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Japan / Ahmadiyya Mosque is Source of Peace / Comprehensive Charter of Progress connected to Mosque


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…. Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) recited from Holy Quran:
Translation: [ch22:v42] Those who, if We establish them in the earth, will observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the final issue of all affairs.

He (a.t.) said: Al-Hamdolillah (all praise to Allah) today Jama'at Ahmadiyya Japan is enabled to make their first mosque. May Allah the Exalted bless its making in every respect, and may you fulfill the right of making of a mosque.

Mosques made with millions of dollars have been raised by non-Ahmadi Muslims too. They are beautiful. About 100 mosques already exist in Japan.

Our mosque in Japan is the first mosque made by Jama'at Ahmadiyya but it is not the first mosque in the country.


Does making a mosque in japan fulfills the purpose of coming of Jama'at Ahmadiyya in Japan? Some people are proud that this mosque is greatest in Japan with respect to capacity of Salaat-offering people. But it is not that important which should make us think that we have achieved our heights. Our purpose will be achieved when we shall be trying to achieve the purpose of coming in the Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). This purpose is achieved when:

= Our connection with God the Exalted is developed and we pay rights of His worship.

= We pay rights of His creation.

= We keep eye on our practical conditions and achieve their high standards.

= We convey the beautiful message and teaching of Islam to each person of this nation.


When Japan received its religious freedom, and they came towards religion, they paid attention towards Islam too. When attention of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was drawn to this matter, he passionately mentioned his desire that true teaching of Islam should be conveyed to Japanese. He made it clear if they are coming to Islam it should be to the true Islam. Otherwise what is need to come to that version which is not alive. Those who do not carry spirit of Islam what benefit they shall impart to others. By thinking that door of revelation has been closed, others have made Islam like a dead religion……He (on whom be peace) said with pain that other Muslim not only oppress themselves (by saying revelation has stopped coming) but they hinder others to join Islam by their creed and bad deeds. What weapon they possess, by which they want to overcome other religions?

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said: Let there should be some people prepared in this Jama'at who have ability and courage.

He (a.s.) mentioned a book should be written for Japanese.


As the follower of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came to onvey his (s.a.w.) message to the world, Japan and Islands are included too.


It is Allah’s grace and benevolence that:

= You people found the opportunity to come to this country.

= There are some among you who excelled in business after coming here.

= Economy of almost all of you improved after coming here.


Forefathers of many of you have accepted Ahmadiyyat. After hearing words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), there must have been those among forefathers who desired to get spread to Japan and other countries to convey the beautiful teaching of Islam. But their desire kept in their bosoms. But Allah the Exalted gave you the opportunity to come to Japan and other countries to spread that message.


Did you come to Japan to gain economic serenity only. Please keep in mind, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was sad how others can convey Islam to Japanese because they had considered Islam a non-alive religion by closing the door of revelation and why Japanese and any other country will need such faith?

He (a.s.) said that It is you people who can furnish proof of life of Islam and tell its excellences to the world…….When door of connection with Allah is made close what difference left between Islam and other religions.

Only the live connection with Allah can prove supremecy of Islam over other religions. Show to the word: Still He speaks with whom He loves.

To prove that only economic ease is not enough, each Ahmadi has to make connection with Allah.


Islam does not need sword [gun, power] for its promulgation. Islam’s propagation needs such believers:

= Who have perfect faith in, and connection with Allah.

= Whose worship is of high quality.

= Who do Jihad of their selves to correct their practical conditions, instead of murdering people.


It is very serious agony regarding the condition of Muslims:

= On one hand they have denied the fresh revelation [not a new Book].

= On the other hand they try to spread Islam with harshness using force, and claim to serve Islam by killing innocents.

Recent Paris event was extremely barbaric. By doing so these people are not getting grace of Allah but calling His displeasure.


Thus in this context, today it is the great obligation of Ahmadis to:

= Increase mutual affection and graciousness.

= Convey the beautiful message of Islam to others.


Pay the right of this mosque. To do so:

= Polpulate it 5 times a day by coming to offer Salaat.

= Raise standards of worship.

= Oversee own practical conditions.

= Expand the field of Conveying the Message (Tabligh).

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said….. Make mosque at the place where Islam is to be introduced. Ways of Tabligh and introduction will continue to open.

This mosque is placing responsibility on locals to raise quality of worship and get prepare for conveying Message.


Media have given vast coverage even before the inauguration of the mosque. Media have told the country that Jama'at Ahmadiyya is peace loving Islam. Now it is the duty of each Ahmadi to use this introduction for further conveying the message.


