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Is there proof God can not exist?


Active Member
There is a lot of similar threads. I want to ask a slightly different question ( I think it is)
I am familiar with the idea that Deity is not necessary. I understand not having proof.
Is there anything that suggests that God is an impossibility?
Is there anything in science that makes it clear that God can not exist and could not have had anything to do with the universe?


Just me
Premium Member
It's not possible to demonstrate non-existence. There's (literally) no such thing.
It's not possible to demonstrate an impossibility. If you did, it couldn't be an impossibility.

Edit: I'd like reword that last line: It's not possible to demonstrate impossibility. That would be impossible. :D
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Superabacus Mystic
Define "God."

If the God you have defined is logically contradictory in some way, it cannot exist.
Also, if the God you have defined implies something about the world which is not true, it also does not exist.

Other than that, you're on your own.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It's not possible to demonstrate non-existence. There's (literally) no such thing.
It's not possible to demonstrate an impossibility. If you did, it couldn't be an impossibility.
Exactly. I think the best that could be done is a probability curve. In my view, just because something is possible does not mean that it is very probable.


Active Member
I'm referring to the God that is in dispute..(?) The God that everyone keeps debating about and assuring is just a fantasy. The one that some say created the universe or answers prayers or judges human kind or provides and afterlife. Something along those lines.
You know the one popular around here when someone says there is no evidence.
I am fishing around because I don't believe you can say it is not possible. That's all. no biggie;)


Active Member
Exactly. I think the best that could be done is a probability curve. In my view, just because something is possible does not mean that it is very probable.
What could be used to assess that probability? How could that be done or could it?


Hostis humani generis
I'm with Willamena, PolyHedral and Ymir on this. They have said it better than I could.

The one that some say created the universe or answers prayers or judges human kind or provides and afterlife.
I believe in a form of God and don't believe It does any of those things--except possibly the latter, but I think I'd have to be using the terms "provides" and "afterlife" in provides an afterlife somewhat loosely.

If I were to say the possibility of such an entity existing, one that created the universe, answers prayers, judges humans, and provides them with a relevant afterlife--I'd be very doubtful of such a thing existing as it seems like something invented in the human's mind, and almost an egotistical safety net, not to mention we then have lots of problems that come into play like the problem of evil and so on.

But, that's just this fool's two cents. :)


Well-Known Member
My personal opinion of why god cannot exist, and I really mean personal because there is a list of things you must accept before the following works, is:

Anything that exists can be known, anything that can be known can be understood, anything that can be understood can be reproduced.

If god exists, god can be reproduced, anything can be equal to god.

This ties in with this:

I am not god, I will not produce a god, nothing like me is god.

Humans have the ability to know and understand something, if we can know and understand god, we can reproduce god.

Humans cannot reproduce god, therefore god does not exist.

This is pretty convenient for me since it allows for any god to exist as it is written and it wouldn't be a god to me. Basically, god must be beyond human potential, I don't believe that is possible, so I don't believe god exists.


Agnostic Pantheist
There is a lot of similar threads. I want to ask a slightly different question ( I think it is)
I am familiar with the idea that Deity is not necessary. I understand not having proof.
Is there anything that suggests that God is an impossibility?
Is there anything in science that makes it clear that God can not exist and could not have had anything to do with the universe?
The problem is that you have reversed the dilemma. in the real world, in order to show another man that something exists you need to prove it first. if you offer another man a thousands pounds deal and would not have the banking reliability as evidence to support it he will show you the way out of his office.
Now, with religion. it is only more so. since we are talking about the immortal soul. in effect you are placing your immortal soul at stake, believing that you will arrive at destination par your belief alone.

Talking about science. science deals with the physical and the physical alone. any other science is pseudo-science.
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Is there anything that suggests that God is an impossibility?

The simple answer is no because we cannot prove that something is impossible. Some things can be shown to be implausable but for reasons below I'll explain why God doesn't fall into this catagory.

Is there anything in science that makes it clear that God can not exist and could not have had anything to do with the universe?

