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Is Al Gore the Modern Day Saint?


New Member
Hello there ladies and gentlemen!

I have been trying to figure out if I am the only one out there who believes, with all my heart and soul, that Albert Gore will soon be recognized as a modern day saint.

Tell me I'm not crazy! This seems to be the only response people are giving me. I consider myself a sane human being, and yet it appears that this belief is enough to qualify me for the insane asylum. Whats the deal?

Thank you all for being patient and kind.
May St. Albert bless you all. :)


Veteran Member
At this site, you probably are the only one.

Welcome again, and why do you believe he is a saint and why does he deserve sainthood?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
You are no doubt correct that Saint Albert will soon be recognized far and wide. Meanwhile, welcome to the Forums!


New Member
Hello again. I know I just posted about .7 seconds ago. I just wanted to say that normally I would not have been brave enough to start this sort of conversation on this sort of site because I realize that most people will not be willing to take me seriously.

However, I was encouraged by someone here who said that, and I quote "Perhaps you could start a new discussion thread based on the things you find so inpsiring about Al Gore?" So thank you for the suggestion.

In response to the previous post- Unfortunately I am not yet ready to have a logical debate on the topic. However, I will say that I have experienced very strong spiritual urges into believing that this is indeed true. Of course I second guessed myself for a while, since placing a political figure under the label of "saint" is an odd thing to do in our day and age.

After three years of battling with these ideas, I have come to terms with my beliefs and have chosen to accept them. The visions of St. Albert have ceased and my need to recognize his greatness has been greater than ever.

I would like to see what some other members of this Forum have to say on the topic, since I am curious if any one else has had similar experiences. After that, I will be more than willing to delve into a deep and logical debate as to the reasons why this proposition makes sense to me. Thanks again, fellow idea jugglers. :rolleyes:


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
MarinaVanylovna said:
I have been trying to figure out if I am the only one out there who believes, with all my heart and soul, that Albert Gore will soon be recognized as a modern day saint.
Maybe a Modern Day Saint, but likely not a Latter-day Saint.

Anyway, welcome to RF! I hope you enjoy yourself here.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi MarinaVanylovna,

I am going to 'pass' on the subject of Al Gore (being English), I can honestly admit that I know little about him.

Welcome to Religious Forums!

I hope you enjoy your time with us, and look forwards to reading your posts.

If there is anything about which you have any queries, don't hesitate to ask for help!


Hi there, and Welcome! I like Al, but I'm not so sure about sainthood...hmmmm.:sarcastic
Ihope you like it here!


Well-Known Member
ive seen Gores speeches...and they are dreadfully boring! his monotone voice makes me space out, so i never actually hear what he has to say, so i have no opinion on him yet.

regardless, welcome to the family!

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Hello and welcome to RF! :)

I like Al Gore, but I don't know about sainthood. But then, I'm not Catholic. :shrug:

Hey Lil...er... the-member-formerly-known-as-Lilithu, what does one have to do become a UU saint? :D

Capt. Haddock

Evil Mouse
Hello, Marina:

Please know that you are not alone in your pious devotion to St. Albert the Good. There are many more of us seeking fellowship on this board.

As a matter of fact, I happen to be the president of the Worldwide Albertine Mission, and it is our proposed goal to spread the gospel of St. Albert to the nations. We have a tremendous challenge ahead of us and we are only barely underway. For this reason, we are requesting contributions from the faithful to help spread the good word.

If you would like to help us spread the wisdom of Gore to the world, please send your tax deductible contribution to;

The credit of: Panama Overseas Bank (Grand Cayman) Ltd.

For further Credit to: Worldwide Albertine Mission
Account Number: 3460000002919

Thank you and may the blessings of St. Albert the Good abound in your life.


New Member
Thank you all for being so generous in your responses and certainly welcoming at that. I have not had much time to attend to everyone's comments and will surely do so when my day permits.

I am making time right now, however, in order to make a small correction of my terminology on the topic. I have been refering to st. Albert as Saint (with a capital S) and not saint Albert, which is the correct way to go. I have completely forgotten that the S can only be capital if the given saint has been canonized by the Church. Unfortunately it looks like we have a long road ahead of us until st. Albert is recognized by the Church.

My enthusiasm has gotten ahead of me and I apologize. I surely do appreciate the enthusiasm of Capt. Haddock and hope that he is not being facetious!!

Thank you all again! I can assure you that I am begining to enjoy it here and hoping that we can get some real debate going on this issue. It has become my main concern in life recently and I know that I can't go it alone.


PS- as for the icon- it looks silly, I know, because his head is rather large for the body. Since there is no imagery of st. Albert out there that can be used for veneration purposes, I had to craft it myself. I am not that computer savy so I actually put paper and glue into the equation. It is the centerpiece of my shrine. I even guilded it. If you would like to see more pictures of my shrine- don't hesitate to visit my myspace account @... woops! :sorry1: it looks like I have to have at least 15 posts to post a URL. hm. ok. I suppose it'll have to wait. i know the suspense to see my shrine is killing you all! ok..maybe not. :eek:


Kal-El's Mama
Please to meet you.