Mosque is not a new thing for Japanese, there are already about 100 mosques of other Muslims.

Then why our mosque is getting special importance?

It is because we practically present the true picture of Islam which was brought by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and in this age, his ardent devotee Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has shown again.

Ahmadis has to pay their duty to show this right picture to the world.


The responsibility to show the correct picture of true Islam cannot be fulfilled unless:

= Along with strong creed, Ahmadis establish high standards of practical conditions.

= They develop mutual love and cooperation.

= They see what Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his ardent Devotee (a.s.) saw and spread in environment about love and affection; all such teaching is mentioned in Quran.

Mere claim of believeing Imam of age is not enough that we are Ahmadiyya-Muslims.

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Peace be upon you.
The translation of verse mentioned in the beginning:

[22:42] Those who, if We establish them in the earth, will observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the final issue of all affairs.

It addresses Ahmadis, in this age, because we are the one who believed in the Imam of era, and we are those, in whom, the system of Khilafat exists…..If we do not follow the principles mentioned here, our claim of believing Imam of age and link with his Khilafat will be wrong.

= The verse require we should pay attention to establish Salaat….Not doing so will mean our claim of being true Muslim is incorrect; our claim to bring spiritual revolution in the world will be wrong; our claim we accept ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) will be wrong because he came in this age to connect human with God.

= The verse requires that we pay rights of each others.

= The verse tells true servants of Allah have His awe, they pay right of worship, they spend wealth for the goodness of humanity to seek pleasure of God, they bring revolution of self-correction in their own lives and show their models to others and help them to come join and teach them the true purpose of life and how to avoid Satan……We have to care these matters.

= It is benevolence of Allah for us that we have Khalifat.

Other Muslims are scattered. They have no voice which collect them at one hand.

By the grace of Allah we believe Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. [the true servant of Holy Prophet s.a.w.], and we believe his Khilafat after him and we stand and sit at one call.

Grandeur does not reside in having governmental power only. It is also in appearance of an awe and development of peace of heart. Insh-Allah that time will come when governments will understand true-Islam by becoming devotee of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

Currently world is looking to us to know what is true Islamic teaching. It is grandeur too which Allah is placing in their hearts. But those will get benefit who will listen.

= To become heir of this grace, Allah says, do virtues and spread these; avoid evil and save others from these…As long as you will practice that, you will progress.

= Each Ahmadi should progress in good deeds, only then they will attract people of the world.. It will cause grandeur when governments will follow true teachings of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). It is huge objective.

Allah gives glad tiding to those msulims:

--- Who are not oppressors.

--- Who are firm on justice.

--- Who do not forget God, and pay rights of His worship.

--- Who pay rights of others.

--- Who are not self-fish, who are self-less.

--- Who have link of sincerety to Ahmadiyya Khilafat -- who are not mere reciters of pledge at Ijtama’at (religious gatherings) but they pratcially spread goodness and avoid evil and check their selves – who save system of Jama'at and sacrifice their egos.

These acts help one to become beloved of Allah, enable to pay rights of Allah and His creation, and make true Ahmadis which Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) expected.

Among you there are some who claim they can sacrifice everything for the sake of Khilafat. But when they are asked to end mutual unpleasantnesses and become unity, they seek hundred excuses. True believer sacrifices for peace and security instead of finding excuses for ways for discord.

Being attributed to this mosque does not mean having link with a structure of cement and bricks. This attribution is with the person whom Allah sent for re-connection between Allah and human. Those are beaded in this system they not only sacrifice wealth but sacrifice egos too, they not only call others to do good and avoid bad but first they begin from theirselves.


Many of you have come from Pakistan, where you faced restrictions and opprssions when you offered paryers. If you called your mosque a mosque, you faced jail sentence, if you gave message of peace, you were imprisioned for 3 years. Some of you took asylum here due to hardships, some are businessmen.

Ponder over how much blessing you have from Allah the Exalted. Here in Japan, there is no restriction on your prayers, you are not jailed if you call your mosque a mosque. Here they like your message of peace instead of sending you in jail.

Do not these things demand that:

= You bring spiritual revolution in you.

= You recognize your purpose of creation.

= You seek pleasure of Allah instead chasing low self-desires.

= You live with mutual love and cooperation and spread it in general society.


Create the properties in yourself which Allah wants to see in you.

These qualities are not developed with making a mosque but you have have to harvest these in your selves.

