It is never too late to acknowledge that He gave us senses and intellect to learn about His creation either. Though I understand that some choose a doctrine that leaves them no choice but to do that.
And some imagine that having a foot in both camps does not obligate them to defend their Creator.....despite their claims to believe in him.....they don’t really believe a word he says. Does intellect override faith then? (Matthew 11:25)
There is so much “preaching to the converted” on this thread.....but whining about “interpretation of evidence” is pointless because these issues are meant to divide is meant to show clearly where we stand. Are we in any doubt about who is in which camp?
It’s not simply a matter of for or against “the science” (which for evolution is dodgy at best due to the volume of supposition and assertion that it’s data relies on)....and we see that there is never “proof” for anything because science in this area of study, needs no convenient for them that supposition can replace proof.......that a
theory can masquerade as a
fact is just smoke and mirrors to me. Redefining the meaning of the word “theory” by the addition of an adjective, is somewhat predictable as well.
So in all boils down to “faith and belief”.....each showing where their “faith and belief” is placed. Both are really “belief systems” when you examine the real evidence, minus the jargon. We choose our side.
That it itself is a good reason to have these discussions.....because it creates a clear line of demarcation.