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I believe that humans have the 'potential' to be good, in which case I would consider them spiritual, but I do not consider humans superior to other animals. In fact, humans have the potential to be cruel and hateful and mean and evil whereas other animals have no such qualities. They just live according to their nature.Well the "all powerful God" is what certain theists assert. We all make observations about nature that is not consistent with what we humans consider moral, loving, or good. Humans also have assigned themselves special status among all other animals, and this is even more exaggerated with theists who consider our species a special, spiritual being.
Yes, humans are susceptible to the same diseases as other animals but the hundred-dollar difference is that humans have medical care and scientists can discover treatments to treat many of these diseases whereas animals, particularly those in the wild, have no such care. That is why I care for wild animals, as nobody else is going to do it, and they are sentient beings with feelings just like humans have. This is a little off topic but the following video expresses my sentiments about animals and it shows the depths of deprivation to which humans can stoop, shooting an innocent wild animal for no reason.The dilemma we see is that the physical universe does not treat we human very well. We get terrible diseases, suffer harsh environments and natural disasters, have to deal with parasites and microorganisms that kill us, so how can we believe we are any different than other animals?
All I can say is that God created nature this way for a reason, a reason I am not privy to. I am not particularly happy about it, especially because animals suffer so much in the wild, and I cannot understand why a 'loving God' set things up this way. It really bothers me that God would prefer humans to other animals and I wonder if it is because humans are the only animals that can know and worship God.So we atheists only point out the inconsistency between what some theists claim about humans and nature and the Creator of it all.
You tell me and we will both know. Why does God allow not only children but adult humans and other animals to suffer and die horrible deaths? It does not seem very loving to me so the best I can say is that suffering is a mystery, and I think that I will know more in the next life, as the spiritual world is the World of Lights.So why did the Creator make a world where children are born with defects and cancers, with little chance of survival?
I do not call it the lottery, I call it fate and predestination, and fate can be cruel and mean. Moreover, since God is responsible for our fates, what does that say about God? Sadly, most theists just gloss this over but I don't. I call an ace an ace and a spade a spade.I'd be impressed with a Creation where we observe children getting a free pass on diseases until they hit puberty, or something. That would be SOMETHING an all-powerful God could do for the innocent. But it created a system of genetic faults, and it is a lottery whether you lose or not.
I am presently conversing with a man I met on another forum quite by accident, as he posted a thread that his daughter had just died quite suddenly and he is torn apart by grief. He is a Christian but he says he does not know what he believes anymore. I totally empathize with him because I have suffered so much and know grief only too well. I now have an ongoing private conversation with him as I want to help in any way I can. When I first met him he told me I was helping him and that means a lot to me because I care about him just as I care about everyone, especially those who are suffering, since I can relate so well to that.
I have just as much difficulty understanding why people suffer from mental-emotional illness as you have understanding those why children suffer from physical diseases. The man who I mentioned above lost his daughter because she was so depressed that she drank heavily and mixed drugs with alcohol which caused her sudden demise.What is hard to understand what use is the suffering of children with cancer. How deadly bacterias are useful for anyone. How deadly virus are useful for societies. There is a big difference between suffering emotional distress from loss, or suffering physical stress by doing exercises. It'a another to be born with cancer that will kill one child at 5 years old but not the siblings. If this is understandable by a reasonable mind, explain it.
None of this is understandable to me so I don't try to understand it and I say I don't know why God would create a world like this. However, I believe that those who have been released for this world are much better off than we who still have to live in it. That is what we cannot see but if we believe and have faith we know that this world is only very temporary and the next world is where we are all headed, and there will be no more suffering, only joy and gladness.
I believe that the innocent children whose lives were cut short will be recompensed by God and will continue with their lives in the next world. It is those of us who are left behind to grieve who suffer, not those who have passed from this world, which is a dark and narrow place.
We will not see me trying to justify a loving God because there are too many logical inconsistencies.Part of the suffering theists experience is struggling to justify the idea of a loving God with a universe that consistently poses threats to our well-being. It would be easy to create a less deadly universe IF human life is actually valuable.
I just got this in an e-mail and this is what I mean by logical inconsistencies.
“Voir's surgery went very well, only 4 hours for the transplant and he was released from the hospital yesterday. He wants to thank those who were praying for him, he said right after the prayer request the heart became available. He has a long way to go in his recovery and has to return to the hospital almost every day.”
Believers believe that the heart became available because of a prayer request, but what about all the prayer requests that go unanswered? Believers never talk about those. Maybe God intervened and made the heart become available, but why for one person and not another? This is what I cannot understand if God loves everyone equally. Of course there is a religious apologetic for that but I don't much care for apologetics.
Imo, theists who believe that God is loving believe that for a reason, and it is psychological. They have to believe that God is good so God has to be loving. Also, they want to feel loved by God so God must be loving. This makes theists feel good about God but I don't care about feeling good, I just want to know the truth. I do not know what the truth is but I cannot believe what makes no sense to me and God will just have to forgive me. I don't hate God anymore but I don't love God either. I believe that God exists but I do not try to embellish God with human qualities such as love.
I fully agree.If human life isn't valuable then there is no morality around murder or abortion or even any other type of harm to others.
There is no reason for you to believe that but I have reasons for believing that.There is no reason to believe Messengers of God are authentic.
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