Krauss recently released a book on the subject,
A Universe From Nothing, and
here's an article by Filippenko. And applying QM to the early universe is popular thing in cosmology right now, I'd imagine there are plenty others who have released works making similar claims in the last few years.
I will get to the rest at some point but this is what I wished to talk about. I told the Phd I work with and another guy with a masters in pure mathematics and Pyhsics that there some told me that there are actuall people calling themselves scientists who claimed something came from nothing. They said they did not believe me. I even gave them a copy of the post. We talked about it for about 30 minutes and I have never laughed so hard in my life.
I can't read books, or even articles. I am far too busy trying to make application science do anything that it is supposed to.
You claimed they said it. Please post their statements where they did so.
Do you realize what nothing is? Nothing is the absence of being. Nothing is derived from No-thing. It is not a thing. It is not a null set, it is not a set at all. It is not 0, it is not even an abstract concept like numbers. It is non-being. It does not exist. Non-existence can never produce anything. Space is something, time is something, matter is something, energy (even the Quantum) is something. That absence of anything has no possibility of doing anything. Where would it put what came from it? When would it arrive? What energy or matter would it be composed of. They did not exist.
This, however, does not remove the problem for the atheist, because now instead of asking how can something come from nothing, we are forced to ask:
- How can the absence of energy give rise to energy?
- How can the absence of matter give rise to matter?
- How can the absence of space give rise to space?
- How can the absence of time give rise to time?
By replacing the term
nothing with a more detailed definition makes the problem even more glaring, because it further highlights the difficulty inherent in the atheist claim.
Read more:
Dawkins' Conundrum: How can something come from nothing? | Washington Times Communities
I will tell you what will happen to any claims from scientists who actually said what you said they did by giving the closest statement to it I know of.
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing,"
Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God | Science | The Guardian
This and a thousand other statements as glaringly stupid as this is why I have no confidence in Hawking.
Gravity is something not nothing. As the great Oxford math professor (Lennox) pointed out, this makes Hawking's statement: Because something existed then we can get something from nothing. Brilliant.
Nevertheless, it has always been a fundamental first principle of philosophy and science that "from nothing, nothing comes", "being cannot come from non-being". (that is unless God is involved then nothing can do anything) Even the great sceptic David Hume, who argued that we could not prove the causal principle through ordinary means, still believed it to be true and thought a denial of it was absurd, "I never asserted so absurd a proposition that anything might arise without a cause."2
Does God Exist?
Words in parentheses are mine.
Hume's statement is the general consensus among scientists and coming from a materialist all the more potent.
Anyway still looking for those quotes. (I alone have supplied any at all I believe). If not one example of what you claim has ever been observed, verified, or is even inferred by something else that was reliable and observed (like with black holes) then in what way is it science, and not faith anyway? and in what way is it part of the Quantum? Nothing is not a part of anything.
I am still in shock that any credible scientist even among the fantasy crew would claim something so utterly devoid of merit. Where have the Newton's gone? Your background is not physics or mathematics is it?