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Jalsa UK–Hospitality–Responsibilities-Models-Reasons for Love of True Khilafat-Prayers-Convention.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….With the grace of Allah the Exalted, Insha-Allah the Exalted, the Jalsa Salana [Annual convention] of Jama'at Ahmadiyya UK commences from next Friday…. Jalsa Gah i.e. the area where arrangements of Jalsa takes place, Hadiqatul Mahdi (Garden of Mahdi) : in there, quite a lot preparation work has been completed.

Guests have started to arrive….May Allah the Exalted keep all the guests -- who are either travelling, or have started their journey, or about to reach, to seek the blessings of Jalsa -- in His protection and sanctuary and bring them with safety.

Circumstances of the world are worsening with such pace which creates concern about the travelers. Anyway, we pray: may Allah the Exalted keep everyone in His protection and sanctuary – not only Ahmadiyya Muslims but every person in the world and: may they find that peace and rest, for which Allah the Exalted has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in this era.

As we know, the arrangements of our Jalsa are done with the passion to offer volunteer service; Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said that he draws attention of workers about their responsibilities one week before the Jalsa begins...... Here few related thing for the workers will be said. But, in fact, the matters about hospitality in Jalsa are not confined only to volunteer-workers of Jalsa but they are related to each person, in whose house, guests of Jalsa are coming. More than that, it should be said that every momin (believer) should revere, pay hospitality and respect his guests in everyday life too; it is compulsory.

At this time, the focus is Jalsa Salana. The guests come purely for Jalsa and it should be the purpose of comers. With such intention of a guest, his importance increases manyfold, especially when we see that Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) drew attentions to join Jalsa; he (a.s.) declared that Jalsa has pure religious purposes to seek pleasure of Allah the Exalted. It increases significance of Jalsa.

Coming guets do not come for selfish benefits, they do not come to take part in earthly delights. If anyone comes with these intentions, he loses his reward. Therefore, the guests who come here, for whose service, loyal volunteers offer their services to serve in various departments, they are not ordinary guests. But they are the guests who gather for the sake of Allah the Exalted, by saying labaik (yes, I am present to serve) to the system made by Imam of era.

The guests who participate in UK Jalsa are the guests who come with special worry and focus and sometimes they spend a lot, more money than their capacity to come here; they come from very far distances so that their journey may become the cause to absorb blessings.

Love of Khilafat gives them the sentiment that this journey will become the opportunity to meet Khalifah of the time. People come from various countries of the world including newcomer-in-Bai'at [no’mobaye’een] and long-term Ahmadiyya Muslims..... When Huzur (a.t.) sees the emotions of love in the eyes of coming guest, his passions of thanks to Allah the Exalted increase that how He increases the love for Khilafat in the hearts of believers. It cannot be achieved through any human effort……. It is only because, Allah the Exalted sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) sent in this era and after him, made continue this system. It is because so that world should be introduced to the real and true teaching of Islam. It is so because world should be told about the Islam’s message of love and peace. It is so because it should be told to the world that now, in real Islam, lies the peace of the world. Thus these are the matters, people come here to see, hear and learn them. And this the reason of love for Khilafat.

Now, in Germany’s Jalsa too, faithful come in quite a large number from many countries. They come to meet Khalifah of the time [besides other spiritual benefits].

In UK Jalsa, many faithful come to get benefit from the spiritual environment of Jalsa, to attend programs of knowledge, training and religion, to be the recipients of prayers of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and to meet Khalifah of the time too.

In short, the passion to come here is such that which is not present in any other worldly relation. And this is the matter, to which, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has drawn attention in his conditions of Bai'at. [available in alislam.org]

Thus, the status of the guests who come here is special. They are important and due to this reason, the importance of the guests who serve these guests increases too. By understanding this importance, members of Jama'at present themselves voluntarily to serve these guests……………..High ranking, high earning officers in worldly terms are given the task of cooking food in large pots, carry roti-s [flat eastern style breads] and other various jobs. Even if they are assigned cleaning of toilets, they do it happily. They do so because by serving these guests, they become recipient of unlimited prayers.

