1robin said:
But my favorite is what constitutes and merits salvation. More specifically what is biblical salvation. What question could possible be more profound than how do I get to heaven if it exist?
You are welcome to start a new thread on that topic.
1robin said:
I have not the slightest Idea about the gay community in Norway. Have you researched the increase in the military budget that men on men sex caused?
There are not any good reasons to assume that that has cost Norway a good deal of money. The millions of monogamous homosexuals in the world probably compare very favorably health wise with heterosexuals since promiscuous homosexuals spread STD's far more than monogamous homosexuals do. Even if we lump all homosexuals in the U.S. together, 80% of them do not have HIV.
In the U.S., the highest risk groups by far for HIV are African American gay men, and Latino gay men. Most members of those groups who have HIV are probably going to have it whether or not they are in the military, and medical expenses would still be an issue. In the military, replacing them would be an issue, but that would be favorably offset by providing homosexuals with equal rights. Providing people with equal rights is very important.
I think that it is probable that certain groups of monogamous homosexuals, such as Caucasian, monogamous lesbians, have lower rates of HIV than many groups of heterosexuals, and possibly lower rates than all heterosexuals as a whole. Lesbians are slightly less promiscuous than heterosexual women are.
Consider the following:
CDC said:
In 2009, an estimated 27% of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections in the United States were attributed to heterosexual contact.
I will bet that the HIV rate for monogamous lesbians is much lower than that.
The leading causes of death for homosexuals, and for heterosexuals, are heart disease, and cancer. Heart disease is largely preventable. Cancer if often preventable, but less preventable than heart disease is. Some experts predict that by the year 2030, which is only 17 years from now, half of Americans will be obese, and that that would add 500 million dollars in health care costs.
Of course, all other problems are minimal compared with the current, and future potential problem of global warming, otherwise known at AGW (anthropogenic global warming). Some experts have predicted that eventually, global warming will cause the polar ice caps to melt, which will circulate cold water throughout the world, and will eventually cause severe global cooling which might eventually kill all humans. A large part of global warming is due to raising cattle. There is no human need to eat any beef, much less lots of beef. Grains are much cheaper to grow, cheaper to buy, and much easier to digest than meat. It takes half of the calories in a steak just to digest the steak, but it only takes about 20% of the calories in some grains to digest the grains. Many cities are short of water. Growing cattle takes lots of water.
Republicans disproportionately reject AGW.
1robin said:
How many people died by diseases that would not have been contracted without the practice?
Far fewer than have died from eating harmful foods, and not getting enough exercise.
What you said mainly applies only to promiscuous homosexuals, not to monogamous homosexuals. Monogamous homosexuals are not responsible for what promiscuous homosexuals do.