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JapanMosque: What We can Offer to World? What to Do First? Connect Servants with God+Human Rights


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. In Japan too, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at is making progress by the Grace of Allah… Insha’Allah, soon they will have a mosque ‘Masjid Baitul Aahad’. Guests house, mission house and offices are included in the site. The local Jama'at have offered great financial sacrifices for it…. The Holy Khalifah (a.t.) reminded the Jama'at that, to pay the rights of the mosque, they should understand and practice what the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) requires from them so that they become true Muslims. They have made Pledge of Allegiance with him (a.s.).

Temporary sacrifices stemming from zeal are good but they should get their objective with steadfastness, acting for the sake of Allah and by keeping the aim in view.

The Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that to get the blessings like the blessings received by those who walked on straight path is the real purpose of every human. “The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings…” (ch 1: v 7).Our Jama'at should be particularly attentive to it. Allah has made this movement so that it should become witness for the truth and grandeur of Holy Quran and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

Thus Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at has to focus for the aims of Jama'at of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). His companions continuously presented sacrifices of lives, wealth and time and never felt high and mighty but prayed that these sacrifices be accepted.. They paid dues of Allah with fearful heart. They prayed. They raised the standards of their worships. Worldly duties could never make them forgetful of remembrance of Allah. Worship is the purpose of life according to Holy Quran .

The purpose of buying a place for making a mosque is to worship Allah with steadfastness to get His nearness. A believer does good deeds to seek the pleasure of Allah and His unlimited mercy in Hereafter. Companions (r.a) of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) aimed for it and made progress and were granted the honor “radhi’allaho anhum i.e Allah is well pleased with them” (Ref: Holy Quran , ch9 : v100)……Promised Messiah (a.s.) said he wanted such progress for his Jama'at….He wanted his Jama'at to become witness for the truth and grandeur of Holy Quran and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). He meant, his Jama'at should bring a revolution in them by practicing upon the last and perfect Book, the Holy Quran and by taking last Prophet with Shariah, Khatamun nabiyeen, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as role model so that they should pay rights of Allah and His creation.

A Japanese non-Muslim lawyer friend has helped Jama'at without fee in overcoming some hurdles in the way of mosque ‘Masjid Baitul Aahad’. He did so because he strongly felt that Ahmadiyya Muslims in Japan has selflessly served humanity by serving Japanese people in earthquakes and tsunamis… Holy Khalifah (a.t.) thanked him and said Jama'at will continue to pay human rights as it is obligation, as it is the model of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).……The beauty of true Islamic teaching wins hearts of good people like this gentleman Japanese lawyer. Insha’Allah mosque ‘Masjid Baitul Aahad’ will introduce message of Allah – The One and Holy Quran through Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at…..Promised Messiah (a.s.) had noted that pious people among these were taking interest in Islam. He asked that a book be written for Japanese for the introduction of Islam [It is being prepared]

Holy Khalifah said to his Jama'at that Japanese people are ahead of them in material progress, they have good morals too. What Ahmadiyya Muslims can give them?..........Ahmadiyya Muslims can teach them about making connection with Allah, about existence of alive God in Islam only, the ways to pay rights of worship of God, how does God listen to prayers and how He talks to His servants.

To do so, Ahmadiyya Muslims should improve their practical conditions, strengthen relation with God, offer Salaat, live with mutual love, have better morals than others, exercise benevolence etc.

According to Promised Messiah (a.s.) these people are paying attention to Islam because of their goodness…..Therefore it is essential to convey to them the true and beautiful teaching of Islam and how human can have connection with God.

To have this objective, the Ahmadiyya Muslims living in Japan have to follow the teachings of Holy Quran and role model of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). In this connection, they should learn repeatedly and regurgitate the guidance given by the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and his Khalifah (may Allah be his Helper) explained some portion of it:

= First thing is to remember that God will make us accountable about our covenant. In this era, the covenant of Bai'at done with Promised Messiah (a.s.) through Khilafat puts responsibility on new and old Ahmadiyya Muslims that they should give precedence to faith over worldliness in any case. The Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that he asked for a promise be made about giving precedence to faith over worldliness, at the time of Bai'at so that he should check how much the Bai'at-makers act on that……He stressed and felt extreme concern that his followers should work hard for the sake of Deen; they should remember Allah always; they should mold themselves according to commandments of God; they should get knowledge of purifying the self; they should become new person after coming into Bai'at….. Apparent faith is not enough, one has to perfect it with all conditions.

