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New Member
Is God merciful? -- Hell no!

I know many of you disagree with me, but just wait for my explanation.

First, let`s take some facts from the bible.
Moses, the most prominent person from the bible, after serving God for 40
years, had asked God to let him inside the promised land. The answer
was a big NO. What did he get for his service? Remember, he left his wife
and his 2 boys in order to serve God. Was this right? Of course not.
But, wait! He committed 2 sins and some people say that is why he was
denied his request. Then where is the mercy?

Second, God let the Jews to be slaves for over 400 years. Why so long?
If he wanted them to be punished, less years would have been enough for
the chosen people, don`t you think? Besides, the Jews have never asked
to freed from slavery in order to die in Sinai dessert.

Third, let`s do not forget the killings of the first born of every Egyptians in
order for God to get the release of the slaves from bondage. Was really
no other way to get the Jews out Egypt? I am sure it was. I think, God
enjoyed to kill those people in order to show his power. Where was the
mercy that time?

Fourth, turning Lot to a pillar of salt for disobeying God ONE time, showing
that God had no mercy.

Fifth, do you remember when the fire was holding back the Egyptian army,
while the Jews were crossing the Red Sea? Why the fire had to disappear
in order to drown the entire army. They were not guilty, they were just
following orders. Where was the mercy that time?

Sixth, what about the Jews killed when those people waited over a month
for Moses to come back from Mount Sinai and they lost faith and built the
golden calf? Didn`t they deserve the second chance? No mercy?

There are many more examples like this in the bible and even more in our
ordinary life. The most obvious example is the Holocaust, of course.
I do not need to go in details too much to show you how God little mercy
[or not at all] to 6 million dead Jews and many survivors as well non-Jews
who died and those who survived. How could God watch what was going on
with those people and do NOTHING? Was really no mercy then at all?
How could God watch how innocent people, including children being gassed
and killed that way?

How about the hunger and the violence and the war and the diseases and
the miseries and the unhappiness what is going the world today? The people
pray and go to churches hoping that will make a difference. Will it?
Hell no! You can pray 24 hours a day and still will not make a bit of
difference. Why? Because god can NOT hear you! Do you think God can hear
every person in this world [we are billions of people in this world] at the SAME time?
You can not even listen to 2 people when they talking at the same time. I know, you
will say God is different. Maybe so, but God does not give a damn about your prayer.
You may pray 10 times and one time you may think that your prayer was answered.
After that you will think that God had answered tour prayer. BS. That was an

For one accident, that your prayer was answered, you think God did it.
NO WAY. It was an accident. But you will continue to pray thinking that
God will help you. FORGET IT. That is where people making the big
mistake. Anyway, you have no choice, but to hope for the best.

The way I see it, every person when is born have already a pre-determined
destiny. Your life is about 80% is determined and the other 20% you will
determine. For example.

When you are born, it has been scheduled that you live between 70-80 old.
That is for sure, but you will determine if it will be closer to 70 or 80, by
smoking, eating habit, exercise etc.
You must have 2-4 kids. However, you will decide if it will be 2, 3 or 4.
You will be an engineer. However, you will decide what kind of engineer
you will be, like electrical, civil, mechanical etc.
You will be married at the age of 30-35, but you will decide exactly at
what age. Are you getting the picture? God has nothing to do with
your destiny. God will try to make your life as miserable as He can.
Just look around you and the world. If you count on God, then you are
a lost cause. Of course, you will not going to believe me because you were
brought up differently by your parents. Just look it this way, if you were
brought up in a Jewish house, you will religion will be Jewish, if you were
brought up in a catholic house, you will be catholic, if you were brought up
in a Muslim house, your religion will be Muslim and so on.

