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Is the Bible the "Word of God"?

How can the Bible be considered the "Word of God", when the gospel of John very plainly states that Jesus is the Word, and the Bible is obviously not Jesus?


Active Member
the Word also spoke words. Both singularly and in, thru, 'n by His prophets 'n apostles (Jn 16:1, 12-15; 2 Tim 3:16; 1 Jn 1:2-5; 1 P 1:10-12, 23; 2:2; 2 P 1:19-21; 3:15-16; Rm 16:25-26; Col 1:25; Eph 3:2-8; Ac 12:24; Rv 1:1-2, 19; 2:7; 11:8-11; 22:10, 18-19; Mt 4:4; etc).
Then God blessedly saw to it that it got written down (hence: "Scriptures").

Good question.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Here is the first assumption most literalists get wrong: The Scriptures never claim to be the "Word of God", just as they never claim to be infallible.

Their assumption is wrong, and they idolize the scriptures in a most un holy way. The Spirit of God within us guides us into the truth. That's in the scriptures too!
Nullifidian said:
How can the Bible be considered the "Word of God", when the gospel of John very plainly states that Jesus is the Word, and the Bible is obviously not Jesus?
Because Jesus is God, and the Bible is God-breathed.


that 1st 'got' shouldn't'a got writ down

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Well-Known Member
The Word of God means many things in scripture and cannot just be limited to the written teachings of the apostles and prophets. This word in Greek is "Logos" and means Word, statement, or utterance. This concept goes back to the ancient greek Philosophers who associated the word with order and design of the universe. Interestingly enough they were right.

In the biblical sense, the word of God, brought all things into being(Gen 1:3, Ps 33:6) St. John and St Paul show us that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is the Word of God in the flesh(JN 1:1,14, Rev 19:13) whom through the entire world was also created(Hebrews 1:2, Hebrews 11:3). Jesus, the Word of God gives his Church his Word under 2 different forms. 1) the word of God is in written scripture, and the word of God is also the oral teaching, preaching, or tradition spoken by Jesus and the apostles(1 Thess 2:13,, Lk 4:44;5:1, Lk 8:11-15, acts 4:31, ) that we Christians are all to hold fast to(2 THESS 2:15).
FerventGodSeeker said:
Because Jesus is God, and the Bible is God-breathed.

Well, I understand about the Bible being considered "God-breathed", as in:
2Ti 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

But a poet, for example, can be "inspired" by a beautiful sunset to write a poetic discription of that sunset, without the sun itself being in any way an active participant in the writing of the poem. And if, as some claim, the Bible is in some way a direct record of God's communication, then why is it so confusing, in the light of
1Cr 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

So why is the Bible the most confusing document ever penned by anyone, anywhere? The World Christian Encyclopedia says that there are 33,800 different Christian denominations, all supposedly based on the Bible. To me, that's proof enough that it's very confusing, since even Christians themselves can't agree on what it means to say.


New Member
Nullifidian said:
So why is the Bible the most confusing document ever penned by anyone, anywhere?

Because people are not married to the One who inspired it. Instead, they rely on it as an external authority to fortify their own perceptions.


Active Member
very good. The point o' the Bible's both to convey its Author; 'n that we need Him

7 inspiration of God
"spiration" = breathin. Breath = Spirit, 2 Tim 3:16; 2 P 1:21; 1 P 1:11-12; Jn 6:63; 3:34; Eph 6:17; 1 Cor 2:13; etc

But a poet, for example, can be "inspired" by a beautiful sunset to write a poetic discription of that sunset, without the sun itself being in any way an active participant in the writing of the poem.
the sun's not the Spirit. The sun's not God. The sun's not a person. The sun's not animate. The sun doesn't, and didn't, purpose.
That's a different sense of "inspired."
Mebbe your 2 Tim 3:16, to be more faithful to the Spirit's, and apostle's, thot 'n original, could read: "all Scripture's given by respiration o' God..."

And if, as some claim,
az the Bible's authors claim often

the Bible is in some way a direct record of God's communication, then why is it so confusing, in the light of 1Cr 14:33
Perhaps you're confused, and not His Scriptures, in light of the same book 2:11-14; 1:18-25; or 2 Cor 3:6. I'm not sayin u r. But rather jus: Perhaps

why is the Bible the most confusing document ever penned by anyone, anywhere?
respect'lly dispute that. In any case, gen'r'lly-speaking it's cuz we, fallen mankind,'re the "most confused people, everywhere." By virtue o' our fall via Adam into darkness.
The answer's: the Word become flesh, who, as the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit, can help u understand His Spirit, His Word, and His words, via your human spirit (1 Cor 2). Ask Him (eg Jn 10)

33,800 different Christian denominations, all supposedly based on the Bible. To me, that's proof enough that it's very confusing, since even Christians themselves can't agree on what it means to say.
U hav a point. To me it indicates how fallen our human nature is, and how desperately Christians need Christ, Who's undivided (1 Cor 1:13; Eph 4:4)

3 they never claim to be infallible.
"The Scripture can't be broken" Jn 10:35, words spoken by the Word


NetDoc said:
Here is the first assumption most literalists get wrong: The Scriptures never claim to be the "Word of God"

I disagree.

