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Is Jesus God?.

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
I am pretty much convinced that Jesus, is not God.
I have spent considerable time studying this topic, and can find no conclusive evidence to prove it to be true.
As a Christian, it is difficult to find a body of believers who will be welcoming unless I have this belief.
I have tried many churches and denominations and so far have been unsuccessful.
Also I have read the Old Testiment completely and most of the New Testament. ( Haven't read Revelations yet. )

Any comments or help appreciated. Mostly wondering why the vast majority of Christians insist that Jesus is God and I must accept that to belong?
Jesus is part of God. He is one of the three persons of The Holy Trinity. The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit constitute God. Asking if Jesus is God is like asking if your chest is Gerry. No, it's not Gerry. It's part of Gerry.


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There is no 'Directory' but you can ask around when you visit the following:

Liberal assemblies -- look for a rainbow sticker on the door.
Some Baptists,
Quakers of all varieties,

All of the above will have no problem with you staying for keeps. There are also others, but I do not recommend any group that practices exclusive communion. Even if you do agree with such groups on one thing, they will eventually find fault with you in some other area, probably; but if you are only satisfied with them the easy way to find them is to put a small want ad in the local paper stating exactly what you believe and what kind of fellowship you are looking for. They will call you.


Veteran Member
He's 1/3 of god, or so the story goes.


Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I am pretty much convinced that Jesus, is not God.
I have spent considerable time studying this topic, and can find no conclusive evidence to prove it to be true.
As a Christian, it is difficult to find a body of believers who will be welcoming unless I have this belief.
I have tried many churches and denominations and so far have been unsuccessful.
Also I have read the Old Testiment completely and most of the New Testament. ( Haven't read Revelations yet. )

Any comments or help appreciated. Mostly wondering why the vast majority of Christians insist that Jesus is God and I must accept that to belong?

Have you heard of "like father like son"?

Well, not many people actually say a person's son is one hundred percent their father. The consensus is, like the father and son having the same blood, the Creator and his Son has the same divinity (rather than blood).

Instead of saying they are separate just one is in the likeness of the other as a perfect human. They idolize jesus humanity because of his perfection in that in doing so, it makes it seem they aren't worshiping a person but god himself.

Also, they feel that since jesus is the way to the father, a human can't be the way to the father, so it must be god. (but you'd have to switch this to Religious Debate Section-welcoming to the forum by the way) is

It's logical but not scriptural.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I am pretty much convinced that Jesus, is not God.
I have spent considerable time studying this topic, and can find no conclusive evidence to prove it to be true.
As a Christian, it is difficult to find a body of believers who will be welcoming unless I have this belief.
I have tried many churches and denominations and so far have been unsuccessful.
Also I have read the Old Testiment completely and most of the New Testament. ( Haven't read Revelations yet. )

Any comments or help appreciated. Mostly wondering why the vast majority of Christians insist that Jesus is God and I must accept that to belong?
I would like to commend you for reading the Bible. Jehovah's witnesses reject the Trinity as unscriptural (meaning the Bible does not teach this doctrine). Their website, jw.org, contains a wealth of information about the Trinity and many other subjects. Hope this helps.


Active Member
The New Testament definition of 'God' ( Theos) isn't really the same as the English word 'God' , which is actually feminine in origin referring to a cult object smeared in menses blood, which is why people say 'God Bless' ( Bless means to smear in blood), similar to the real meaning of 'Christ' (Smear in semen or Oil ), Ancients pretty clueless about reproduction, so simplified as a mixing of Blood & Semen.

The Quran states Man created from 'Blood' (Sur 96:1) and 'Dust' (Sur 30:20) from the phrase in the
Bible ' Gen 2:7' (Dust of the Ground), in Hebrew , Semen ( `aphar) and Blood ( 'adamah) .

The definition of a Father, "The male that provides the Semen" and so, by defining God as a Father, he must be a phallus, that inseminated Mary producing a child , Ancients simply deified the penis as a 'male god' , that is why 'Male God' inseminate women throughout mythology.

