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It's all just a question mark..


New Member
I may not believe in Church itself, but that does not mean that I also do not believe in God almighty. Even though I usually try to back up my reasons with scientific proof, science does not stand anywhere near perfection. We may find out how we were made, how the universe was initially created, but some things shall always remain a mystery.
Science proves materialistic things, from the very first Big Bang to the advanced technology that everyone caries around nowadays. But what happens behind the scenes? How come certain things remain unsolved and unexplainable? Such a big story which is also known by our ancestors, thousands of years ago, couldn’t be just a fairy tale,.. could it?

Church has power, and it had even more in the past. Church used to be everything, above everyone. When there is power, there is corruption, and it is quite clear in front of our eyes that the Church has made such pretty bad mistakes in the past. This includes punishing anyone who tried to prove science to ignoring the people who wanted to live their own life. From all of this history, I have decided that the Church is just a messenger, but at times it doesn’t always deliver the right message, but twists it around so that it can benefit certain individuals, but destroy others. And that is the proper meaning of corruption. You see…it exists everywhere, wherever there’s corruption. You would probably have done it too if you have power, probably even me.

What if God is angry at the Church just as much as he is at the damned? Another mystery. But before I return to that topic, I would like to point out that hundreds of individuals that formed part of the Church has actually helped this evil world, and unfortunately I believe that most of them are forgotten today, but have left an impact in the past.

If you really think about religion, and dig deep into it, you would find out that it’s actually a very terrifying story, and can even be a nightmare. Studying religion would also require you to study the other side of things, the evil that finds its place into each and every one of us. No one is perfect, and I’m sure as hell that no one is completely innocent. But if all evil comes from the devil, does that mean that we all have the one-who-shall-not-be-named inside us? Think about it. Or is it that we created this evil inside us? That would lead to another story. You see, when Lucifer was part of the angels and was actually good, evil was created inside of him, he created it. That then led to him leaving the other angels and recruiting more power to stand beside him. Would that mean that we are all different devils then?
And that’s what I meant initially by a terrifying story. We are scared of such someone who conquers all of us by his sinful ways, but we are actually making him more strong.

What do you guys think? Debate and discuss..


Veteran Member
I don't understand why science was brought into the issue, and I think you're conflating religion and Christianity.
We may find out how we were made, how the universe was initially created, but some things shall always remain a mystery.
Can you provide a few examples, please?

Such a big story which is also known by our ancestors, thousands of years ago, couldn’t be just a fairy tale,.. could it?
like unicorns...

I would like to point out that hundreds of individuals that formed part of the Church has actually helped this evil world...
wait, the world is evil? what do you mean by this?