i have heard that dedicated cultivators can experience tears of pure joy when listen to the dhamma
I actually cried during a Pentecostal service. Tears streaming down my cheeks. Oh holy Joy!! Praise Jesus and all that. Fell on the floor , did all that crazy stuff pentecostals do. Slain in the spirit.
It's pretty much the same thing in retrospect.
I suppose the best thing to do is just ride along with it , do it till you can't do it no more, and enjoy the ride as long as you're able to enjoy it.
I want to tell you it's just the rising and falling of the skandhas but being this is Theravada maybe it's best to just recommend Bhikkhu Buddhadasa's
"Handbook for Mankind" once the waterworks stop.
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - Handbook for Mankind
It's just a compassionate way of telling you it's very easy to get into a realm of your own making.
Nothing really bad, nothing really wrong with it but it is funk that you can get yourself trapped in. But then again some people like it regardless. I get it. Sometimes I venture into the funk once in awhile, but I carry a key with me now in case I get too caught up in the bliss.