Holy Quran mention these properties:

Translation: [ch9:v112] They arethe ones who turnto God in repentance, who worshipHim, who praiseHim, who go about in the landserving Him, who bow downto God, who prostrate themselvesin prayer, who enjoin good and forbid evil, and who watch the limitssetby Allah. And give glad tidings to those who believe.

= Repentance: One should admit evils before God and make full determination to avoid sins. Sins are not only big ones. Little wrongs which disrupt system they become sin s too.

= Worship: When one is firm on pledge of repentance, one pay rights of worship of God. It is obligation of true believer. The true believer follows pleasure of God. Pleasure of God means human should worship God:

Translation: [ch51:v57] And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.

Thus neither rich, business people [Jin], nor common poor people [human] have any excuse not to worship….In making this mosque some of you have presented great sacrifice of wealth, people with less income did the same, children too showed great models of sacrifice. But all of these great sacrifices of wealth do not set free anyone from offering worships……This sacrifice will be accepted when you shall pay rights of populating mosque and rights of worship of Allah.

= Praise: The right of doing praise of God is paid by offering worship. Praise God: He enabled you to offer sacrifice, Praise Him as He granted you mosque which opens ways of Conveying beautiful teaching of Islam to others. Praise God as He improved your economic condition which is not due to anyone’s intelligence and knowledge it is mere grace of God. Praise Him even if conditions are not in our favour. Praise Him as He enabled us to accept Imam of age and saved us from wastage.

=Journies: Journey of Momin become means of getting pleasure of God…In this respect, your coming here should increase you in Conveying the message, and get pleasure of God.

= Ruku (Bow): True believer bows to God. One meaning is the act of Ruku (bow) in Salaat. It also means to sacrifice time, life and wealth in the path of Deen. Honour your pledges, not as mere ritual, but be practical picture of that.

= Sajjid (Islamic Prostration): True believer prostartes before God. They try to get maximum nearness of God. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that Momin is nearest to God when he is state of Sajdah. We need to find such Sajdah-s. Only to put forehead on ground is not Sajdah but it means to seek pleasure of Allah with utmost humbleness. By offering sacrifices, pushing egos back, following Allah’s directives, and obeying system of Jama'at (as it is according to Allah’s commandment) brings nearness of Allah. Do full and humble effort. Then bring others near to God by conveying message to them and pull them as they have drowened in earthliness, and save them from fire and displeasure of God. It is duty of Ahmadis.

= Save boundaries set by Allah: Keep eyes on things which are to be done as mentioned in Quran. Practice them well. Protect the boundaries means follow commandments of Allah, as told by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and expected by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), listen and practice on words of Khalifah of time. Protect faith and deeds. Value the bounty of Khilafat in this era. It is the essential way for prestige of Deen.


Glad tiding is for the Momins who practice these things. We should check ourselves whether we are among those who are given glad tidings.



Peace be upon you.
It is benevolence of Allah that He has subdued inventions of the age for us. Jama'at spends millions of dollars every year on Muslim Television Ahmadiyya , MTA [mta.tv]. It is great way for training, conveying message, and above all it is way of connection with Khalifah.

A mother wrote about lack of training for children. Instead of blaming Muballigh or administration, think 6 days a week children are with parents and school…..If they shall see MTA programs, their connection and love with Khalifah of time will increase, unity in Jama'at will be made, they will get training.

If parents wants to save next generations, they should get connected at MTA with programs of Khalifah of time, and children too.

Even some non-Ahmadis write to Huzur (a.t.) that they see his sermons or program and learnt reality of deen.

To learn faith, to get unity and training Ahmadis need to get connected with MTA programs by Khalifah of time. If there is time difference, programs can be seen at repeat times.


There is spiritual disease in some people, they find weaknesses of others. Such people should use time for constructive things.

Office holders, president of Jama'at and others, should increase affection among members and train them, and end unpleasantness among them. If people give message ‘love for all hatred for none’ to others and their own hearts are full of raccour, it is useless. We should cjange our state for the sake of Allah and we should get counted in those who are given gald tidings that they are true Momins.

Sometimes, members speak against system of Jama'at or against office holders in homes. By doing so they unknowingly damage their next generation. To call others to do good and avoid should first begin from self and family at home otherwise conveying the message will make no effect.


Mosque has been made, please pay its rights.


Huzur (a.t.) said he will say to Japanese Ahmadis that they should learn Deen, increase in faith and conviction. They should not see a certain Ahmadi by birth or old times is weak in conduct. If he is weak, you should become source of his correction.


Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) said: I have earlier said God is not relative of anyone. The person who will do good deeds and raise standard of worships, support and help of Allah will be with him. May Allah enable each Ahmadi to live life by keeping this basic before his eyes. And may this mosque cause revolutionary change in state of faith and practice of each Ahmadi. There should not be temporary interest and passion in making the mosque, but its right should be paid. [Aameen]


--The land of mosque is 1000 square meter.

--It is on the main road which connect all the roads of area, and connects with 2 highways.

--The place is connected with Nagoya international airport through one railway.

--Huzur (a.t.) gave it the name: Baitul Ahad [The House of The One and Only One].

--As blessings (Tabarruk), some bricks of Masjid Mubarak and Darul Messiah (Qadian) are planted here.

--At ground floor, there is main hall with capacity of 500 people who can offer Salaat.

--At upper storey, there is hall for ladies (lajna hall), open space, offices, library, Murabbi house, guest rooms. By placing marquee, functions can be arranged there. People can offer Salaat here too.

--In total 700 / 800 people can offer Salaat in building.

--A building was purchased, latter changes were brought to make it a mosque. Minaret and dome was placed.

--It attacts attention due to being by the road.

--It is first Ahmadiyya mosque in north east asia (Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan…). May Allah make it gateway of progress of Jama'at in those places too and may we have mosques there too.

--Building was purchased in June 2013, total cost of building, change and new construction is 137,800,000 Yen (about 1,200,000 Dollars).

Less than 50% was grant from the Centre of Jama'at, the rest was huge sacrife by small community. May Allah grant reward to all participants. Aameen.

--When land was bought, it seemed permission for a mosque will not be granted. There were registration related problems too. Lawyers thought deal should be called off…..But Allah the Exalted removed the hurdles…..There was danger that local people might object. It is small city. Meeting were made with locals, there hearts were filled with serenity, they agreed to have this mosque in their area. Here Ahmadis know all development, which should cause increase in their faith. Now they should realize their duties.

--Pointed finacial sacrifices for mosque:

>When contribution was asked, an Ahmadi went home and told his wife who is Japanese. She brought boxes of savings. All things were worth 10,000 Dollars. They presented all.

>Some members were not well off but they restricted their expenses at home and offered savings. It was about 250,000 $. …..In all 700,000 $ were offered.

>A student who does part job and gets 80,000 Yen, began to pay 50,000 Yen monthly for the mosque.

>A little girl had collected gifts in various currencies. She brought all. It was 9000$.

>Ahmadiyya ladies: One lady presented 24 (gold) bangles….Another lady presented all jewelary given by her mother……A lady presented new jewelry set which she had bought for her daughter’s wedding.

May Allah grant unlimited blessing in wealth and lives who sacrificed and continue to increase them in faith and conviction. And may everyone pay right of mosque. May the standards of their worship increase and may their mutual affection increase. May attention of others is drawn to it.


Non-Ahmadiyya Neighbours: They showed love and sincerity. One Japanese person offered his 3 storey home for guests who has come from outside of Japan for inauguration of mosque…..Neighnour of mosque has offered parking spaces for guests…..Usually Japanese uses expensive flowers for inauguration of a building. Two Japaneses friends said they want to make mosque beautiful with flowers. They helped in it.

>A Japanese lawyer who did great service in our case, he did not take fees 20,000$ and said Jama'at Ahmadiyya Japan has showed benevolence for Japan.


Newspapers and media: “Second largest newspaper of the country published a report on 11 Nov. It said that a mosque and community centre of peaceable Ahmadiyya Muslim community is ready. It constitutes of minarets and has capacity for 500 worshippers. The Ahmadiyya community prides in propagating peace and love and holds programmes promoting social interaction. There are about 200 members of this community in Japan most of whom are of Pakistani origin while others are from fifteen different ethnicities. The community is at the forefront of voluntary activities. They distributed food among those affected by the Kobe earthquake and tsunami, as well as the earthquake in northern Japan and floods this year.

This is the impression the Jama'at has on others; as representatives of Islam which promotes peace and security, who serve humanity. It is the task of every Ahmadi in Japan to keep this going and to enhance this impression. May God enable every Ahmadi to promote the reality that Islam is a religion of peace and security and our mosques are symbols of this so that avenues of spreading Islam in this nation become wider still and this nation may also be fortunate enough to recognise the Creator and understand the status of the benefactor of humanity, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).”

Based on Friday Sermon (20 November 2015), Nagoya Japan, by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv


Peace be upon you.


Ref: http://ahmadiyyatimes.blogspot.com/...-mosque-inaugurated.html?utm_source=BP_recent