These worker also becomes a source of Tabligh for guests outside the Jama’at. Even when children move around in Jalsa Gah to serve drinking water to guests, are source of silent Tabligh. By doing so they tell the world that we are not those who create disorder in the world but we serve physical as well as spiritual water to the world. Thus importance of guest increases the significance of host. Such a thing cannot be found in the world elsewhere. Thus fortunate are those workers – the volunteers, who offer their services to serve such guests and become receiver of pleasure of Allah the Exalted.

In Quran Kareem too, Allah the Exalted has mentioned great importance of guests and hospitality. When it mentioned the status and excellences of Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace), then his quality of hospitality is stated in particular…..Thus the hosts who do hospitality selflessly; and when they see the guests they leave other things and focus on offering service to the guests and start preparation for them. Such people have special station in the eyes of Allah the Exalted because they understand that, with this service of guests, Allah the Exalted will be pleased. Their aim is to seek pleasure of Allah the Exalted. Their objective is, not to fulfill any desire or purpose of self or to get any gratitude.

Thus, in the world, there are examples neither of such guests – who are traveling for the sake of Allah and have no worldly purpose, nor of such hosts who are doing hospitality only for the sake of pleasure of Allah the Exalted. But to seek pleasure of Allah, such hosts are doing waqar e amal [prestige of work: title for volunteer labour] since several days, to provide facilities for guests; they make that jungle livable and usable. This beautiful scene is only found in Ahmadiyya Jama'at because we have believed the Imam of era, in accordance with the sayings of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him); because we are beaded in the link of Khilafat; because we try to fulfill our Promise that we will give precedence to our faith over worldly life.

It is experience of every year that every little and old, man and woman, child, young and senior serves at Jalsa Salana with a special fervour. There is no doubt that this service will be offered this year and in fact is taking place.

The reports of Waqar e Aml this year tell that, by the grace of Allah the Exalted, such young people are joining in this year through Waqf e Arzi [short term dedication] who have not had any previous experience or their attention was not drawn before.

Huzur (a.t.) said he always says that anyone who associates himself with Jama'at and consider himself Ahmadi but pay no attention to a work of Jama'at (if it happens), it is because those who are appointed to draw attentions, they do not do their work properly. But it is impossible that if a person who call himself Ahmadi is called for a work and he does not come.

Thus our responsibility is to guide properly. That is why Allah the Exalted has given commandment for reminder so that true guidance continues. With true guidance in proper way and advice, selves are changed…..Not only weak and those who do not pay attention need to be advised; there are many new comers who do not know the system fully. It is essential that they should be told about reality of passion to serve. Although these new comers present themselves to serve by seeing models of others, yet need of advice remains.

Similarly, children are joining, it is needed that their attention should be drawn towards duties and service…..New young people have come forward when their attentions are drawn. For their true guidance and to make them more active about how to serve guests and about the importance of service, there is always need of advice. That is why, Allah the Exalted commands:


[ch51:v56] ‘And keep on reminding because reminding benefits the believers.’

No directive of Allah the Exalted is without wisdom. Thus this reminder should not be considered a reason-less repetition. Many workers realize their importance with this reminder. They might forget something which need attention or they have lost attention of it; even though previously they knew it. Reminding brings attention back. Some people acknowledge it.

It should be remembered that there are many among the Jalsa guests who come from distant places. And Allah the Exalted has declared that to pay right of service to travelers is the obligation and is the way of believers.

At our Jalsa UK, about sixth part of the guests are those who come from other countries to collect blessings of Jalsa; they come from the Far East, Pakistan, India, Africa, America, South America, except Europe; they come from very far off countries.

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Peace be upon you.

Half of the rest of the guests come UK’s other cities. They too are guests and travelers. In fact, for some elderly, weak and sick people, even travel from London to Hadiqatul Mahdi [Jalsa place] is a painful journey which they do with lot of difficulty.

Thus, every male or female worker on duty, should be aware that they are our travelers and guests and we have to serve them and be courteous to them in every way. At times, some guests have wrong attitudes, even then each duty holder and worker of every department should be steadfast and exercise patience.

Allah the Exalted, in Holy Quran, has drawn our attention by giving example of a Prophet that How to take care of guest. In response to Salam [greeting] by guest, we have to answer him quite fuller. We should express well wishes for him, and give him peace and security, and express happiness. The real peace is felt when there is happiness.

