But if you're unable to truly connect with your audience as an avatar, then you have failed as an avatar.
Thank you for the review first of all, and appreciate the trying to reason it out... There are quite a few things that are upside down tho within your appraisal.
Personally don't want people following me, might have some things to say; yet most of these already existed within the religious texts people are not following, which includes Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.
At first thought people of these religions who are meant to be following the text, would be grateful for more comprehension; instead found they're determined to go the opposite ways, with them getting angry when you try to correct them.
This tho is all prophesied in all these text, it is a time of Adharmic behavior, a time of ungodliness, and at 5, at 15 have been informed that I'm sent here before the Tribulation, where we remove everyone who doesn't already follow Oneness.
At 23 on fulfilling revelation chapter 10 two years before reading the Bible properly, was shown how here is nearly Hell with many demons here, and a veil of illusion over this reality; so people don''t realize truly where or what they are.
Was told my job is to tell people they're wrong before this realm is destroyed, and hopefully make some realize where they've gone wrong...
I'm like a judge before we lock people up; which means no amount of PR is going to make everyone love me.
Like have a quick look at the eschatologies:
- In the Bible Yeshua comes back as a thief in Revelation to see who is unworthy at the Midnight hour, and to fight them with the words from his mouth, before the great battle of Armageddon.
- Kalki in the Purana comes to fight the Adharmic behavior, and remove the ungodly; again using his knowledge of scriptures to defeat them.
- Saoshyant comes before the great renovation in a time of ungodliness, and means a bringer of truth.
- Li Hong (Taoist) comes at a time of chaos and war, to keep those who have magic qualities for an age of Enlightenment.
- Eshu (Yoruba) comes back to tell people they're a bunch of hypocrites, who didn't listen to a word Yeshua said, as they were too busy arguing over details.
- The Maitreya comes at a time of Adharmic chaos and war, then after brings in the age of Enlightenment.
Thus the wars, and things prophesied are going to happen, as the demons within people are not going to listen; they really think they're on to a winner down here.
hire advertising people or something.
Had pondered in my teens whilst at school getting world famous, as also a professional musician, artist, etc...
So had thought if got a huge audience first, could then turn around, and go by the way, you've all been set up by your religious texts, as you're all a bunch of hypocrites; yet as you can see that still doesn't make everyone love me or win the audience...
Plus regardless if people followed me as some charismatic leader, that is part of the problem; people follow people, and forget the Most High; thus are not worthy of Satya Yuga/Messianic Age.
In my opinion.