We were brought up that God is good and the devil is the bad one.
So, we associate good with God and the bad with devil. Right?
WRONG! There is no devil. Devil was created in the mind of the people
as everything has an opposite. Like, day and night, up and down, right and
left, top and bottom white and black, hot and cold, life and death etc. So,
if there is a "good" God then must be a "bad" devil. No, no, no. There is
a good God which is also a bad God. However, it is more bad then good.
Just look around this messed up world or even yourself. Are you happy with
your life? NO Over 80% of the people are not happy with their life.

Everybody is scared of sickness and death. So, they will pray and ask God for
mercy. will they get it? Hell no! Remember, your life has been determined
at your birth. If you go out in cold naked, you will get sick no matter how much
you will pray to God not to get sick. Agree? God can not and will not help you.

Why am I saying that prayers are useless?
My mother was very devoted to God. She was a natural.
She was very religious since she was born. Everyone loved her and she had no
enemy in her life. She died of early age of 66. That was not the problem.
The problem was how she died. She died of pancreas cancer. She died
in big pain, she died of starvation. She did NOT deserve to die like that.
I can not describe you how she begged God to let her live a little bit longer
but was not to be. Where was the mercy? If anyone deserved it, it was her.
Now, my uncle was real saint. He did everything what was required for him to do
in order to serve God properly. He loved everybody and everybody loved him.
He died of age of 70 of colon cancer. Did God had mercy for these saints? Hell no.

And you think that God will have mercy of you which you are far away to be a saint?
Why would He? He enjoys MISERY, and we plenty of them.

Prayers are made to fool the people, making them hope for the better. It makes you
feel good, but do NOT expect any results. For every good things what happens to you,
2 or more BAD things will happen to you. Just watch it. Enjoy life as much as you can,
as things will get worse with time. If you put yourself in God`s had you are a lost cause.
Rely on yourself and on people you trust.

You may not agree what I wrote here, but read it over and analyze it carefully as well
as your life and you may found out that is at least some truth what I said. After that,
please, give me your comments. Make sure to take your time before reply.

I know this something different what you have heard before. Probably, you have never
heard anyone saying NEGATIVE things about God. So, how dare I? Because, somebody
has to tell the truth without being afraid of consequences........


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Thank you for your post, made us think.

So not sure why it says Jewish as your religion?

Could it be that mankind has made up the concepts of God being a tyrant, and really God put us here to enjoy life?

Could it also be possible that the books are a test, to see who would follow a God of mischief/destruction, and to find those who believe life is only here for suffering? o_O


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Seems like you're getting your ideas about God from a very bad source, The Tanach or Old Testament.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Nope. If there is a Supreme Being that set the universe in motion, oversees it or if the universe is a manifestation of, saying it's merciful is laughable. Reality doesn't bear that out. And you know what? That's okay.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If God were not merciful, none of us would have ever existed, IMO. Jehovah's righteous judgments are perfectly balanced with his mercy. I believe Moses, for example, will receive a resurrection with the prospect of living forever. Thus, he will enter the real "promised land." So often, people blame God or seek to judge him by our limited human standards. Shortly before Moses died, his estimation of God was far different: "The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; Righteous and upright is he. They are the ones who have acted corruptly.They are not his children, the defect is their own.They are a crooked and twisted generation." (Deuteronomy 32:4,5)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Prayers are made to fool the people, making them hope for the better. It makes you
feel good, but do NOT expect any results. For every good things what happens to you,
2 or more BAD things will happen to you. Just watch it. Enjoy life as much as you can,
as things will get worse with time. If you put yourself in God`s had you are a lost cause.
Rely on yourself and on people you trust.
This sounds like an important step for you to get over ideas of God which don't work. You ask larger questions and the answers provided in accepting the anthropomorphic imaginings of God are inconsistent with what seem reasonable expectations, were that image of God, God's reality.

