It was always ****. Or at least most of it was....or has music (especially rock) really turned to **** over the past decade?
There's a ton of crap on the radio now and only a few gems. Same as ten years ago. Same as when I was growing up. Same as the 70s, 60s, 50, 40s, 30s, etc.
The difference is that the music of, say, the 80s and 90s has had a few decades for the crap to settle out and be left behind. The music of today hasn't had that luxury yet.
When I think back to being a kid in the 80s, I remember most of the music being so awful it would set my teeth on edge. What gets played on the radio now as "80s retro" was, at the time, the rare diamond in the huge pile of crap that was mainstream radio. The 80s was more the Pointer Sisters, bad hair metal and "the Captain of Her Heart" than it was the Cure and the Smiths.
If I try to compare the music of today to a non-nostalgically-biased memory of the music when I was a kid, I think that today's music comes out looking pretty good in comparison.