IT APPEARS that unabated homosexual bashing is occurring at asylum shelters at very high rates according to Dutch authorities, with security being reluctant to engage in serious intervention.
Open Season on Gays in Dutch Asylum Centers | Gates of Vienna
The Quran narrates the story of the "people of Lot" destroyed by the wrath of God because the men engaged in lustful carnal acts between themselves. Some hadith collections also condemn homosexual and transgender acts,[prescribing death penalty for male homosexual intercourse.LGBT in Islam - Wikipedia
So why is Islam homophobic?
Open Season on Gays in Dutch Asylum Centers | Gates of Vienna
The Quran narrates the story of the "people of Lot" destroyed by the wrath of God because the men engaged in lustful carnal acts between themselves. Some hadith collections also condemn homosexual and transgender acts,[prescribing death penalty for male homosexual intercourse.LGBT in Islam - Wikipedia
So why is Islam homophobic?