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Jalsa- Mercy for All- Era of Ahmad- Purify Selves- Increase Love - World Peace, Forbearance, Prayers


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you..Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) addressed live from UK on February 8, 2015 through Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (mta.tv) for the Jalsa Salana of Jama'at Ahmadiyya Bangladesh. Explaining about Jalsa, he (a.t.) said: The purpose of convening these Jalsa-s by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) did not have any worldly purpose. The purpose is:

== To elevate the level of Taqwa [righteousness] of members of Jama'at.

== To train them that they pay rights of God the Exalted and to be able to do so they should become true momin [believer] and pay attention and strive.

== To train them that they should attain the standard to pay rights of fellows.

== They improve their condition of knowledge, practice and spirituality and to bring them to the threshold of One God.

== To inform the world about the extremely vast station of mercy of Hazrat Khatamul Ambiya Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and to plan to bring the world under his wings.

It is expected from the Jalsa participants that they have leaned above matters in Jalsa and they shall revive their lives by practicing them and shall inform their surroundings about the beautiful teaching of Islam.


Today we see that our own and others do not understand the high status of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)… Wrong acts of some have created wrong impression of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) such that opponents found excuse to malign Islam and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) up to the bottom of vulgarity.

In these circumstances, it is the duty of Ahmadis that they should convey the beautiful teaching of Islam in each circle and in each level of people and show the beauty of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to them. Tell the world that our Leader was ‘rahma tullil aalameen’ – mercy for all people. He came to make dead alive, not to chop the heads of live ones for no reason. He brought last and perfect Shariah from the God which always show us splendor of ‘rahmaniyyat’ [mercy without any request] of God. He came to tell us the God who announced in Quran:

‘wa rahmati waseyat kulla sheyin’ – My mercy encompasses everything.

God is al-Rahman [Merciful] and al-Rahim [Who repeats mercy].

Thus each Ahmadi should announce to the world:

O those who misrepresent Islam,

O those who tell the world that Islam teaches extremism,

O those who create wrong impression against Islam that Islam is the religion of extremism,

Come and we show you the magnificence of beautiful teaching of Islam.

Come and we show you the scenes of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) being lost in the pain of humanity.

Today only an Ahmadiyya Muslim can do this work, who has believed Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)’s Ardent Devotee (a.s.) and learned true Islam from him.


Thus to be true follower of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and to be his right hand, whatever you have learned in Jalsa, absorb it and bring it to practice, and continue to increase capacities of your knowledge and practice. Pay right of blessings of God that He enabled you to accept Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.). Recognize the purpose of being Ahmadi.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave name Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at because it is the era of manifestation of name of Jamal [beauty, cool light like moon] of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

In this era, no religious war is being imposed on Islam. Thus manifestation of name Ahmad is essential. The permission of Jihad with sword was given when sword was raised to finish Islam.

Current era is to do Jihad by using Media to inform the world about beauty and elegance of Islam because this weapon is being used against Islam.

Thus, in this era, neither any terrorist organization can serve Islam nor any Muslim government can be successful in field to impose Islam by force.

Thus this era is era of Ahmad – era of Jamal as promised. The one who has been sent as Ahmad as servant of Holy Prophet , he is the one destined to make Islam victorious over other religions.


Thus take maximum benefit of this grace of Allah the Exalted that He connected you with the Ardent Devotee Servant [Promise Messiah Mahdi] of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). This benefit can be drawn only when we shall mold our lives and live according to the desires of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). He (a.s.) has given many advices to us to make us true Ahmadi Muslim, following which will bless us and help us to convey true teaching of Islam to the world. He said:

“God the Exalted says in Quran Majeed:

Qad aflaha man zakkaha

[91:10]He indeed truly prospers who purifies it,


wa qad khaba man dassaha

[91:11]And he who corrupts it is ruined.

That is why people should understand what is ‘tazkia e nafs’ [purification of self]. Thus remember a Muslim should be fully ready to fulfill rights of Allah and rights of people. [he told the basic condition for this] As one understands God the Exalted One with no associate in His being and Attributes, one should show it with practice. And one should treat His creation with mercy and kindness and one should not have any malice, envy and grudge for brothers and should get fully away from back-biting of others….There are many who do not pay rights of God the Exalted they do not become of God’s as they ought to be and they do not pay rights of creation…..[survey shows, for personal gains, people ignore benefits of God and people]……. There are many who has mutual discord and animosity. They look down at weaker and poorer person than them and mistreat him. They back bite each other and keep rancor and grudge in hearts. But God the Exalted says that you should become one being. When you become one being then we can say that you have done ‘tazkia e nafs’ [purification of self]…. Dealing with God the Exalted cannot be clean unless dealing with each other is clean .”

Thus we should remember that we have made pledge for our correction by accepting Imam of the age, rather we have made pledge for the correction of world and to convey message of Islam to it. If we do not mold our deeds according to teaching and do not fulfill our pledge and do not purify our selves how we shall we be offering beautiful teaching of Islam to the world? If our hearts are filed with malice and rancor how our works will be blessed?...Thus all Ahmadi office holders and members should increase mutual goodwill and love.

We are not political party, we do not aim for any worldly prestige. We are not like earthly people who bow to everyone to express false greeting and respect and when time is elapsed they forget all morals.

