Sunstone said:
Is Faith incompatible with reason? Are the two things at odds? Does one have to give up the one to have the other?
I am not sure why reason and faith should be incompatible. If that were so it would be impossible to debate faith at all.
I prefer to simplify Faith; by that I mean that I remove all those parts of a belief that I find hard to agree with, then look at what remains. very often the parts I remove are either,in the nature of wishful thinking, or seem to be there to confirm a previous prophecy.
The parts that remain, on the other hand seem to have a reasonable validity on their own. albeit a belief.
Are there some circumstances in which faith is compatible with reason and other circumstances in which faith is incompatible with reason? If so, what are the circumstances in which faith and reason are compatible? What are the circumstances in which they are incompatible?
In its simplest, such as "is there a God?" Reason has very little part to play, whilst Faith gives a direct answer. Certainly one can argue about the question, we have done so here; however it is always pointless as it come down to ...I believe you don't.
Reason comes into play when thinking ( amongst other believers) about the details of a belief.
such as "Is it reasonable to believe in Judgement Day?" One can then argue about the scriptural evidence, the alternatives, the standpoint of the various churches.
In other words reason plays a part in understanding how and what Dogma was eventually established.
How ever it can not establish if there
is such a thing as "Judgement day." that is a matter for belief.