I know this something different what you have heard before. Probably, you have never
heard anyone saying NEGATIVE things about God. So, how dare I? Because, somebody
has to tell the truth without being afraid of consequences........
Hardly, this is something I've heard many times. It's something I came to myself when I was younger. That you are brave enough to challenge these ideas of God shows true courage.... and faith.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So often, people blame God or seek to judge him by our limited human standards.
When you speak of God in human terms, such as having "patience" with us, or having wrath, or having mercy, etc., then it is entirely reasonable we hold God to those standards. I'm surprised more people aren't atheists. They must be scared and don't want to question these things because they don't want to get sent to hell for not buying it. That's not faith, however. That's just being self-focused and self-serving.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Third, let`s do not forget the killings of the first born of every Egyptians in
order for God to get the release of the slaves from bondage. Was really
no other way to get the Jews out Egypt? I am sure it was. I think, God
enjoyed to kill those people in order to show his power. Where was the
mercy that time?
It appears that the main point of the story is that freedom and your community are important. Maybe do not try to draw out so much information about God but focus on the principles instead, and then perhaps God can appear through those principles as a whale appears through a porthole on a ship at sea.
Fourth, turning Lot to a pillar of salt for disobeying God ONE time, showing
that God had no mercy.
My thoughts: It is his wife turned to salt according to the Bible. She looks back, but its more like she desires to be there as opposed to Lot who actually does not want to be there. She wants slaves and a life of ease. This is a parallel with the Israelites leaving Egypt when their hearts turn back towards Egypt, and they decide they want to become slaves again. Like Egypt, Sodom is a place of slavery, coldness and uncaring. The hungry are abused there, and the lonely are enslaved. Lots wife approves of this, but Lot doesn't. It isn't enough just to leave Sodom. They have to take it out of their hearts, too.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Probably, you have never
heard anyone saying NEGATIVE things about God. So, how dare I? Because, somebody
has to tell the truth without being afraid of consequences........
I think you are taking these ancient Jewish writings too seriously in this modern age of reason. I think you can find more sophisticated and better understandings from other sources. I for one, think the eastern/Indian tradition has delved deeper into the nature of reality than western traditions.


Veteran Member
You may not agree what I wrote here, but read it over and analyze it carefully as well
as your life and you may found out that is at least some truth what I said. After that,
please, give me your comments. Make sure to take your time before reply.

I know this something different what you have heard before. Probably, you have never
heard anyone saying NEGATIVE things about God. So, how dare I? Because, somebody
has to tell the truth without being afraid of consequences........
It seems like there's a lot about Judaism that you don't really seem to know. It seems like your issue is really an emotional knee-jerk to your mother's death. Perhaps after you've calmed down a bit, you can go do some studying about the religion you have claim to be from and see if -with your knew knowledge, all your questions are still relevant.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
When you speak of God in human terms, such as having "patience" with us, or having wrath, or having mercy, etc., then it is entirely reasonable we hold God to those standards. I'm surprised more people aren't atheists. They must be scared and don't want to question these things because they don't want to get sent to hell for not buying it. That's not faith, however. That's just being self-focused and self-serving.
I believe our "standards" of justice, mercy, and equity fall far short of God's standards. Because of limited experience and knowledge, and our being prone to bias, partiality, and selfishness, I do not think we can rightly judge Jehovah's infinitely higher standards of justice, mercy, and equity. Rather, IMO, the wise course is to humbly acknowledge that “my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So my ways are higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8,9)

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
If you put your finger in the fire, you can't expect it to consider your ignorance and be merciful to your finger.
If you slip from a cliff, it's not possible for gravity to have mercy on you.
So, the law of cause and effect is what the universe/Krishna proclaims.

Also, the gita preaches that all living beings are immortal as their soul or consciousness doesn't have a source of origin but is a part of the Paramatma.
So, this soul can never be destroyed.
So, death is simply transformation of the body into a new state of being.

So, if our definition of mercy is based on physical safety, then Krishna isn't merciful.
If our definition of mercy is based on the soul that cannot even be harmed, then it's safe and Krishna is merciful.