Here's a rather fascinating point from the Republicans "An 11 Point Plan to Rescue America:"
"We will help low income single women who are considering abortion choose life instead, by paying all costs associated with carrying the child to term and placing the child for adoption."
So, in other words, the party of small government is going to make the government into mommy and daddy, and adoption agency -- and all at taxpayer's expense.
And they'll do that (you'll be fascinated to learn) while putting Social Security and Medicare at grave risk:
"Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt."
If anybody fails to see the inconsistency in this, you're not paying attention.
"We will help low income single women who are considering abortion choose life instead, by paying all costs associated with carrying the child to term and placing the child for adoption."
So, in other words, the party of small government is going to make the government into mommy and daddy, and adoption agency -- and all at taxpayer's expense.
And they'll do that (you'll be fascinated to learn) while putting Social Security and Medicare at grave risk:
"Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt."
If anybody fails to see the inconsistency in this, you're not paying attention.