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Japan: 5-Passages from Interviews to Press by Ahmadiyya-Muslim Khalifah: Message of True Islam Given


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you...From Press Release:
" During his recent visit to Japan, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held interviews with Japanese media outlets: Asahi newspaper, Chugai Nippou newspaper, Chukyo TVand the Shingetsu news agency.

In the interviews, His Holiness was asked about various Islamic teachings; about the inauguration of the Baitul Ahad Mosque and about the increasing conflicts in the world, particularly in light of the recent Paris terrorist attacks."



“Just to physically construct a Mosque is not enough, rather the true purposes of a Mosque will only be fulfilled when it is used for the worship of the One God, to discharge a person’s duties to others and to spread the true and peaceful teachings of Islam.”

“The recent terrorist attacks in Paris can only be condemned in the strongest possible terms. It can only be classed as extreme cruelty and barbaric. Groups like ISIS or other terrorist groups are acting completely against the teachings of Islam because Islam invokes nothing but peace and love rather than brutality and injustice. All such terrorist groups are achieving is to defame the name of Islam.”-

“Weare a missionary organisation and so our task is to preach the true teachings of Islam. I have seen that the Japanese people are quite pious and have good etiquettes and so I am not pessimistic. I believe that one day many Japanese people will accept Islam.”

“It is necessary that the authorities remain vigilant to the threat of terrorism and extremism. I have been calling for this for a very long time.”

“The world is moving towards another world war and the Japanese people know better than others the devastating consequences of warfare. Thus, as a nation Japan should seek to establish peace in the world and to bring an end to all forms of conflict.”

Ref: http://www.khalifaofislam.com/press...nity-delivers-message-of-true-islam-in-japan/
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