Last night, an intoxicated driver slammed into the rear of my car while we were stopped and waiting at a red light. I could clearly smell vodka and marijuana on the intoxicated driver when I got him to get out of the pickup truck this person was driving. Both my wife and daughter were in my sedan, the impact to the back of my stopped sedan was forceful, the intoxicated person never even stepped on his breaks, and after slamming into our back once then lost control when trying to back off (in my opinion to flee the scene) and then somehow lunged forward and hit the rear of my sedan a second time.
Since there were adjacent stopped cars in the next lane, there was no escape for hit and run by this intoxicated driver. I keep good relations with local police of multiple cities where I live and have their dial on my cell phone directly to them without going through 911. Three squad cars were onsite within 5 minutes, and pinned the truck and "driver" in from front, side and back.
My wife substained injuries, she was immediately in notable pain in the back of the head, neck, right shoulder, arm and crying. She was taken in an ambulance.
The person and his like drunk "friend" are very lucky I did not dispose them at the incident.
There is no doubt in my mind, this person just came from some sports bar or other after watching the "big" football game that went off prior to this incident. Normally I never go out during and especially after a "big game". I even said before going out, there are drunks out on the road, this was a simple errand and the next day a holiday (Martin Luther King day) for my wife and daughter.
Going out was a big mistake. From this point forward, I hate all and every single drunk, pot smoking football fan. I cannot comprehend at any level why such people think it is ok to become intoxicated watching a football game at a public venue, then get behind the wheel of a vehicle and put everyone's life in danger. It is only a matter of time before they kill someone. If I had my way, any public bar would be outlawed, especially those which combine sports entertainment or gambling with intoxication served. You should only be allowed to purchase alcohol from a government outlet where they take your registration for intoxicants down and date-time of purchase. Intoxication should not be allowed in a public venue, the designated driver program is a total failure, and any public venue that has a parking lot for cars and other manually operated vehicles should not be allowed to serve intoxicants. Any venue that serves intoxicants in an entertainment venue should be fully liable for any injury or damage caused.
Hindu relatives came and all of us went right away to the hospital to see my wife. At the hospital I was told by nurses it was very busy with other like injury cases due to this football game and drunks on the road after the game. They had their hands full with injury and death.
Incredibly, I had zero injury, nothing. My daughter is ok, but please pray for my wife who had to go to the emergency ward. She is not a big tall women, she is only 5 feet 2 inches. She is a devotee of Ganesha Whom is her personal deity.
Please ask Ganesha to remove all her pain and suffering and obstacles.
Om Namah Sivaya
Last night, an intoxicated driver slammed into the rear of my car while we were stopped and waiting at a red light. I could clearly smell vodka and marijuana on the intoxicated driver when I got him to get out of the pickup truck this person was driving. Both my wife and daughter were in my sedan, the impact to the back of my stopped sedan was forceful, the intoxicated person never even stepped on his breaks, and after slamming into our back once then lost control when trying to back off (in my opinion to flee the scene) and then somehow lunged forward and hit the rear of my sedan a second time.
Since there were adjacent stopped cars in the next lane, there was no escape for hit and run by this intoxicated driver. I keep good relations with local police of multiple cities where I live and have their dial on my cell phone directly to them without going through 911. Three squad cars were onsite within 5 minutes, and pinned the truck and "driver" in from front, side and back.
My wife substained injuries, she was immediately in notable pain in the back of the head, neck, right shoulder, arm and crying. She was taken in an ambulance.
The person and his like drunk "friend" are very lucky I did not dispose them at the incident.
There is no doubt in my mind, this person just came from some sports bar or other after watching the "big" football game that went off prior to this incident. Normally I never go out during and especially after a "big game". I even said before going out, there are drunks out on the road, this was a simple errand and the next day a holiday (Martin Luther King day) for my wife and daughter.
Going out was a big mistake. From this point forward, I hate all and every single drunk, pot smoking football fan. I cannot comprehend at any level why such people think it is ok to become intoxicated watching a football game at a public venue, then get behind the wheel of a vehicle and put everyone's life in danger. It is only a matter of time before they kill someone. If I had my way, any public bar would be outlawed, especially those which combine sports entertainment or gambling with intoxication served. You should only be allowed to purchase alcohol from a government outlet where they take your registration for intoxicants down and date-time of purchase. Intoxication should not be allowed in a public venue, the designated driver program is a total failure, and any public venue that has a parking lot for cars and other manually operated vehicles should not be allowed to serve intoxicants. Any venue that serves intoxicants in an entertainment venue should be fully liable for any injury or damage caused.
Hindu relatives came and all of us went right away to the hospital to see my wife. At the hospital I was told by nurses it was very busy with other like injury cases due to this football game and drunks on the road after the game. They had their hands full with injury and death.
Incredibly, I had zero injury, nothing. My daughter is ok, but please pray for my wife who had to go to the emergency ward. She is not a big tall women, she is only 5 feet 2 inches. She is a devotee of Ganesha Whom is her personal deity.
Please ask Ganesha to remove all her pain and suffering and obstacles.
Om Namah Sivaya