Allah or Eloah, derives from two letters A and L ( Ox Head + Goad ) , which means 'Plower' ,
God is a Plower, he is a Man, he is a father, he is a penis.

Is Jesus a 'God-Penis', smothered in semen (Christ) that resurrected (Re-Erected) ?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am pretty much convinced that Jesus, is not God.
I have spent considerable time studying this topic, and can find no conclusive evidence to prove it to be true.
As a Christian, it is difficult to find a body of believers who will be welcoming unless I have this belief.
I have tried many churches and denominations and so far have been unsuccessful.
Also I have read the Old Testiment completely and most of the New Testament. ( Haven't read Revelations yet. )

Any comments or help appreciated. Mostly wondering why the vast majority of Christians insist that Jesus is God and I must accept that to belong?

The god of the Christian Bible is logically impossible by virtue of being assigned multiple sets of mutually exclusive properties, and therefore is a fabrication like the famous example of the married bachelor. One does not need to even get up out of one's chair to know that no such thing exists anywhere.

If a god or gods exist, it will not be a logically impossible one.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
Through reading the Bible I also came to the conclusion that Jesus is not a god and not the messiah either. Don't be afraid to come to those initially uncomfortable conclusions :)

The Holy Bottom Burp

Active Member
The debate about Jesus's divinity seems to have started very soon after his death. For example the Marcionites were early Christians who believed Jesus was a saviour sent by god (not god himself), but they rejected the OT and the OT god as a tyrant - not the one true god of everything. Go figure!


Veteran Member
I am pretty much convinced that Jesus, is not God.
I have spent considerable time studying this topic, and can find no conclusive evidence to prove it to be true.
As a Christian, it is difficult to find a body of believers who will be welcoming unless I have this belief.
I have tried many churches and denominations and so far have been unsuccessful.
Also I have read the Old Testiment completely and most of the New Testament. ( Haven't read Revelations yet. )
Any comments or help appreciated. Mostly wondering why the vast majority of Christians insist that Jesus is God and I must accept that to belong?

First, I would like to mention that it's one revelation. The Bible book of Revelation is one revelation.
Basically the word revelation means a revealing. Revelation is a revealing about the future time of Revelation 22:2.

It isn't most Christians that insist, but those members of 'Christendom' (Christian mostly 'in name only') who profess Jesus to be Father or God even though the resurrected heavenly Jesus still thinks he has a God over him at Revelation 3:12. Especially when un-faithful Jews began mixing with the Greeks they adopted their theories or philosophies and began teaching them as Scripture although Not Scripture, so that is why we see so many triads or trinities taught throughout the world's religions and adopted by Christendom.

Jesus recorded words such as found at John 10:36 shows Jesus believed himself to be the Son of God.
According to Luke 4:41 even the demons believed Jesus to be God's Son.
Gospel writer John wrote Revelation. At Revelation 3:14 John wrote Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God.
God, according to Psalms 90:2, had No beginning. God was never first born of every creation but the pre-human heavenly Jesus was according to Colossians 1:15.
So, since Jesus had a pre-human heavenly beginning before God sent Jesus to Earth, then Jesus was Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning, so to me I find Scripture teaches Jesus as Son, before his creation, after his creation, and still Son after God resurrected Jesus and Jesus ascended to heaven- Acts 2:24, 32.


Veteran Member
Through reading the Bible I also came to the conclusion that Jesus is not a god and not the messiah either. Don't be afraid to come to those initially uncomfortable conclusions :)

What Bible passage(s) do you have in mind that Jesus is Not Messiah. (the Christ )
The first century people (Luke 3:15) knew the time was right for Messiah to appear (Daniel 9:25-26) and that is why they were in ' expectation ' of him appearing in that first century time frame.


Veteran Member
I would like to commend you for reading the Bible. Jehovah's witnesses reject the Trinity as unscriptural (meaning the Bible does not teach this doctrine). Their website, jw.org, contains a wealth of information about the Trinity and many other subjects. Hope this helps.

