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Is Taoism a religion or more of a philosophy on life?


New Member
I feel like Taoism sounds more like a philosophy on life than an actual religion that's just my opinion. From what I've read about Taoism there isn't really a set of beliefs. There's only the concept of following the Tao. Please correct me if I am wrong, again I don't know a whole lot about Taoism.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
What in your view is a religion? I ask because I think that how you, or anyone answers that question, goes far to determine whether they think Taoism is a religion.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It seems more philosophical and experiantial. I don't think there a tangible religious structure in comparison to organised religious groups.

More like informal gatherings in teahouses.

Kind of nice that way.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
So everyone's a Taoist when they post in a Taoist DIR???


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Excuse me? I don't understand what you mean by that answer. I asked if Taoism seemed more like a philosophy or religion?

You posted this thread under the Taoist DIR, technically that means only people that identify as Taoists primarily can participate, none of the people who have replied fit into that category, perhaps you should ask the moderators to reclassify your OP so it is open to armchair Taoists like myself, and is not a DIR.
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New Member
I'm just saying I haven't seen a single person who identifies as Taoist post in this thread, I was told by the team I can only post in Christian DIR's, and you can not post in multiple DIR's you identify with, I guess that doesn't apply to Taoism.


Well-Known Member
The answer depends on the Daoist!

In China, there are people who identify as Daoists and people who identify as Confucians and they worship in the same way at home and attend the same temples — along with many more who identify as neither. In other words, Daoism is a philosophical position within Chinese paganism. Most priests in China are trained in a Daoist tradition, however. For one point of view, see

In the West, identifying as a Taoist, like identifying as a Buddhist, can mean almost anything.

The DIR thing is a problem because the structure of the board was drawn up by people who didn't know much about the religions they classified. For example, I could worship in a Daoist, Shino, or Hindu temple, despite the fact that they are listed in completely different areas. But a Sikh cannot worship in a Hindi temple, although this board classifies Hinduism and Sikhism under the same heading!