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Is atheism negative thinking?

I've heard that many people say religious people are sometimes more likely to survive an operation or illness because they are more optimistic, and atheists don't as much because they are pessimistic. I don't think that is true because if you are truly prepared for death :thud: and :eek: no afterlife, reincarnation, nirvana, or any other supernatural consiousness, that means religion is more of a wishful thinking thing. Maybe atheists are realists and theists are idealists. Tell me your thoughts!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
indecisive cookies!!! said:
...no afterlife, reincarnation, nirvana, or any other supernatural consiousness...

This is just a minor quibble IC, but I don't think nirvana represents a supernatural consciousness.


Destroyer of Worlds
Atheists are a product of their own mind.

They will adore it for a while and then treat it like yesterday's toy. Its not that they've made up their mind about God, they are merely waiting for more data to arrive so they can make a decision. They are open, rather than closed. They are not hemmed in by one religious system or another either.

They are actually a plowed field awaiting seed. The waiting is the part you see.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
indecisive cookies!!! said:
what would you call it then?:areyoucra

A kind of awareness, rather than a supernatural awareness. There is no conclusive evidence that it has anything to do with the supernatural at all.


Student Nurse
If you think that any life without God must be fatalism then of course you will think atheists are negative. We die and rot and exist no more for all eternity, therefore our lives are meaningless and without purpose. If we were not created for some great purpose then we can't have a great purpose.

Agent Smith said:
It is purpose that created us. Purpose that connects us. Purpose that pulls us. That guides us. That drives us. It is purpose that defines us. Purpose that binds us.


A fool
Well I am very optimistic thank you very much :). Some might say unrealistic. There is plenty to be excited and optimistic about without needing either religion or a god (although I am sure those things serve theists very well indeed).
Sunstone said:
A kind of awareness, rather than a supernatural awareness. There is no conclusive evidence that it has anything to do with the supernatural at all.


27 results for: consciousness

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Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus - Cite This SourceMain Entry: consciousnessPart of Speech: nounDefinition: knowledgeSynonyms: alertness, apprehension, awareness, care, carefulness, cognizance, concern, heed, heedfulness, mindfulness, realization, recognition, regard, sensibilityAntonyms: ignorance, oblivion, unconsciousnessSource: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

woah, consciousness and awareness are synonyms, I didn'y know that;)

yes quite, it DOES feel goood to be right!:yes:

oh and..

WordNet - Cite This Source
noun1. (Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness 2. any place of complete bliss and delight and peace [syn: Eden]

WordNet® 2.1, © 2005 Princeton University

American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition - Cite This Source
nirvana [(neer-[SIZE=+0]vah[/SIZE]-nuh, nur-[SIZE=+0]vah[/SIZE]-nuh)]

In Buddhism, the highest state of consciousness, in which the soul is freed from all desires and attachments.Chapter:] World Literature, Philosophy, and Religion

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Oh! Oh! drive by! you got capped!

I can take on the theists with one hand tied behind my back, and the atheists with one foot lame. -Some other agnostic on RF

Make sure you are correct before correcting me. ;)

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
xexon said:
Atheists are a product of their own mind.

They will adore it for a while and then treat it like yesterday's toy. Its not that they've made up their mind about God, they are merely waiting for more data to arrive so they can make a decision. They are open, rather than closed. They are not hemmed in by one religious system or another either.

They are actually a plowed field awaiting seed. The waiting is the part you see.


I'm not sure I agree with all of this. My question to you is...Are you an Athiest? You can't presume to know anything about athieism unless you've been one or are one and still that wouldn't reperesent ALL athiest.

We take our way of life VERY seriously. we are not waiting for more data that a god exist. Your definition of our way of life is similar to how some agnostics are. We don't believe in gods, or religion. We usually make our position very clear. And you are incorrect to assume that we are waiting on anything.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
indecisive cookies!!! said:
I've heard that many people say religious people are sometimes more likely to survive an operation or illness because they are more optimistic, and atheists don't as much because they are pessimistic.
Yeah... this isn't true. not all theist in the operating room are optimistic. I would say all are the same. it depends on the person.

