The things you mention "happening today" are happening on Trump's watch and many are a direct result of his inflammatory speech and callous disregard for the feelings of others.
I agree that many speeches were inflammatory. I don't think it is one sided but certainly he is the head.
The growing tax burden is because he wiped out a really BIGLY portion of tax revenue with his corporate and wealthy people's tax breaks. The full results of that, coupled with the burgeoning deficit, have yet to be experienced.
Here, I would say it is a lot more complicated than that and somewhat wrong and opinions run over the full gammet. When you just say corporate and wealthy people's tax breaks, it fails to mention that it went all the way down. Everyone received a tax break.
Let's take the bottom brackets:
amounts went nighter for each tax break and then the amount for the second level went from 15% down to 12%
So to say "only" the wealthy and corporate would be wrong. It is a political selling point that has been overused.
Another example: If you gave a 5% tax break at the lower level and a 1% tax break at the higher level... all you hear is how that translates into "the wealthy are the ones that get to keep more money". Well... obviously. But percentage wise it was still the lower 5% that got the larger tax break.. another political selling point that is being utilize.d
The encroaching government control is happening NOW: federal troops to quell peaceful protesters;
I'm not sure that is "encroaching government". If it is federal property, it is their right. If it isn't, They can't do it without city/state permission. And, judging by the pictures, we aren't talking about the peaceful protests. We are talking about violent ones.
a concerted effort being made for the government once again to have the "right" to determine decisions which rightfully belong between a woman and her God, a person and their partner... etc., etc.
Don't understand... where?
So many of the things were done by executive fiat, without representation of the people's will. This is authoritarian behavior and not at all healthy for a republic.
Yes! I agree that executive orders are out of control.
The greatest offenders was Franklin Roosevelt at 3721 and then Woodrow Wilson at 1803
Obama 277 -
The surprising number of executive orders by each U.S. president
Trump 190
Executive Orders