And the kind of mistake is a moral mistake. We aren't talking about getting to work late.
And according to this verse, the just DO make these moral mistakes, aka sins. The difference is that the just pick themselves back up again and repent, while the wicked just live with their butts on the ground.
Everyone knew.
Human sex as parents to own a baby.
Everyone is that baby.
We say holy life is a baby with two mutual sex beings.
Had sex with virgins. Sex was forced. Different penis feeling.
Think the truth.
So anal muscles are very strong.
Reminder of virgins sex.
So you see some men claiming when in biologically death I still have sex with virgins.
They blow people up.
Straight away you see possession of mind being enacted
Humans in sex condition have a chemical reaction to imbalanced minds that is their claim they claim I love. Reactive sex chemistry.
They are in fact in love with sex.
So sexual promiscurity is witnessed as imbalanced brains.
In healing the spirit showed me a brain image with crystalline substance as a heavy metal effect layered in the brain.
On top of the cellular mass. I don't know if medical machines can see that distance.
Why I believe in my natural first origin highest aware life before science the lie was practiced.
As we were that astute first.
Why sexual promiscurity became love of sex in conditions my changed brain chemistry