Veteran Member
Here we don't want to say that Islam is a myth
But we say that Islam use the Evangelical and biblical sources and Zoroastrianism
And also use the religions of ancient Mecca
This speech is rejected by the Muslim
Because it isolates the Koran confiscated and linked him with thread hanging in the sky and claim that God sent down to Muhammad
This is a myth
When separating the thing about reality and the source
Christian says it's tatmadali Torah
Victher issues
The ten commandments are the same
Christ has completed the first commandment and love of God with human love
The teachings of eating are the same
But drop the formalities of biblical faith
Some concepts
This is another area of discussion
Then there was the myth of the Christian faith in this area
No Christian in the world says that the Bible is the word of God home but say with courage
Analmsih did and said
It did not say anhanzl
Revelation is in the acts of Christ and his
And also who wrote the Gospel of his disciples
So the myth of Christian little
Accept my respect
I am just stating my views as I was asked while my reply was commented on.