Is there? Ghost? Spirits? can they tell us, this is most likely the top questions I have in life.
It's funny because when I asked an ouijia board if there was existence after we died it said no, so I concluded either the ouijia board fails or that ghosts are probably just another species of animal that we haven't discovered yet.
Though, I'm extremely in denial of waking up dead, other words meaning after life.
If there was a God and an afterlife, what would be the point of death?
A. Because this life is a test for the afterlife.
Then wouldn't an all knowing God know our results anyway?
B. Because earth is full of suffering.
Then why didn't God just skip this life in the first place?
If there was no God and an afterlife, how would it work? Who would be in charge?
If there was a God and no afterlife, things would make sort of sense.
If there was no God and no afterlife, things would make common sense.