You're incapable of love and feeling romantic passion?
Asexuality has nothing to do with love or romance just sexual attraction. Many asexuals are romantic but I am not though, I generally dislike even being too close with a person of any gender.
I'm not sure you'recorrect in thinking Islam denounces you as immoral.
It is not that Islam does not have a standpoint on it, it is that do you think the basis for all morality is objective and is it your own religion?
If anything you're lucky. Exemption from marriage as there is noneed to be worried of controlling urges means you're exempt from the har responsibilities of marriage. Finding a spouse, possible financial burden, children, etc.
Muslims have always told me this in the past before
. Common question is how I resist masturbation, which is simple. I just do not desire it so I do not masturbate. It is like being born celibate with no external issues. My "plumbing" works fine and it functions properly. The only issues is that i did not realize I never paid attention to a woman till I was 18
As for the relevant paragraph I said I would try to post, well excuse my inability to do so right now. Between work and taking care of a 7 month old baby, I don't have the time to type it up on my phone. But to sum up the point, no we are given the ability to know the v basic right from wrong without religion. Do with that what you will.
Then you not immoral then. I am relieved
My evil immoral *** is now off to try and feed my child and put her to sleep so my wife can get some relaxation after watching her all day while I slaved at work to make a better life for my family.
As I said before, considering that you do not subscribe to moral absolutes confined to religion you are not immoral. For some reason I thought you believed in that claim.
This does not exclude other things such as apologetics though which is another issue.
Yes indeed.
I recall my 7 months year old little sister and she was evil incarnate
. She tortured me with her cries