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Islamophobia in the Western media


784,000 articles show Western media’s anti-Muslim bias over 20 years

Two political scientists, professors Erik Bleich and Maurits van der Veen, "conclusively" found that coverage of Muslims is "overwhelmingly" more negative on average in comparison to other ethnic groups after analyzing over 784,000 newspaper articles published over 21 years.

The professors looked at 256,000 articles from the United States and 528,000 British, Canadian and Australian publications from 1996 to 2016 before reaching the conclusion.

In other words, the research found that Muslims are “systematically” misrepresented more than others in the Western press, which in turn leads to anti-Muslim sentiment detrimentally affecting Muslims in Western countries.

The academics’ findings were reported on conversation.com in an article penned by the authors.

More: 784,000 articles show Western media’s anti-Muslim bias over 20 years
Why is the Western media doing this and who is behind it? I know the answer but I'm not allowed to say it. You just have to find out who controls the media. It is a very small people who are behind it. A people who have caused nothing but hatred in this world for thousands of years.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Well the first sentence is wrong because Muslims are not an ethnicity. Maybe the authors equate Muslims with Arabs?

Next, I find "islamophobia" to be a fundamentally dishonest term. If we take the basic, universal claims of Islam at face value, there is good reason to conclude that Islam is a collection of outdated and bad ideas. It is not "phobic" to make such a conclusion.

Next, if we look at the evidence around the world in Muslim majority countries, across many disparate regions of the world, we see that these countries tend to lag behind the first world in terms of human rights and freedoms.


Well the first sentence is wrong because Muslims are not an ethnicity. Maybe the authors equate Muslims with Arabs?
Muslims believe that they are one nation.
Next, I find "islamophobia" to be a fundamentally dishonest term. If we take the basic, universal claims of Islam at face value, there is good reason to conclude that Islam is a collection of outdated and bad ideas. It is not "phobic" to make such a conclusion.
Christianity and Judaism also have universal claims, but these two religions are not attacked by the Western media in the same way as Islam.
Next, if we look at the evidence around the world in Muslim majority countries, across many disparate regions of the world, we see that these countries tend to lag behind the first world in terms of human rights and freedoms.
There are Christian countries and also Hindu countries that are worse than Islamic countries and yet they are not attacked by the Western media in the same way as Islam.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Why is the Western media doing this and who is behind it? I know the answer but I'm not allowed to say it. You just have to find out who controls the media. It is a very small people who are behind it. A people who have caused nothing but hatred in this world for thousands of years.
Well, I get that you're trying to say Jews, but it's really Zionists, neocons, Western corporations and banks that benefit from the US brutalizing the Middle East, religious crackpots, etc.


Veteran Member
The source for the OP is not a neutral source so I don't accept the conclusion.

Could be a lot to do with terrorism.
Probably more to do with chasing custom from people who are prejudiced against Muslims.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Why is the Western media doing this and who is behind it?
Because the west is generally anti-Muslim.
I know the answer but I'm not allowed to say it. You just have to find out who controls the media. It is a very small people who are behind it. A people who have caused nothing but hatred in this world for thousands of years.
It isn't about any central control of media.
Just the general social condition.
Why is the Western media doing this and who is behind it? I know the answer but I'm not allowed to say it. You just have to find out who controls the media. It is a very small people who are behind it. A people who have caused nothing but hatred in this world for thousands of years.

It's the Joooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz innit! Bad Joooozzzzzzz, always controlling the media to cover up their nefarious Jooooooishness.

Probably more to do with chasing custom from people who are prejudiced against Muslims.

In a timespan including things like 9/11, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, etc. based simply on how news journalism works, even if journalists were perfectly objective then there would be a disproportionate amount of negative coverage.

Obviously news outlets aren't objective, but the issue would exist regardless.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Muslims believe that they are one nation.

Christianity and Judaism also have universal claims, but these two religions are not attacked by the Western media in the same way as Islam.

They are when they pursue political influence to a comparable extent to that of Muslims, and rightly so.

There are Christian countries and also Hindu countries that are worse than Islamic countries and yet they are not attacked by the Western media in the same way as Islam.
Name one.


Veteran Member
In a timespan including things like 9/11, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, etc. based simply on how news journalism works, even if journalists were perfectly objective then there would be a disproportionate amount of negative coverage.

Obviously news outlets aren't objective, but the issue would exist regardless.
That's fair enough. If the disparity in reporting is down to news articles referring to Muslim organisations in terror reporting then I'd say this is expected. Conflict, especially attacks on civilians, will make the news more than whatever most people are getting upto on a day-to-day basis.

On these grounds, should we expect to find that news articles are more negative about Jews when Israel is killing lots of civilians?

50 years ago I'd have expected that an unusually high proportion of stories about homosexuals and homosexuality would have negative framing. Not becuase homosexuals were involved in conflict but because prejudice against homosexuals was common and people like to consume things that justify their prejudices.

I've seen enough articles/headlines, social media posts and real life bigotry that my expectation is that the disparity in reporting is coming from targetting audiences who enjoy media that portray Muslims negatively.


Veteran Member
Also worth noting that there's no way in hell that any Muslim group has perpetrated as much terror as the USA. We should expect that the USA is negatively portayed in media (at least outside the US).


Premium Member
Pick any group ... social, religious, political, etc. Somewhere on the planet there will be an opposite group labelled ___________ -aphobia. You think McArthy couldn't have been named commiephobic?


Staff member
Premium Member
The source for the OP is not a neutral source so I don't accept the conclusion.
I think being critical of this source is reasonable.
Who however would you consider to be a neutral source on the subject matter?


Staff member
Premium Member
Why is the Western media doing this and who is behind it? I know the answer but I'm not allowed to say it. You just have to find out who controls the media. It is a very small people who are behind it. A people who have caused nothing but hatred in this world for thousands of years.
Easy addition to the ignore list.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Also worth noting that there's no way in hell that any Muslim group has perpetrated as much terror as the USA. We should expect that the USA is negatively portayed in media (at least outside the US).
I would very much like some data on that. Having studied some history and lived through 1979 to the current day, I stand quite skeptical of your claim.