You know we all want to make you laugh. It makes the world a little softer.
Laughter is the best medicine....
We all need it right now....
I’ll take it where I can get it....
Sorry my wife's King Charles Caviler is not the same kind as my neighbors Husky. I hope you are at least familiar enough with these breeds to see the difference. You can see the difference right? Not the same kind clearly.
Did I suggest that canines were not canines or that felines were not felines? Dogs cannot become equines and felines will never become canines.....when evolution can produce and name those phantom “common ancestors”, then we might have something to discuss.....but so far they are all unidentified....and without them, evolution falls in a heap. The “common ancestor” is the branching point along the evolutionary tree, so without them there can be no branching. Without branches, the tree is limbless. It’s a telegraph pole.
Wild cats and domestic cats have breed successfully and not sterile. Two different species of sharks have interbred in none other than Australia you land down under. There are plants that remain fertile and salamanders. There even mules that are fertile. Well so much for the absolute interpretation of the bible. Always appreciate your changes my friend the keep me learning. In favor of evolution however.
There are exceptions to every rule, but generally speaking, creatures will reproduce only their own kind. They do not seek to mate with any other kind in their natural environment. Any who can interbreed are those more closely related. Breeds of dogs for example, like breeds of any other man made species, are not the product of natural selection, but of artificial selection to produce desired features. This is used to genetically modify a lot of different things, from plants to animals. But it is not without human intervention.
The fact that the finches in a relatively short time could change sufficiently to adapt is amazing proof of how evolution works.
No, it’s amazing how adaptation works. Adaptation does not in any way prove evolution. It can never take a species over into another “family” of creatures. Like Pakicetus could never morph into a whale. Calling a four legged furry creature the size of a dog, the ancestor of a whale, is one of the most preposterous fairy tales I have ever heard.
Tortoises will not become finches but they can change with time. Iguanas also change generically with time but will not become finches.
Did I ever suggest that they would? But Pakicetus became a you just shot down your own argument.....
What any of the species will become will take far greater time that we as individual have on this planet. Adaptation is not evolution how true. Adaptation is the process which causes changes in the genetic code that leads to evolution. The ability to change is written in stone with no question about its meaning.
It can make minor changes in any single species. But it cannot change an amoeba into a matter how many billions of years you throw at it.
A common example of evolution I encountered was the peppered moth, which changed color when the coal fires of Britain darkened the color of the trees where the moths gathered. The darker moths survived by being better the population gradually shifted to the darker color.....yet when the smog problem was remedied, the moths went back to their lighter color with the trees lighter bark.
The moths never became another species of moth.....they would never have become a different species. Adaptation is not evolution and cannot produce change at that level.....time would just produce more features as the moths adapted to new surroundings. They would remain moths forever.
Like dog breeds, some have short legs, and some have long legs, some have long fur, some have short hair, short muzzles, long muzzles.....but no matter what the difference is, all domestic dogs are of the same “family” and can interbreed. “Bitsers” we used to call those of dubious we have the designer dogs.....with horrible health problems as humans purposely altered their appearance, but caused them harm in the process.
It is never to late to accept evolution my friend.
Nor is it ever too late to find and acknowledge the existence of an Intelligent Designer either my friend.....