Ben Dhyan
Veteran Member
I know there are some pretty cluey people here who are up to speed on the latest understanding of most science subjects.. From my own reading, it seems electrons are considered to be a dimensionless point, a spherical particle, or a cloud type particle. I was trained in electronics/radio back in the days of thermionic valves, aka vacuum tubes.Yes, it is okay. But maybe there are better places than here to ask what an electron is.
And I have literally seen electrons.
I would not be surprised if you did not believe me but it's true. One of the experiments we all underwent in training to highlight the theory of the electron was to take a vacuum tube diode with its thoriated tungsten plated diode electrode and remove the high positive voltage off the anode. When power was applied, the heated filament would cause electrons to be emitted from the cathode in countless numbers and a cloud would build up as they had no where to go. Normally they would travel to the anode but in this case the voltage had been removed. You could see the electron cloud get darker as the maximum emission rate was reached. You had to have light on the other side of the tube to see it, but the theory of the electron as taught matched what we saw. The electron cloud had movement as the convection caused electrons to cycles from the hotter areas to the colder and back again.
So if electrons were particles, the cloud we saw would be that, a cloud of particles. But the if electrons were a cloud of some underlying smaller 'particles", it could still be what we saw. If electrons were dimensionless points, I imagine we would not see them so I don't get that theoretical explanation of an electron. That is why I am interested in the expert's understanding, they are more up to date on this stuff and so I ask.