The list is endless. It is hard to find a creation "scientist" that does not lie. These scientists can do real work in their own fields, but when the attack evolution they all seem to lie. For example a recent new member got fed up with the fact that he could not call a liar a liar. Here is a video where he teamed up with Bill Ludlow to go over how Dr. James Tour lied in his attempt to refute abiogenesis. Tour is a well respected synthetic organic chemist, yet he made errors in his refutation that an undergrad would not make. Tour knew better and yet he made these claims. Worse yet he attacked a fellow scientist. His lies were so bad that he actually apologized to Jack Szostak. Of course the extremely dishonest Discovery Institute still has the video that this was based upon up on its site.
Creationists that are not scientists have the excuse of plausible deniability. When they repeat lies they may not know that they are telling lies. With an education that excuse goes away.
This is not the thread to continue this conversation. However, since you brought it up, I did some further research....
Suffice it to say: Dr. Tour did apologize, but
only for calling Dr Szostak a liar,
not for lying about any of the evidence.
Let’s examine Dr. Hurd’s accusations:
The Substance of the Attack
Regardless, what about the substance of Hurd’s attack? Is Tour really a serial liar who, in less than four minutes, shows that he doesn’t understand undergraduate level chemistry? You be the judge:
1. According to Hurd, Tour was lying when he criticized as scientifically inaccurate two figures in Jack Szostak’s article labeled “Simple sugars.” When I asked Tour about this criticism, he responded that
Szostak himself conceded to him that these figures were inaccurate! Tour
wrote me:
“As listed, the sugars do not look like sugars. One needs to have the double bond shown to one of the oxygen atoms or they are not sugars. Shown are a diol and a triol. Even Jack, when he and I spoke on the phone, conceded that point. And he blamed the error on a staff artist from Scientific American, and the mistake was transcribed when the article was used by Nature. I have written several times for the News and Views section of Nature and Nature series journals. It is an honor to be so asked. But we are asked as authors to show care to ensure accuracy. And the galley proofs are returned to us for our careful check and documented approval.”
So much for this supposed lie by Tour.
2. According to Hurd, Tour was lying when he questioned the scientific accuracy of two figures in Szostak’s article labeled “Cyanide derivatives.” Not so, says Tour, who
responded to me:
“Either we fill in the hydrogen atoms or we show the pi bonds. But we cannot omit both. Moreover, the convention is that all heteroatoms should bear the hydrogen atoms. Only carbon can be devoid of hydrogen in the convention. But that is only to fill the valance states. So one needs to see the pi bonds if we are omitting the hydrogen atoms. Therefore, as drawn, the organic starting materials are glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol or glycerin), ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol), diaminomethane (methanediamine), and 1-aminopropane. The latter two are troubling in light of the text which mentions iron cyanide. Iron(III) cyanide complexes are extremely stable; there is little free cyanide expected to be in the solution, so maybe Szostak is speaking of something else.“
Once again, the charge that Tour was lying or incompetent disintegrates.
Another Charge Evaporates
3. According to Hurd, Tour was lying as well when he claimed that the diagram labeled “RNA nucleotide” in Szostak’s article was inaccurate.
Tour’s response to me: “it is not a nucleotide since it is devoid of any stereochemistry.” Again, the charge that Tour doesn’t understand basic chemistry seems to evaporate.
Tour went on to explain that the errors he found in the drawings pale in comparison to the biggest problem with Szostak’s Nature article:
…all of the above is minor compared to Szostak’s showing that in a single step, heat and light can make a compound that resembles a dehydrated nucleotide (though it is not a nucleotide since it is devoid of any stereochemistry) from “simple sugars” and “cyanide derivatives.” …The major issue is that heat and light cannot afford that conversion from ethylene glycol, glycerol, or the sugar products derived thereupon after their oxidation to the aldehydes. To present that heat and UV light can act on these compounds (even if we are to use these 2 and 3 carbon simple sugars rather than glycerol and ethylene glycol, and to use any simple cyanide derivative) to afford anything like the listed “RNA nucleotide” (albeit not a nucleotide since it shows no stereochemistry) is incorrect and misleading. There are so many steps involved in such a transformation. But to .... biologists, like Szostak, explaining to the non-expert, he feels the details are not essential for him to point out. But the details are everything!
4. Hurd further accuses Tour of lying because Tour declared that Szostak’s article was published by the journal Nature. Hurd argues that
the article only appeared in a special section of Nature described by the journal as “an editorially independent supplement produced with the financial support of third parties.” Hurd seems to be implying that Nature wasn’t really editorially responsible for the article. But if you follow the “
About this content” link provided by Nature itself, you find an expanded explanation that makes clear
Szostak’s article was vetted and approved by Nature’s regular editorial staff. “Editorially independent” means not that Szostak’s article was independent from Nature, but that it was independent from the influence of funders. The content was “already deemed worthy of coverage by our editorial departments… The ultimate approval of any story rests with the editorial department.” So the article in question was definitely published by Nature — just like Tour said. Again, no error, and certainly no lie.
The Primary Literature
5. Hurd chastises Tour for introducing this section of his lecture by saying he was going to look at the “primary literature” and then immediately talking about Szostak’s article, which was a popular-level summary rather than a piece of primary original research. At last, a fair point (sort of), which Tour
concedes in his letter to me. But this is a quibble. Whether a popular piece or original research, the article in question was published with the backing of one of the world’s most prestigious science journals and written by one of the world’s leading authorities on origin of life research. That definitely makes the article fair game for Tour and others to criticize. It should be added that Tour went on in his talk to critique other articles that unquestionably are part of the “primary literature,” just like he promised, and he does this even more
in his letter to me and in
an earlier essay. So this particular complaint is much ado about nothing.
Finally, Hurd dismisses Tour’s lecture as a whole by asserting: “There are too many falsehoods, and misrepresentations to review in detail.” But if there really were so many falsehoods in Tour’s talk, you would think Hurd would choose to refute the ones that were the most central to Tour’s hour-long critique. Instead, Hurd obsesses about four minutes where Tour criticizes one short article. I’ve seen Hurd’s critique treated online as if it were a devastating takedown of Tour’s views. But anyone who watches Tour’s entire lecture can easily see that all Hurd offers is (at best) a skirmish at the edges.
Is that because he and others have no serious response to offer to Tour’s main critique? Judge for yourself by
watching Tour’s entire talk or reading his
full response to his critics. “
You said, “The list [of lies] is
endless.” And then proceed to present
one incident. Which is questionable.