We are that Jama'at of Promised Messiah (a.s.) in this era which has pledged to give precedence to faith over worldly. life. We need such true purification of selves which bring us closer to God the Exalted and we pay rights of His creation….If it is not so, we shall be false in our promise and pledge and claim to reforming the world; we addition to facing oppression by earthly people we shall be getting displeasure of Allah the Exalted….We need to check ourselves.


We need to attain the standard which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has appointed for us. For which he says:

“Everyone in the Jama'at made by our Gracious Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was pure self. Each one had sacrificed his life for faith. None among them carried colour of hypocrisy. All of them would pay rights of Allah and rights of people. Thus remember God the Exalted wants to run this Jama'at at their colour……… The person from our Jama'at who shows bad example and shows weakness in practice and belief, he is oppressor because he brings bad name to Jama'at and make us target of objection too. Others hate bad model and good model is desirous to people.”


Each Ahmadi should keep it in view that we have to manifest truth of Islam to the world. In this era, when world is targeting Islam with mockery because of false deeds of some Muslims, and everywhere press and media is talking vulgar about Islam, we as representative of Messiah-of-Muhammad, have to spread message of Islam with love and peace…….Tell your respective country-fellows that if they want to serve Islam, they should spread message of love instead hatred; not only spread the message but demonstrate practical affection with each other……Few days ago busses were attacked in Bangladesh, and for no reason, many people were killed / martyred. It is such an oppression which cannot be expected from Muslims…..Such oppression, at any place, destroys country fellows. It is not Islamic way to speak for rights. Islam strictly prohibits it.

Our Master and Leader Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that Muslim is the one, from whose hand and tongue, peace loving people stay safe [also said, common people stay safe].

But contrary to it, let alone common people, Muslim is killing Muslim…..Thus there is no excuse for attacks on busses….Today it is the responsibility of each Ahmadi that they should strive their best to stop people of their country to stop from this oppression. By doing so Ahmadis shall be:

-- paying right of their fellow country people,

-- spreading Islam’s teaching in true sense,

-- driving away wrong impression about Islam from the minds of non-Muslims.

This is one method and one right you will be paying.


There are many more rights which are obligatory to pay by a Muslim.…..Above all, it is obligatory for an Ahmadiyya Muslim to pay rights of Allah the Exalted and people because they have made pledge by accepting Imam of age [Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s.]….Thus find out these rights and try to pay them. When you will do so, you will find nearness of Allah and His blessings. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

“ As a matter of fact, the most difficult and sensitive stage is rights of people because they are faced all the times and this trial is always in front. Thus at this stage, take very careful step…..My way is that there should not be too much strictness with foe. Some people want, he [foe] should be destroyed and ruined as much as possible. Then after having this thought, they do not care about permitted or non-permitted matters. To bring bad name to him, they falsely accuse him, slander him, back-bite him, and provoke others against him. Now tell, one little animosity lead a person to become heir of how many evils and destruction…..”

“I truly say you do not consider someone as personal enemy. Fully leave the habit of maliciousness. If God the Exalted is with you and you are with Him, he can enter enemies into your servants. But if you sit disconnected with God and have no relation of friendship with Him, and your character is His opposition then Who will be the greater enemy of yours than God? Human can save himself from animosity of creature but if God is enemy and all creature is friend, nothing can be done. Your way should be that of Prophets. God the Exalted desires that you should not have any personal enemy.”

“These are the matters about purification of self. It is reported that Hazrat Ali (r.a.) was fighting an enemy for the sake of God only. [enemy had waged war]. Eventually Hazrat Ali (r.a.) threw him down and sat on his chest. He suddenly spit on the face of Hazrat Ali (r.a.). He (r.a.) immediately stepped down from his chest and left him [and said] that till now I was fighting for the sake of God the Exalted but after you spit, some part of my self has included. I do not want to kill you for my self. [Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) says] It clearly shows that he did not consider the enemy of self as enemy. One should develop such nature….in oneself….If harm is inflicted on someone for greed of self and purpose then what will be more than it to make God the Exalted displeased.”

Thus we should oppose for the sake of God, not for political reasons.


Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said:

May Allah enable us to achieve all these standards to pay rights of people. May we attain His pleasure; establish His government in the world; pay His rights. The world need it now. For this purpose, Allah has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and enabled us to accept him by His Grace.

The world peace will be established only when both types of rights will be paid. Without it, there is no guarantee of peace in the world.

We shall have to develop forbearance like that of Hazrat Ali (r.a.) in us, it will enable us to earn pleasure of God the Exalted in every matter, to pay rights of people, to establish peace in the world. With this forbearance, the true peace in the world can be established otherwise there is no guarantee of peace.

May Allah the Exalted enable each Ahmadi to pay His and His people’s right. May this Jalsa bring changes in your states.

Now we pray; for self and our country. May God the Exalted save it from discords. These days you too are embroiled in these. May Allah the Exalted grant wisdom to your leaders and advantage seeking people.

Pray for Muslim Ummah, may Allah give it wisdom and end discord which is in many Muslim countries.

Pray for general peace for the world; may Allah save it from the terrible devastation, towards which, it is moving.

May Allah take you to your homes with safety and always keep in His protection and security and you always play positive role in country’s progress. [Aameen]

Reference: Based on Address (February 8, 2015) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Might Help) from UK, at conclusion of Jalsa Salana Bangladesh (in Dhaka). (mta.tv)
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