I view atheism as a neutral stance with neither intrinsic benefits nor drawbacks. Now the things a person believes or practices alongside being an atheist can certainly have pros and cons, but atheism itself is a "blank" for want of a better word.
That can certainly be preferable to theism. Theism does have positives and negatives depending on the particular type of god belief. So if somebody comes from a background where the local theism has a lot of negatives attached to it (the various extremely fundamentalist parts of the world for example) then atheism can certainly be seen as a step up simply by virtue of discarding those negatives.
It's also worth mentioning that I view positives and negatives as a very personal matter. With this in mind, I'm not going to argue anything along the lines of, "theism can be positive, therefore all atheists should become theists." I think that for some people, any kind of theism just isn't a good fit for them and so atheism is preferable by default.