Veteran Member
You haven't explained why you think:@dgirl1986 Big Queer Chesticles!
@ALL who use reason to examine observation and thus arrive at intelligent conclusion.
Dear siti, as you have already busted my proof etc. half a dozen times in this thread, don't bother to give blind links, just say it now again for a 7th time, as you have it now in your stock memory:
A. Give your presenation of my proof.
B. Give your busting of my proof.
Dear readers, as the man has already busted my proof for half a dozen times, I will not bother to read the links he presents because it is not necessary, as the man has already half a dozen of bustings of my proof, in his stock memory of my proof and his rebuttal bustings of it.
Dear siti, I told you already and everyone else nth times in this thread and everywhere I go in web forums, that I do not bother to read up on blind links presented by posters, because they are just trying to hide from their duty to say again what they said before, because they should have it in their stock memory what with so many times they said it previously, like with siti saying he busted my proof already half a dozen times in this thread.
And you know what? dear readers here, that is a trick with people who know that they are in error if not lying about having busted this or that or having written this or that.
Besides when you read up on their blind links, and you don't find anything relevant on the issue at hand, they will tell you you can't read, etc., etc., etc., and that is where you now find yourselves, trying to argue with him that you can read and that he is a liar.
Thus he has successfully derailed you from your objective in your thread, into now proving who can read and who can't.
Okay, siti produce my proof and produce your rebuttal busting of it.
Dear readers here, let us all sit back again and await to witness what siti is going to resort to with this post from me, that he present his memory of my proof and his rebuttal busting of it, will he comply with my demand or resort to another escape route, like what now?
1. that the nose had a beginning
2. why, if the nose had a beginning, the universe necessarily had a beginning. In other words, why you think that because a part of a whole has a beginning, the whole necessarily had a beginning.
3. Why God is necessarily the creator of everything with a beginning.
You have not done any of this with the proof you provided. You claim that it does, but, in actuality, it does not answer any of these questions. You merely expect us to assume these things, which is not an argument.