God has no known characteristics so we have no way of saying whether our current knowledge of the universe is consistant or not with the existance of God. Therefore one of the fundamental problems with God is that it and its motives can be redefined to fit the facts making any claims of Gods existance or intervention an unfalsifiable claim. For example creationism was reinvented as intellegent design with the hope that it would be accepted as a scientific theory but was rejected as unscientific for the same reason that creationism was. Intellegent design isn't scientific because the designer can be defined in whatever way best fits and facts and therefore it isn't falsifiable. Examples of poor design in nature are often put forward as evidence against intellegent design and the intellegent design proponent will counter by saying that as we don't know the motives of the designed we can't say that this wasn't intended.


Well-Known Member
One of the tenements of Jewish faith is that G-d is incorporeal. He has no physical body. This makes it damn near impossible to prove his existence. This is not saying he doesn't exist, it is saying he is beyond our understanding, of which there are many such things.
As humans, we demand physical to understand what we know. If it can't be made physical, it doesn't exist.


Agnostic Pantheist
One of the tenements of Jewish faith is that G-d is incorporeal. He has no physical body. This makes it damn near impossible to prove his existence. This is not saying he doesn't exist, it is saying he is beyond our understanding, of which there are many such things.
As humans, we demand physical to understand what we know. If it can't be made physical, it doesn't exist.
Wow this is certainly a Judaism I didn't know of before.
The Judaism I was brought on is all about physical hardships. crossing hundreds of miles of barren desert, conquests in the promised land, bringing down fortifications, destruction of cities and politics politics politics, politics which is focused on the most practical elements in the middle east, territory and water.


Well-Known Member
:facepalm: And You're the Scholar? I said faith. Not history. When was the last time you read Rambam?


Is there anything that suggests that God is an impossibility?

logic, reason and reality do fine in most cases.

reality really does point to pure imagination and nothing more.

I like my, does god exist test.

#1 Now,, can you argue that man has not been creating man and women gods and spirits for the last 200,000 years???

#2 Can you show me a remote tribe who does not have made up spirits or gods in any part of the world???

#3 Can you show me any parallels in these remote tribes that would indicate that there god is also your god talking to them in the local language and thus the god figure is sharing the same information with all people????

#4 Can you show me that your hebrew god figure does not have any simularity's with previous pagan religions such as sumerians and egpytions???

#5 The ancient hebrews put more importance on male's then females, does this show in their early writings regarding the god figure being created as a male "father" ????

#6 Do you think all other gods and spirits are made up by the local people of that geographic region?

#7 Did people speak other languages around the world before the tower of babal?

#8 is the earth 6000 years old and created in one day???

#9 did man really walk around with dinosaurs ????

#10 did early man live to 900 years as it states noah and adam did????
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New Member
Well technically no since the nature of god is unfalsifiable in that he is supposed to be all powerful and can do anything. However you can disprove specific gods.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Is there anything that suggests that God is an impossibility?
If one's definition of God leads to a logical impossibility, then God is impossible. Some philosophers have argued along these lines. See, for example, Martin and Monnier's The Impossibility of God.

Is there anything in science that makes it clear that God can not exist and could not have had anything to do with the universe?
To the extent that God has effects on the physical world (which he usually does, by definition), then God becomes a proper subject of scientific investigation. That doesn't mean that God can be ruled out beyond a shadow of a doubt, only beyond a reasonable doubt. Are you looking for that kind of argument, or do you insist that belief is plausible unless we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God does not exist?


New Member
No, there is nothing proving god does not exist.

But...that meens nothing. Disproof does not prove.

No, There is nothing proving big foot does not exist
lockness monster
flying spaghettit monster

You question is pointless regardless of what answer you are looking for. People can give their opinions why they think god doesn't exist but in the end there isn't an actual evidence.

But in truth the burden of proof does not fall on a non-believers shoulders. It's not our job to provide any proof or any disproof. That is all on you. If you are posing an theory it's up to you to provide evidence.