Guest are not only Ahmadiyya Muslims. Non-Ahmadiyya guests require more attention. Sometimes non-Ahmadis, getting good treatment, observe the attitudes; how others are being treated.

Thus, it should always be kept in view that we have to serve the guests in such a real way, which give us true delight. From serving our each guest, we should feel that happiness, which we experience when we meet our dear relative or any near one. When such bliss is felt, only then right of service is paid…….Everyone serve own people and close ones; the whims and airs of beloveds are endured…..The true spirit of service is revealed when there is no blood relation.

Guests of Jalsa come to get and gather peace; they have no worldly aim. Thus there is need to create opportunities of peace and ease for such guests as much as possible within capacities.

Also, our standard of hospitality should be such that we should provide the best possible features of hospitality according to our all means and circumstances. The management should always have this in their thoughts.

Thus, Allah the Exalted requires such hospitality that the best facility should be available.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who understood and acted on the directives of Allah the Exalted more than anyone, how he has guided us in this regard. He said that the guest has right upon you, pay it.

There are examples, guests arrived in excess, He (s.a.w.) started to distribute them among Sahabah / Companions (r.a.) for hospitality and also received guests as his share. He took them to his home, where it was told that food and drink was scarce. Hazrat Aisha (r.a.) told him (s.a.w.) the little food was present for his (s.a.w.) Iftar [breaking a fast] and except it, there is nothing at home…He (s.a.w.) tasted some from food, and then invited the guests to eat it then. …. He (s.a.w.) tasted the food only, certainly, so that by taking and tasting it, it was to be blessed so that blessed food should satisfy guests…. It is known from narratives that the little food which was only for his (s.a.w.) Iftar, according to Hazrat Aisha (r.a.), guests ate it and became satiated too.

He (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had trained his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) in such a way, that they too possessed the passion of selfless hospitality.

When there is no trouble, there is prosperity, and there are helpers available, everyone can practice hospitality. ….. The real hospitality is exercised which is done by putting the self in difficulty and it is the real right, established by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and has drawn attention of believers to it that pay this right.

It was the effect of his (s.a.w.) training and also it was the fondness of Companion to follow his model, that, there existed amazing examples of hospitality in Companion (r.a.)…..There existed such examples of hospitality which pleased Allah the Exalted too and He mentioned His pleasure to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) instantly when hospitality was being taken place at a certain occasion……..What was the status of those hosts – husband, wife and children – for whom Allah the Exalted mentioned His pleasure and He praised them, its detail is mentioned in a narrative:

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) states that, a traveler came to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). He (s.a.w.) sent message to family to send food for the guest. Reply came that today there was nothing at home except water. At this, Huzur (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) asked Companions who would arrange for food for this guest? An Ansari [term for Companion from Madina, derived from ‘helper’] humbly said he would. Thus he went home and asked his wife to arrange for provisions for the guest of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). The wife answered back that today there was food at home only for children and there was nothing for us to eat. The Ansari Companion said her to prepare meal, and light the lamp, when time of children’s eating come, make the children asleep by patting and pretext. Thus the woman prepared the food, lit the lamp, made the children asleep somehow, then she stood to correct the lamp with some excuse but extinguished it. Then the couple joined the guest and pretended eating. ….. Both remained hungry at night…… In the morning, when that Ansari arrived in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he (s.a.w.) said laughingly that Allah the Exalted too smiled at your plan at night -- or said -- He liked the act of you both…….. A tradition relates that this verse was revealed at this occasion: ”…….wa yo’theruna alaa anfosehim wa lo kana behim khasasah wa main yuka shoha nafsehi fa olaa’eka homul muflehun” [59:10]

These are pure-hearted and sacrifice-offering loyal believers give precedence to others over their selves, even though they are needy and hungry by themselves, and those who are saved from the greed of their selves, they are one who shall be successful.

Thus, it was their planning, which made Allah the Exalted happy that by looking at little food, the guest should not feel hesitation and should not withdraw his hand from eating, they extinguished the lamp as planning so that the guest, whose honour is commanded, should not feel that people of the home are facing trouble. Secondly, they thought he is the guest of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and they should exercise special hospitality for him.