Paul says that the Thessalonians received his words as if they were the words of God.

ESV 1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.

What Paul writes to the Christian communities also contains the words, commands, and purposes of God.

writer said:
U hav a point. To me it indicates how fallen our human nature is, and how desperately Christians need Christ, Who's undivided (1 Cor 1:13; Eph 4:4)

I'm not sure I get it - if Christ is "undivided", then how can he be both God and man at the same time?


Active Member
(The Scriptures testify concerning Me, Jn 5:39.
Allegorically, cf Gal 4:24.)
When you present an offering of a meal offering baked in the oven, it shall be of FINE FLOUR, unleavened cakes MINGLED with OIL...Lev 2:4-5.
Conceive in your womb...How will this be?...the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore also the holy thing which is born will be called the Son of God, Lk 1:31, 34-35


Active Member
Nullifidian said:
How can the Bible be considered the "Word of God", when the gospel of John very plainly states that Jesus is the Word, and the Bible is obviously not Jesus?

The Bible is comparing the two to let the readers know that the word is divine.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
angellous_evangellous said:
I disagree.

Paul says that the Thessalonians received his words as if they were the words of God.

ESV 1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.

What Paul writes to the Christian communities also contains the words, commands, and purposes of God.
Again, you have not made the connection between the Scriptures being the entire Word of God and only the Word of God. The Spirit works through each believer enabling them to speak the Word of God only as they obey the Word that is given them.


How can a bat be a blind-flying-rodent-thing and a long-wooden-stick thing all at the same time?

The bible is "the word of God" because it is the written word. In John 1, the "Word" is not "the word of God" because it's referring to god as "The Word". The word in John 1 is referring to all things pretaining to God, his divinity, and his reign. The use of the word "word" in that chapter is used to affirm Jesus's diety as being begotten and not made.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
Nullifidian said:
The World Christian Encyclopedia says that there are 33,800 different Christian denominations, all supposedly based on the Bible. To me, that's proof enough that it's very confusing, since even Christians themselves can't agree on what it means to say.

No, we don't all claim to be based on the Bible - that's the preserve of the sola scripturalists. At least three of us (and we actually make up the vast majority of Christians, though clearly nowhere near the majority of churches) would never claim to be based on the Bible. We (and in this case I mean the three churches with unbroken Apostolic Succession - us, the RCs and the OOs) didn't base our faith on the Bible but rather collected into a canon the Scriptures which conformed to the faith handed down from the Apostles. You are quite right that attempting to stick to the Bible alone is a confusing (and impossible) task, but all that shows is that that's not what you're supposed to do. Such a multitude of ever-fragmenting sects is precisely the fruit of sola scriptura and the rejection of Holy Tradition. Witness the fact that, by both of us keeping to Holy Tradition and not just the Bible, my Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church has nigh on identical beliefs and extremely similar practices, despite 1500 years of separation.



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
So why is the Bible the most confusing document ever penned by anyone, anywhere? The World Christian Encyclopedia says that there are 33,800 different Christian denominations, all supposedly based on the Bible. To me, that's proof enough that it's very confusing, since even Christians themselves can't agree on what it means to say.
Because "God" is too broad and deep a concept for the human mind to grasp fully. Each of us, when seeing truth, only sees part of the truth -- not the entire truth. Since the Bible is specifically about God and God's relationship with God's people, and since it's a human document, it inherently contains the same confusions that all humanity harbors about the divine.

The Bible is not a textbook, in most cases. It contains myth, poetry, wisdom literature -- all of which require different kinds of interpretation. Because of the subject matter, in many cases the Bible will actually raise more questions than it will answer. That's what happens to us as we grow spiritually -- we see "beyond" ourselves and our understanding. In other words, we experience revelation.


NetDoc said:
Again, you have not made the connection between the Scriptures being the entire Word of God and only the Word of God. The Spirit works through each believer enabling them to speak the Word of God only as they obey the Word that is given them.

Precisely. I never said that.