Islam is a religion that puts a premium on purity. Purity of mind, body and soul. And anything that interferes with this purity (i.e. able to concentrate on God and worship Him and keep your priorities straight), Islam discourages, prohibits or tells you ways to go around such problems.
The main issue here is that Islam does not allow pre-marital conjugal relationships. The wisdom in this commandment is not, I think, lost on anyone. So, how to make sure this does not happen is what the entire issue is based on.
Now, this being the case, let us move onto Women. There is not difference between men and women is regards to their spiritual worth or reward from God. Each is judged equally based on their beliefs and actions in this world. That being said, onto the veil.
It is general knowledge that the more powerful a force, the more precaution must be taken to safeguard oneself from it. In the case of women, that force is the biological force of Sex. Extremely Powerful, to say the least. The force that ensures our continuation as a species would not be effective were it not so dominant in our psyche.
Now, Islam recognizes the power of sex, and instead of letting it run wild and run a man's life, provides means for him bring this force under control. For Islam wants to elevate a man from being a slave to his baser desires to loftier ideals goals. Firstly Islam tells men not to stare at women, nor freely mingle with them. This limits the chances of a man and woman being able to start a romantic relationship. Women are also told to wear the veil, to help facilitate this ordinance. The most attractive part of a woman is her hair. A bald woman is the biggest turn-off, and thus Islam tells woman to cover their hair when in public, so as not to tempt men and to help remind them of their duty to control their gazes.
This is the gist of the answer. The matter invariably turns to a question of women's rights and women should be allowed to wear what they want, men should control themselves, etc. Islam does not allow this. Islam acknowledges that a society can only work if everyone helps each other, and a pious society will only be able to stand if everyone works to help each other. The Quran says that believing men and women are friends of each other. Do friends devilishly tempt each other by displaying their charms to each other, tempting the other to break a commandment of God? No, friends help each other, facilitate ease for the other in reaching their goals, and a muslims goal is always to reach Allah. Sexual attraction to someone who is not "legal" for you in Islam (or halal) gives you no benefits. None. Instead, it merely causes you to burn on the inside, and incites you to sin.
The main issue here is that Islam does not allow pre-marital conjugal relationships. The wisdom in this commandment is not, I think, lost on anyone. So, how to make sure this does not happen is what the entire issue is based on.
Now, this being the case, let us move onto Women. There is not difference between men and women is regards to their spiritual worth or reward from God. Each is judged equally based on their beliefs and actions in this world. That being said, onto the veil.
It is general knowledge that the more powerful a force, the more precaution must be taken to safeguard oneself from it. In the case of women, that force is the biological force of Sex. Extremely Powerful, to say the least. The force that ensures our continuation as a species would not be effective were it not so dominant in our psyche.
Now, Islam recognizes the power of sex, and instead of letting it run wild and run a man's life, provides means for him bring this force under control. For Islam wants to elevate a man from being a slave to his baser desires to loftier ideals goals. Firstly Islam tells men not to stare at women, nor freely mingle with them. This limits the chances of a man and woman being able to start a romantic relationship. Women are also told to wear the veil, to help facilitate this ordinance. The most attractive part of a woman is her hair. A bald woman is the biggest turn-off, and thus Islam tells woman to cover their hair when in public, so as not to tempt men and to help remind them of their duty to control their gazes.
This is the gist of the answer. The matter invariably turns to a question of women's rights and women should be allowed to wear what they want, men should control themselves, etc. Islam does not allow this. Islam acknowledges that a society can only work if everyone helps each other, and a pious society will only be able to stand if everyone works to help each other. The Quran says that believing men and women are friends of each other. Do friends devilishly tempt each other by displaying their charms to each other, tempting the other to break a commandment of God? No, friends help each other, facilitate ease for the other in reaching their goals, and a muslims goal is always to reach Allah. Sexual attraction to someone who is not "legal" for you in Islam (or halal) gives you no benefits. None. Instead, it merely causes you to burn on the inside, and incites you to sin.