What if, Satan of the Bible, is meant to be a symbol for the human greed and hate? Just as the Angel of Death is a symbol for death?
Then, wouldn't make sense when the Bible is saying that Satan will rise to end the world, that it is just our own hate destroying ourselves, but Jesus (could be symbolic for good?) will save us and take us to heaven.
To me the Hebrew Satan is only a symbol, just as are all other names, forms, and semblances of what I call the Lord of Darkness. In my mind Satan, Lucifer, Set, Prometheus, etc., and so forth, are all symbolic reflections of certain aspects of one and the same Being and the mechanism of the Powers of Darkness. However, as a life long disciple of the Dark One the Hebrew/Christian fiend Satan or Devil would be at the bottom of the preverbial totem, though I do recognize him as a part of my gods' mythological and historic legacy assigned to him/it by humankind.
(As a Setian, of course, to me the ancient Egyptian god Set in his pre-cult of Osiris Form as the god of the Sky-by-Night is the Dark Lords most ancient and noble semblance, what I would call the supreme manifestation of the Prince of Darkness on Earth.)