Thus today, we need to keep it in view that the guests who are comings in these days are the guests of True Devotee of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). They are the guests who are traveling for the sake of religious purpose.

Aim of past and present is the same but these days circumstances are different. Today, when workers are called for various services and hospitality duty, the management do not say to them to take the guest to your home for hospitality. Conditions of people are not same as they were in the times of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his Companions (a.s.). They served, even though there was no food in home or was very short. They put their selves in hardship, they sacrificed the hunger of their children.

Today all means are provided to workers and they are merely asked they should offer their selves to serve under various operations; system of Jama'at will provide required facilities.

All workers, men, women and children are fortunate who are appointed to serve the guests of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and they are offering hospitality without suffering any hardship, there is no financial burden to them or they do not have to offer any sacrifice.

When Jalsa Salana used to take place in Rabwah, the residents sacrificed their eases of home for the eases of guests; they temporarily offered their homes to Jama'at as accommodation for guests…..Langer [i.e. the free food providing system for the sake of Allah, initiated by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s) and now it has become worldwide in Ahmadiyya systems] used to be in working for ever, including 8 or 10 days of Jalsa especially, some hosts provided food-hospitality by their personal expenses……..But those situations were not existed anywhere, whose models were shown by the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them).

In this era, we find those models in the example of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), which he set, following his Master (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). For the hospitality of guests, he sacrificed his comfort, spent winter night without quilt and proper bedding; for the food arrangements of guests, he used the jewelry of Hazrat Amman Jan [revered mother figure for followers: title of his wife (r.a.)] too, to arrange money…..This passion of sacrifice was shown by his Companions (r.a.) too who gave precedence to the comfort of others over their own ease…….Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s) has said for Jalsa that our beloved followers should not give precedence to themselves over others; they should present sacrifice.

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Peace be upon you.
An incidence is recorded in ‘Sirat’ about the character of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)….. Companion Hazrat Sahibzada Pir Sirajul Haq sahib (r.a.) relates:

“The bedstead [made by wooden side bars, legs and knitted lying area] which was given by Hazrat Aqdas (on whom be peace) [Aqdas: Extremely Pure. Title for Promised Messiah (a.s.)] for my use, when guest would come, someone of them would lie on it. And I would spread the Prayer-mat on the floor and lie on it. If I placed bedding on bedstead, some guests would lie on that. Never was there an iota of grief and dejection in my heart and I realized that these are guests while I am local. And someone would throw my bedding on the floor and place his bedding on the bedstead and would lie. Once, it happened so and a [house hold helper] lady informed Hazrat Aqdas (on whom be peace) that Pir sahib is lying on floor. He (a.s.) enquired, ‘what happened to the bedstead?’. She said she did not know. He (a.s.) immediately came out and summoned me in front of rounded-room and asked; Why you are lying on floor? It is rainy season and there is danger of snake or scorpion... I mentioned all the situation what was happening and said, ‘I do not object to anyone. Their hospitality and look after is our responsibly.’ After hearing that, he (a.s.) went inside and sent a bedstead for me. It stayed with me for one or two days and then same thing began to happen to as I have mentioned ealier [i.e. guests’ occupation]……Then again someone informed Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and again he sent another bedstead. …After a day same thing happened, again someone informed him (a.s.); he said to me after the Fajr Salaat, ‘Sahibzada sahib! The issue is that what you do [i.e. paying the right of hospitality] and our beloved-followers should do so. [Then he said as a lighter note]But you do one thing, we put a chain, you tie the chain to bedstead and hang [secure] it on the roof.’…. Listening this, Maulvi Abdul Kareem sahib Marhum laughed and said that there are such experts who will bring it down too. Then he (a.s.) too laughed.’ ”

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t) said that ‘latifah’ / humorous talk happens during hospitality too. From the word ‘latifah’ he remembers that sometimes he mentions a humor under the word ‘latifah’..... though, it is true that ‘latifah’ in Urdu comprises of meanings of a good words, words of deep lessons, and also humorous words…..Once Huzur (a.t.) was listening a translation of sermon, in which he had mentioned a humour but some translator translated it as if it was a lesson and deep point…..Thus sometimes mistakes happens in translations.

Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) said that: But here is a point anyway that one should take care of one’s belongings. ….. Then I would like to mention an aspect of his (on whom be peace) model which is examplel for our office-holders and a lesson for workers.

Companion Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfani sahib (r.a.) writes: “ Many guests were gathered during the event of ‘Jang e Muqaddas’ [a book of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)]. One day, people of home forgot to serve meal to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). I had emphasized about it to my wife but she forgot in a lot of work. When a great part of night had passed, Hazrat [Promised Messiah (a.s.)] enquired about the food after a long wait, everyone was worried; bazaar was close and food could not be obtained. Matter was expressed, he said: What is need of so much worry and pain, look in dastar-khwan (cloth in which bread is kept or cloth on which food is served), there might be some leftover, that would be enough. Daster-khwan was checked, there were some pieces of roti-s [flat rounded eastern bread]; he said these are enough and took one or two pieces and ate. And that’s all.”….. [Thus it is lesson for our workers, sometimes, in some circumstances, if food become short, they should not be worried, and sacrifice should be offered for guests.] ….“Apparently, this incidence will look like trivial, but highlights the amazing moral-miracle of simplicity and frankness of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). It was possible to make arrangement for food from at that time, and it would have pleased everyone, but he (a.s.) did not like to give trouble at odd time; he did not care that full meal was not served to him; he did not make enquiry against anyone for this ignorance and carelessness; he was not angry; but with extreme delight and open countenance he removed the perturbation of others.”

Thus if such situation occur, it [above mentioned moral] should always be kept in mind. By the grace of Allah the Exalted, majority of our workers, show good morals and they do not care such troubles. But, at times, there are some who complain, they should remember it too. But it is the responsibility of officers of each department and of department of food / hospitality that they should make proper arrangements for their workers before time so that when they come after finishing their duties, they should be provided food / meals or any other arrangement.

A principled-guidance which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has given us, workers should always keep in view. When hospitality was mentioned, he (a.s.) said:
“I am always mindful that no guest should be inconvenienced. In fact I always advise that as far as possible guests should be made comfortable. A guest’s heart is delicate like mirror and is broken at the slightest of knocks. Earlier I had made arrangements to eat with the guests. However, with the progression of my ailment I had to take dietary precautions, so the arrangement did not remain. Besides, the number of guests increased so much that there was not enough space. Therefore, out of necessity, separation was made. It is permitted by us that everyone that they may present their problem. Some people are sick. For them separate food can be arranged.”

Thus it should always be remembered that sentiments of guests should never be hurt. It is the obligation of each worker to exercise high morals everywhere, at every instance. If someone mentions complaint, he should not be replied dryly, attempt should be made to remove his trouble.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted, in various departments, (volunteer) workers have achieved proper training, and they understand their duties very well, and they know how to do these. But sometimes, more than enough confidence creates weakness in the system. Keep confidence, but do not ignore the in-depth analysis of details……..Department of security should be very active. At the pace, Jama'at is being introduced in the world; steps are moving towards progress; Jama'at negates every wrong thing with courageously. These days, many extremist are doing things which bring ill name to Islam, Jama'at always negates these. When such things happens, enviers and opponents increase in number; their attempted plannings against Jama'at are increasing. That is why this department is required to be active from now; not from that day to make surveys; start the regular duties…..It should also be remembered that, along with, all in-depth security and deep vigilance, practice of moral should not be decreased….At every place of checking, workers on duty should be courteous….. Only children should not be everywhere but wise elders should be everywhere too.

Above all, all these volunteer-workers should pray for the best completion of their works…..Our all works are completed, not with the wisdom and effort of anyone, but with the help of Allah the Exalted……To get grace and help of Allah the Exalted, pray is very important, which we should never forget……Similarly, all of us too, besides duty-workers, should pray that may Allah the Exalted complete all arrangements of Jalsa timely and may all facilities for guests be available. [Aameen]

Reference: Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help)’s Friday-Sermon (22 August 2014), U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv

[Jalsa Salana UK annual convention will start on 29 th of August 2014, Insha-Allah with four live addresses by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) and other speeches and collective prayers. ... jalsasalana.org ]
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