Inquisitive Youngin'
Hello! I am very glad I have stumbled upon this forum for a number of reasons. Very recently I have taken a large interest in religion and I wish to explore it deeply. I'm quite young and still in high school, but I hope to use this forum as I begin my research of various religions. I really just will be here to learn and gather what I can about the most popular spiritual beliefs today.
I've currently taken up more of an atheistic perspective on things, but I believe I cannot take such a stance without having fully explored religion. So I come here with high hopes of learning as much as I can about the different religions that billions of people follow today. Any answers to my large number of questions will be very apprectiated, but those are for later, right now I just wish to introduce myself.
I've currently taken up more of an atheistic perspective on things, but I believe I cannot take such a stance without having fully explored religion. So I come here with high hopes of learning as much as I can about the different religions that billions of people follow today. Any answers to my large number of questions will be very apprectiated, but those are for later, right now I just wish to introduce myself.