Yes helpful, I found www.jw.org to contain a lot of information about the trinity doctrine.


Veteran Member
He's 1/3 of god, or so the story goes.


When I saw drawings: the head was an old man's head, then a young man's head, and the holy ghost ( isn't a ghost a spook ) part to be a bird (dove), so how can an old man, a young man, and a bird all be One person.


Veteran Member
Jesus is part of God. He is one of the three persons of The Holy Trinity. The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit constitute God. Asking if Jesus is God is like asking if your chest is Gerry. No, it's not Gerry. It's part of Gerry.

Since God's spirit (Psalms 104:30) is a neuter "it" at Numbers 11:17; Numbers 11:25 then how can God's spirit be a person. God and Jesus are always in the masculine gender, whereas God's spirit is also neuter as it or itself.
Just like in English we can refer to a car or a ship as a ' she ' but it remains as a neuter "it".
So, since Greek grammar rules allow for a neuter to be in the masculine does Not change the neuter to be a person.


Veteran Member
When I saw drawings: the head was an old man's head, then a young man's head, and the holy ghost ( isn't a ghost a spook ) part to be a bird (dove), so how can an old man, a young man, and a bird all be One person.
With god all things are possible. ;) Or something like that.


Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
Jesus is part of God. He is one of the three persons of The Holy Trinity. The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit constitute God. Asking if Jesus is God is like asking if your chest is Gerry. No, it's not Gerry. It's part of Gerry.

Saying that Jesus is part of God does not make it so.
I would prefer evidence from the bible.
Also why does God need other 'parts' to assist him?
Isn't He all powerful alone?

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
The debate about Jesus's divinity seems to have started very soon after his death. For example the Marcionites were early Christians who believed Jesus was a saviour sent by god (not god himself), but they rejected the OT and the OT god as a tyrant - not the one true god of everything. Go figure!

I didn't get the impression that God was a tyrant reading the OT.
I actually had feelings of feeling sad for God (I know, strange)
because of the way His chosen people treated Him, and yet you could feel the great love He has for them.


Active Member
I am pretty much convinced that Jesus, is not God.
I have spent considerable time studying this topic, and can find no conclusive evidence to prove it to be true.
As a Christian, it is difficult to find a body of believers who will be welcoming unless I have this belief.
I have tried many churches and denominations and so far have been unsuccessful.
Also I have read the Old Testiment completely and most of the New Testament. ( Haven't read Revelations yet. )

Any comments or help appreciated. Mostly wondering why the vast majority of Christians insist that Jesus is God and I must accept that to belong?

Hi Gerry,

Unfortunately, a lot of believers today fail to see that God spoke through Christ and that Christ came in the flesh.

Moses is a good explanation in that God said to Moses...

King James Bible
And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.

Moses was taking Gods words to the Pharaoh and he performed miracles by the power of God.
Christ did the same when he came to the Jews.
Christ said, " My Father does his own work through me."; "My words are Spirit and they are life".
In Johns letters he was warning of the wrong beliefs which were coming in when he said::

7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

1 John 4 (KJV)
4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

We are to obey Christ and heed what he teaches. Because God spoke through him.

Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

The first commandment is to Love God with all your heart. If you love Jesus you will obey him.
He tells people when he comes to go away he never knew them.
They say we have preached the word and performed miracles in his name.
But the truth is about knowing God and loving him and your neighbour.

Acts 7:
55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,

56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

Where is Jesus Stood?

Two commandments... Love God with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself.

God was with Christ and like God Jesus was without sin and did Gods will. Revealing God to the World.

King James Bible
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

What you decide is for yourself. No one can make these decisions for you. I always believe that we are
born of Spirit and Truth. It is what we believe about Christ which saves us.
There are many different teachings but all believers must be born of the Spirit and the Truth.
I think the line had become blurred about God speaking through Jesus personally (like Moses) when he
was here to Jesus being God.
Luke is clear...
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.

32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Read Deuteronomy 18: 15 to end of chapter. Hope these help.

Trust God to guide you.