I don't think that is true because if you are truly prepared for death :thud: and :eek: no afterlife, reincarnation, nirvana, or any other supernatural consiousness, that means religion is more of a wishful thinking thing. Maybe atheists are realists and theists are idealists. Tell me your thoughts!

I can't speak for theist. They look to their God or gods for guidance and if this what makes them happy or optemistic then so be it. Who are we (Athiest) to deprive them of what makes them happy. I may not agree with a theistic way of life but i do repect their right to believe whatever they want.


Destroyer of Worlds
DreGod07 said:
I'm not sure I agree with all of this. My question to you is...Are you an Athiest? You can't presume to know anything about athieism unless you've been one or are one and still that wouldn't reperesent ALL athiest.

We take our way of life VERY seriously. we are not waiting for more data that a god exist. Your definition of our way of life is similar to how some agnostics are. We don't believe in gods, or religion. We usually make our position very clear. And you are incorrect to assume that we are waiting on anything.

I didn't say you that you would be aware of it.

You are aware of alot of things except yourself. To know yourself, minus the concept of who you believe yourself to be, is to know God. To understand how you create everything around you. Including the self image that is so very difficult to push through.

And to answer your question,

If I am God, then I am also an atheist, because to me, there is no separation from the created or creator. I am aware of it's existance as a part of me, but I do not identify with it. I have freewill to do so, but why limit myself to such a thing?

Only the mind knows limits.



Fellowship of Reason
I don't believe in life after death, however, this doesn't mean that I am terrorized by the thought of my own death. However, I love my life, and perhaps I would have a stronger will to live than afterlife-believers, because they might long for death!




Fellowship of Reason
xexon said:
You are aware of alot of things except yourself. To know yourself, minus the concept of who you believe yourself to be, is to know God. To understand how you create everything around you. Including the self image that is so very difficult to push through.

No, that is to know your true self -- your self as it really is. If you confuse that with God, that is your own confusion.

Atheists are a product of their own mind.

They will adore it for a while and then treat it like yesterday's toy. Its not that they've made up their mind about God, they are merely waiting for more data to arrive so they can make a decision. They are open, rather than closed.

The mistake you are making here is to think that an atheist's worldview is summed up by the statement "There is no God or gods". However, an atheist's worldview can, and usually does, say much, much more than this.

I have plenty of data to work from to craft my worldview. My decision has already been made. This is not to say that I am "closed-minded", but I am not indecisive either.




Destroyer of Worlds
Nothing I can say will change your mind, thats your responsibility. Actually, I encourage people to explore whatever path they have chosen. It is only by traveling it that you will see where it goes.

The idea is to be open for options, should they present themselves later. To be locked into a rule or idea is to stagnate. A human whirlpool. Lots of action, but not much progress.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
xexon said:
You are aware of alot of things except yourself.

On this I disagree. There is no mystery for me. I don't need to spend any length of time to know who I am, and to know what I want. I may have to spend time to get an understanding of others. If you or others need time to get to know yourselves then that is on you.

xexon said:
To know yourself, minus the concept of who you believe yourself to be, is to know God.

To make myself clear again. I don't believe in gods. But I know myself. This is your opinion projected upon me.

xexon said:
To understand how you create everything around you. Including the self image that is so very difficult to push through.

Not at all. It's not difficult for me. There is no mystery for me. If others need a crutch then so be it.

xexon said:
And to answer your question,

If I am God, then I am also an atheist, because to me, there is no separation from the created or creator. I am aware of it's existance as a part of me, but I do not identify with it.

I'm not sure that was the question I asked. But again, this is where we disagree. This concept of a creator is not our concept. Your view is yours... it's not ours.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
xexon said:
Nothing I can say will change your mind, thats your responsibility. Actually, I encourage people to explore whatever path they have chosen. It is only by traveling it that you will see where it goes.

The idea is to be open for options, should they present themselves later. To be locked into a rule or idea is to stagnate. A human whirlpool. Lots of action, but not much progress.


Well Said.......:clap


Fellowship of Reason
xexon said:
The idea is to be open for options, should they present themselves later. To be locked into a rule or idea is to stagnate. A human whirlpool. Lots of action, but not much progress.

Are you open to atheism?

