yeah...but you're trying to keep them as one.
The body is no more than a learning event.
It passes.
It is the vehicle for physical experience.
What stands up...when the body lays down....
is the spiritual body.
The separation must happen.
Otherwise, you follow your body into the box, and the box into the ground.
Eternal Darkness is physically real.
You are talking about the immortalization of the astral body when our consciousness adjusts to our new conditions upon physical death.
As I read it, holy writ calls this process of immortalization of the astral body a kind of resurrection too, but that this is not in actuality a true resurrection. There is part of us that never dies so for that part of us to merely continue on past death is not technically a resurrection because it never dies in the first place.
True resurrection is when the vehicle for our consciousness to experience physical life goes from a state of physical disorganization to physical reorganization. Some immortal spirits are required to continue on the wheel of reincarnation while others are not bound to this. Thus, the reorganization for some is rebirth via a kind of reincarnation while for others it is spiritual union with a tabernacle of living stones.
There are those entities of consciousness who have overcome all things and are not bound to be reincarnated. They are possessed of great knowledge, wisdom, power, gifts, talents, skills, resources, etc. and by their choice they can work with and through a tabernacle of living stones to experience things in the physical realm. It is the process of at-one-ment. Jesus accomplished this spiritual union with the Father.
When this took place two things happened. Jesus received spiritual resurrection because he received the endowment of spiritual union with his Father. The Father received physical resurrection because now He was present in the tabernacle of living stones that Jesus provided for Him.
And, depending upon how things go, this union may actually become a complete merger. It depends upon if the tabernacle of living stones holds out true and faithful and maintains itself worthy of the spiritual endowment. If it does not hold out true and faithful then the immortal soul may have to depart and leave the tabernacle of living stones to itself, bereft of all that it gained by way of the union.
Perhaps some shall find this to be a creepy thing. Our salvation as a reincarnated soul depends upon us obtaining spiritual union and being merged into an immortal soul that is not bound to the wheel of reincarnation. And, that our means to continue experiencing physical existence depends upon the willingness and desire of those in the flesh seeking their eternal salvation who invite us in and maintain themselves worthy of such. A term I like to use to describe this process is soul braiding.
Perhaps I should mention also that there are other immortal souls who have a much different approach. They are not concerned about the willingness and free-will choice that others souls are. They want a tabernacle of living stones for selfish reasons and resort to every means they can muster to forcibly take possession of the tabernacles of others. They wish to continue to satiate certain addictions or cravings and do all they can to find susceptible vehicles to their agenda. This is why they deceive, tempt, etc.