Conservative policies, such as the strong nuclear family, go back hundred or thousand of years and have a lot of test proven data in terms of being the most efficient social structure. The Left wing policies are very expensive and add a huge tax burden on all people.
If you look at the nuclear family, when this was strong, social needs were much less for the children and the elderly. The family could make ends meet. When this changed cost escalated. For example, children from broken homes, due to Leftist alternate lifestyles, requires all types of extra social support. A divorce will require two homes and due to the laws of supply and demand will increase costs for even the nuclear family. The broken home lifestyle, in large Democrat run inner cities, correlates with drug addiction, gangs and crime. This adds even more to the expenses of all and adds a high opportunity costs to these young people.
We would better off if the Left was taxed extra, to pay for their social projects, they think are so good. They created these messes. Those who choose the efficient path of the nuclear family should be exempt from all the added expense of failed leftist social engineering.
Transgender, for example would become a medical and social money pit, since it fis rom the same brain trust that added a lot of previous expense.This type of behavior has been deemed pathology by medicine and psychiatry for decades and therefore to pretend to say it is normal will require a lifetime of care at the tax payers expense. It also requires a lot of accommodations in all levels of culture, since letting the patient run the asylum will not just be accepted. by all. Accommodations has an opportunity cost. It is not good to make this a new lifestyle, unless the goal is to cheat the tax payers and grow government. But if the Left agrees to cove the entire tab, then I would go along, so they can learn the hard way.
If the Left like its social policies, then pay the tab, and give a tax break to those who follow a more efficient social path. Your ideas needs a lot of propping up to create the illusions of equal. We should do a side by side cost analysis of Right and Left social policies, to quantify what is the more intelligent and efficient path. We can end the debate once and for all and turned the ship around, or tax just those who want inefficiency.