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Inspiration vs Revelation


Uber all member
Is there a distinction between Inspiration and Revelation?
Inspiration signifies a special positive Divine influence and assistance by reason of which the human agent is not merely preserved from liability to error but is so guided and controlled that what he says or writes is truly the word of God, that God Himself is the principal author of the inspired utterance; but infallibility merely implies exemption from liability to error. God is not the author of a merely infallible, as He is of an inspired, utterance; the former remains a merely human document.

Revelation, on the other hand, means the making known by God, supernaturally of some truth hitherto unknown, or at least not vouched for by Divine authority; whereas infallibility is concerned with the interpretation and effective safeguarding of truths already revealed. Hence when we say, for example, that some doctrine defined by the pope or by an ecumenical council is infallible, we mean merely that its inerrancy is Divinely guaranteed according to the terms of Christ's promise to His Church, not that either the pope or the Fathers of the Council are inspired as were the writers of the Bible or that any new revelation is embodied in their teaching

The quote is from New Advent http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07790a.htm and I wondered if this was generally accepted. Aside from the references to the Early Church, which, I believe, is authorative for Catholics, does this distinction hold for other Christians

This thread is intended to be a discussion/debate about inspiration and revelation and not about the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism.


New Member
I believe that you have to have both inspiriation and revelation. Let me give you an example. Man can be inspired by almost anything to compose a beautiful poem, to paint, ....anything. Inspired by the moment at hand. Now put God into the equasion (sp). Some could say that i was out in the mountains and the serenity, the beauty of the sunset, the views, led me to believe in God. Well, that is all good and nice. This is where revelation comes in with inspiriation. Lets say you are out on the ocean and you are heading to a port you have never been to before. What is it you would really like to have? How about in the desert walking and looking for the next water hole that you were told is a few miles away? I know what i would like to have in the ocean, a chart with the coastline and rocks and such mapped out for me, alont with a good compass. How about the desert? A map and a compass..... knowledge that i need to navigate. The same that the person who says he came to God in that high mountain. He also needs to navigate with...Gods word. Revelation. His word in His bible. God does inspire, God does have revelation. Hand in hand. As Moses at the burning bush. God intiates contact, inspires Moses with a truly unique event. Moses does what? He turns and goes to see this great thing. He has chosen to seek. God then gives Moses more to inspire him. Moses in turn seeks more. God reveals Himself to Him. Pik.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I'm not sure Pah; I'm almost tempted to suggest that inspiration might be the manifestation of revelation - make sense?:)


Really good question. I’ll try my best to note things off the top of my head and will add more if I remember and for clarification.

Public Revelation:
  • One time action
  • May be given for the benefit of the individual
  • The fullness of how God gradually made himself known to men (OT and NT)
  • It’s a process and liable to interruptions.
  • The recipient’s faculties are used
  • Revelation may be involved or may not be
  • Actual graces are given if necessary
  • Not given for the benefit of the individual but for the sake of the Church
  • It is a transient action


personally, i am more moved spiritually and intellectually by people sharing their inspirations rather than sharing their "revelations".

i am far more likely to listen to a voice that speaks from the fountain of human experience than i am to listen to one that does not.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
pik48 said:
I believe that you have to have both inspiriation and revelation. Let me give you an example. Man can be inspired by almost anything to compose a beautiful poem, to paint, ....anything. Inspired by the moment at hand. Now put God into the equasion (sp). Some could say that i was out in the mountains and the serenity, the beauty of the sunset, the views, led me to believe in God. Well, that is all good and nice. This is where revelation comes in with inspiriation. Lets say you are out on the ocean and you are heading to a port you have never been to before. What is it you would really like to have? How about in the desert walking and looking for the next water hole that you were told is a few miles away? I know what i would like to have in the ocean, a chart with the coastline and rocks and such mapped out for me, alont with a good compass. How about the desert? A map and a compass..... knowledge that i need to navigate. The same that the person who says he came to God in that high mountain. He also needs to navigate with...Gods word. Revelation. His word in His bible. God does inspire, God does have revelation. Hand in hand. As Moses at the burning bush. God intiates contact, inspires Moses with a truly unique event. Moses does what? He turns and goes to see this great thing. He has chosen to seek. God then gives Moses more to inspire him. Moses in turn seeks more. God reveals Himself to Him. Pik.
I agree in what pik did say but by the way .. God talked to Moses but he didn't reveal himself to Moses.

However, i guess anyone can claim that he is inpired by God isn't it?

what if i said i'm now writing this post via the inspiration of God?

Therefore, i don't agree for the defention of the inspiration & revelations in the first post by Pah.

Peace :)

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
The Truth said:
However, i guess anyone can claim that he is inpired by God isn't it?

The Truth said:
what if i said i'm now writing this post via the inspiration of God?
That is what the Islams at my NON-religious boards state when they post their "letter
from an Islam, my dad was a muslim" threads:sarcastic


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Renaldo said:
That is what the Islams at my NON-religious boards state when they post their "letter
from an Islam, my dad was a muslim" threads:sarcastic
* I have no clue about the thread you just mentioned but why not if what i just said is logic because i just tested it and i noticed that anyone can claim so as i explained before.

Otherwise, this is just an inspiration from the one who put that thread you just mentined :D

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
The Truth said:
* I have no clue about the thread you just mentioned but why not if what i just said is logic because i just tested it and i noticed that anyone can claim so as i explained before.
I was agreeing with you.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
ops :eek: i thought u weren't.

sorry for misunderstanding your second sentence in your pervious post.

Peace :)