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I read something interesting last night concerning the Beast and is it possible that The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are actually good? I mean it's God who has them unleashed if I'm not mistaken that is. I've often thought about this but it wasn't until I read about the The Beast (there are two of them) apparently according to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beast_(Revelation)#Beast_from_the_earth

The Second Beast has horns and speaks like a dragon and I also read that: The beast and the false prophet gather the kings of the earth and their armies to prepare for war against "He who sits on a white horse".

The first of the horsemen rides a white horse. Also this is how I've come to understand the bible it follows this format creation(Genesis), destruction(the Apocalypse), and finally rebirth(God's Kingdom). I've seen many interpretation of the Apocalypse on TV and two instances have stuck out the first was a movie with I think Kari Whuher and Tony Todd. The idea was Hell wanted to prevent the Apocalypse because it would lose all the human souls. The second was in the TV show Reaper where the Devil made a big deal about saving the Earth saying if everyone on Earth died they'd automatically get sent to Heaven.

What I'm asking is with all the horrible things in this world how is the end not a good thing?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
When women are educated and in control of their own bodies, they tend to choose to become mothers. That seems like evidence to support the idea that as hard as life can be, the good moments make it worth it. I can tell you that I want to preserve the planet so that my daughters and (I hope), their kids can have a chance to experience what I've experienced.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
When women are educated and in control of their own bodies, they tend to choose to become mothers. That seems like evidence to support the idea that as hard as life can be, the good moments make it worth it. I can tell you that I want to preserve the planet so that my daughters and (I hope), their kids can have a chance to experience what I've experienced.
Yes, they CHOOSE to become mothers...often of just one or two children, rather than a dozen or however many end up being conceived without birth control and a sense of control over one's body...


Veteran Member
I read something interesting last night concerning the Beast and is it possible that The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are actually good?
What I'm asking is with all the horrible things in this world how is the end not a good thing?

The red horse brings war
The black horse brings food shortages
The pale horse brings death
The white horse brings the conquering of the other three - Revelation 6

So, yes, the end is a good thing because the end is ' the end of all badness on earth ' before Jesus, as Prince of Peace, ushers in global Peace on Earth among men of goodwill.
The words from Jesus' mouth will rid the earth of wickedness - Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:11; Revelation 19:14-16; Psalms 92:7


Revelation all the time
What I'm asking is with all the horrible things in this world how is the end not a good thing?

Agree, for the most part. World seems borne of suffering, separation, guilt. Wanting the world to end that would seem like a monumentally great thing.

Yet, when world is seen as enjoyable, positively interesting, and not that bad (compared to cataclysmic events), then ending would be seen as bad thing.

So Revelation chapter needs to set it up as, going to get a whole lot worse, and then get better.

Thing is, not only ancient religions now talking about 'the end is near' as in humanity may be dooming itself by its own (guilty) actions.

IMO, it's plausible to accept that the 'end' has already occurred, even if by standard of appearances that has seemingly not occurred yet. IOW, those who refuse to 'see.'
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Just because your hate your life so much, doesn't mean we all want to die like you and can't see beauty in the world and in the Cosmos at large. Don't worry, we're all going to die. Everyone alive today on this planet will be dead within a 100 years or so. So you'll find your own personal apocalypse soon enough. Might as well learn to enjoy life a bit beforehand instead of being a life-hating quasi-suicidal fanatic.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
What I'm asking is with all the horrible things in this world how is the end not a good thing?
Because imagine here is the only reality low enough for our level of criminal behavior, thus if we blow it here as well, we're out. :eek:


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
I see two choices--I think there are actually more, but for simplicity....--there's bad stuff in the world, so let's put an end to it, to end that suffering; or, let's try to do things differently, to end the suffering and the bad stuff in the world, and so make it worth going on.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What's all this Christian mythology have to do with the utility of an apocalypse? Isn't this a question of weather the survival of hominins would be a good thing or not?
Agree, for the most part. World seems borne of suffering, separation, guilt. Ending the world to end that would seem like a monumentally great thing.

Yet, when world is seen as enjoyable, positively interesting, and not that bad (compared to cataclysmic events), then ending would be seen as bad thing.

So Revelation chapter needs to set it up as, going to get a whole lot worse, and then get better.

Thing is, not only ancient religions now talking about 'the end is near' as in humanity may be dooming itself by its own (guilty) actions.

IMO, it's plausible to accept that the 'end' has already occurred, even if by standard of appearances that has seemingly not occurred yet. IOW, those who refuse to 'see.'
Honestly I'm not saying I want the world to end like so many are accusing me of. I am saying that the world will likely end up like Sodom and Gamora.