If, according to evolutionists, human intelligence eventually emerged in an environment that was previously lifeless for millions and millions of years... what is so strange that a Superior Intelligence has already existed for another INFINITE number of years BEFORE that period of time?
The confusion is connected to the fact that modern human intelligence is no longer a direct function of our human DNA. Human DNA is connected to natural selection. Natural selection is connected to type of natural intelligence, that allows human to fit into nature as part of ecosystems. However, living in cities is not natural. Cities are full of man made things and manmade priorities, that cannot integrate like a natural ecosystem.
We humans no longer evolve by only natural selection. Rather we also evolve via man made selection; learned knowledge and will and choice. This stems from a different type of human intelligence, that is not exactly natural, and not exactly connected to our DNA, since it can do the opposite of our natural DNA intelligence.
For example, transgender people are born with DNA that defines one sex, while their mind sees another. That is not how natural selection works, since this is not even integrated within itself never mind nature. It opposes itself and uses manmade medical goods and serves to reach a willful choice that can differ from the DNA.
If you look at religion, science does not give religion ideas credibility, in the sense of being real in a material sense. However, since the religions of the world, have had a leading role for centuries, something less than material tangible was driving human selection within cultures. This was not exactly from the DNA, which is connected to natural materialism and natural selection that science studies. It was based on ethereal things not of this world.
The story of Genesis is about the transition from paradise, which was connected to DNA based instinct and natural selection; where science studies, to a new world view based on will and choice; eat of the tree of knowledge (learn) instead of just flow by natural instinct. This symbolized the emergence of modern human consciousness, where the brain can lead the DNA; impose human selection. This is what the world religions study; creation that can differ from the natural.
Religion is the prime example of human selective pressures. Science does not see religion as material connected, but more like mind and imagination over matter. This selection process has had an impact on our human DNA. We now have two centers of the consciousness; inner self connected to our DNA, and the ego which is more modern and allows alternate choices beyond natural instinct, most of which is based on learned behavior.
Humans have transcended from a more natural but simple state; only the inner self, to the current more complex man made state; ego. It will next update and go toward a divine state, where the inner self and ego learn to work together, instead of being in opposition.
Science makes the mistake of assuming one center of human consciousness connected to the DNA from the first human to the present. But the secondary or ego center also emerged. It is relatively new and appears to have emerged about 6-10K years ago. You need internal data to be able to differentiate these two centers. Science is not up for the task, yet.