Say you are strictly religious and hold strong to your beliefs, should you...
-be able to deny doing things for others that go against your religious beliefs?
-be forced to do things for others that go against your religious beliefs?
It seems someone loses and will be offended either way.
Say a religious person ask someone who was gay, to help that religious person out. They need the gay person to work har at becoming straight. This will allow them to be friends and not create moral conflict. Should the gay person feel forced to accommodate or should he have a choice?
The mistake; strategy, that Liberals make is they think they are the children who have to be accommodated, while the Religious are like the parent/adults who have to accommodate, but never the other way around. The above scenario makes the gay man the adult who has to sacrifice so the child of God can be happy. Nobody is used to that.
I prefer a free market, where you can buy and sell based on your own personal choices; all adults, with no group able to become a forced co-dependent; child, like a virus invading a self sufficient spiritual cell. The person of faith and moral code, finds their sweet spot of life, living this way. They should not have to sacrifice this sweet spot for the alternate lifestyle of others, unless they can fit it in, without harming themselves. The cell does not have to let the virus in, so the virus can make the cell sick. Their immune system will react to prevent this. Live and let live; all healthy cells, on all sides, but no virus.
Healthy cells of different types can swap resources and benefit each other; hormones. But a virus tends drive on a one way street, taking more than giving, with its own health, harming the peace of mind of the invaded cell.