ideas, make friends and everything else.

So, as I said before, I want to engage myself in the field of spirituality. Where should I start? Any book or documentary recommendations?

Thanks in advance.
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Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member

I typically read everything I can get my hands on at the local public library as a starting point, and then, when able or willing, move on to academic collections. Reading many takes on the same material can give you a sense of the differing perspectives on a topic, which when it comes to things like religion, can be important. :D


Hello brother, not sure of a specific book or documentary unless it is narrowed down a bit.

You want to learn about various religions more so or various practices?

Leandro Piva

The Inquirer
Thank you all for the replies.

Hello brother, not sure of a specific book or documentary unless it is narrowed down a bit.

You want to learn about various religions more so or various practices?

Everything concerning religion and spirituality. Where did you started to study it?
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Thank you all for the replies.

Everything concerning religion and spirituality. Where did you started to study it?

Could start here, pick out a couple to focus on and then use Wikipedia and Google search to find more.

All about religious tolerance: the ReligiousTolerance.org web site

After you have tight specifics people can maybe help with some favorite books on the subject or videos.

I don't remember ever reading or looking over a great book that dealt with too many things. The narrowed and specific will get you much better, more authentic info step by step.


Veteran Member

I used to be a die-hard atheist but after doing some research on spirituality, I decided to open my mind and study this matter further. Then I found this forum, where I hope to gain knowledge, discuss ideas, make friends and everything else.

So, as I said before, I want to engage myself in the field of spirituality. Where should I start? Any book or documentary recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

I recomend a Book called 'Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah'

Welcome here. And I like you Avatar, it's similar to mine.


Peace be upon you.

I used to be a die-hard atheist but after doing some research on spirituality, I decided to open my mind and study this matter further. Then I found this forum, where I hope to gain knowledge, discuss ideas, make friends and everything else.

So, as I said before, I want to engage myself in the field of spirituality. Where should I start? Any book or documentary recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

Peace be on you.
The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member

I used to be a die-hard atheist but after doing some research on spirituality, I decided to open my mind and study this matter further. Then I found this forum, where I hope to gain knowledge, discuss ideas, make friends and everything else.

So, as I said before, I want to engage myself in the field of spirituality. Where should I start? Any book or documentary recommendations?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum. Now, no offense, but as you ask for recommendations, here's mine: most of what constitutes "the field of spirituality" is farts and ghosts: pure nonsense written to make a quick buck. If you want to learn something, read history, read science, read mathematics- the real world is pretty freakin' amazing and even, dare I say, spiritual after a fashion (or maybe it just takes a complete dork to describe, say, mathematics as beautiful or spiritual, in any way :shrug:). And if you're looking for transcendence, for the "higher things", then don't look to religion or "spirituality", look to art- there is far more substance in Coltrane, in MacBeth, in Beethoven, (insert favorite artist here), etc. than there is in most of what passes for "spirituality".*

But that's just my two cents.

*(just as an aside- alot of people still think that science poses some great threat to religion, but I'm somewhat skeptical of this. Religion has stopped being in the business of dealing in facts or truths for quite some time- what still draws people to religion is the ability to get a sense of things in some sense "above and beyond" the mundane (physical) world; science can never offer this, and in that capacity, science can never threaten religion. On the other hand, this is precisely what (good) art does. Art allows us to transcend the mundane, our sense of ontological privation, and in the act of creating art, it literally allows us to be as a god... Moreover, art is accessible in a way that religion is not- anyone can enjoy great art, and pretty much anyone can even create art, particularly with technology nowadays... But not everyone can have a meaningful religious experience. In this sense, I think that art poses a far greater threat to religion than science ever will.)


Avid JW Bible Student
Hello and welcome from me too Leandro. :)

You will find many views here and all are worth considering with an open heart and mind.

I can recommend this if you are interested in a basic study of the Bible's teachings......

What Does the Bible Really Teach?

Feel free to ask questions. Consider the answers in your own heart.
Informed choice is the only one worth making.

Peace to you on your journey.


Veteran Member
Premium Member

I used to be a die-hard atheist but after doing some research on spirituality, I decided to open my mind and study this matter further. Then I found this forum, where I hope to gain knowledge, discuss ideas, make friends and everything else.

So, as I said before, I want to engage myself in the field of spirituality. Where should I start? Any book or documentary recommendations?

Thanks in advance.
I don't see that opening yourself to spirituality would necessarily affect your atheism, Leandro. There are non-theistic religions, after all.

Leandro Piva

The Inquirer
Thank you so much for the replies.

Excuse me for not being very specific in my request, that's because I'm not one of those people who satisfy themselves with a single truth. I have the need to know all points of view and then draw my own conclusions. I think I'll start with Buddhism because it's the religion I find most appealing to me, but I promise I'll study them all.

See you later!
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Premium Member
Welcome aboard :D

I can't really help in the search for spirituality department, but I sure can screw around for fun :)