= Love of God. True believers give precedence to God over all things and relations, they act on commandments of God and do good deeds according to time and occasion for the sake of pleasure of Allah, they pay rights of worships of Allah, they do correction among people, they avoid discord, they give counsels for goodness, they enjoin goodness and stop from evil, they pay rights of trust, they fulfill covenants, they are established on truth, they do right talk which is clear of twists even if one has to be witness against dear ones, they are full of passion of giving sacrifice for each other like companions (r.a.) of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), they have good thoughts about others, they keep their bosom clean of rancor based on hearsay, they do good behaviors with spouses (that is how the message of Islam can reach to in-laws), they forgive each other, they are humble [A verse of Promised Messiah (a.s.) : Be lesser than everyone else, in your reflection – Perhaps, it may let admission in the Abode-of-Union], they (their commons and office-holders) are humble, they subdue their anger, they fulfill their covenants and Bai'at and their acts are virtuous to seek pleasure of Allah……There are many such commandments to be followed and everyone should make self checks if they are practicing or not.

= Find excellences of each other, not the weaknesses. Live with love and affection mutually. Promised Messiah (a.s.) asked to remove each of mutual conflict, anger and enmity from among.

= Get engaged in the magnificent work….He said it was the time to leave lowly matters and get engaged in magnificent work of promoting His faith, God will remove obstacles and will grant success. It is necessary to struggle for the purpose for which advent of Promised Messiah (a.s.) took place. First purpose of his is to connect servant with God and secondly to remind people to pay each other’s right.

= It is to be noted that when contradiction in seen in the words and deeds of some members of Jama'at, it may affect adversely on children and youth and natives who have come closer.

= Local incharge of the Jama'at, office-holders and members should make self checks how much they are fulfilling their responsibilities and covenants.

= In spiritual-training gatherings, proceeding should be in Japanese language. Japanese Ahmadiyya Muslims should be taught about the system of Jama'at , they should make [religious] speeches and participation in services.

= The new mosque will be prepared soon Insha’Allah. It will open the avenues for conveying message of Allah. Each Ahmadiyya Muslim should be ready for it. To do this service, having connection with God is essential and right of worship of Allah – The Aahad (One) must be paid; the mosque is named after His attribute ‘Al Aahad’.. One must have understanding of Allah—The Aahad and one must exercise Taqwa, pay right of worship, do virtuous deeds, bring the self and others at the threshold of God.

= Believers should be particularly kind among themselves “rohamaao baynahum” (ch 48 “ v 30)…Each believer should become ‘servant of Rahman (The Gracious)’ and pay rights associated with mosque by obeying commandments of Allah and by asking His Fazl / blessings so that their sacrifices are accepted by Allah.

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Peace be upon you.

The soon would-be operational mosque ‘Masjid Baitul Aahad’ is made on 3000 square feet, 60 % of this area is covered, 500 people can offer Salaat in Salaat hall, it has residential rooms etc, total expenses are 800,000 dollars……The local Ahmadiyya Muslims offered great sacrifices for it; children offered pocket-money, women presented jewelry, some believers sold their properties in their previous country (of origin) to pay for this mosque, some people sold their beloved ornaments, some sold the family-ornaments……… May Allah grant unlimited blessings in their wealth and lives……The Japanese non-Muslim Lawyer (earlier mentioned, he is impressed by Ahmadiyya Muslims’s selfless humanitarian help for Japanese hard times, that is how he thanked) presented free legal help worth 20,000 dollars. Holy Khalifah (a.t.) prayed for him; may Allah grant the best reward to the Japanese friend

It is very important mention that the place for mosque is found without thoughts of any person. People could not have thought about it till few months back. All of sudden, Allah helped for it. May we prostate before Allah for His blessings which we observe everywhere on earth, says Holy Khalifah (may Allah be his Helper).

Such blessings are answers by Allah to the opponents of Jama'at who once in the time of Second Ahmadiyya Khilafat stood to disintegrate the first headquarter of Jama'at, in Qadian, India. At that time, Allah breathed a scheme [Tahreek e Jadid i.e Modern-Scheme] in the heart of Second Holy Khalifah (may Allah be pleased with him). Using this scheme, he started to spread the Divine Message over the globe by sending missionaries, making mosques, started various projects to serve humanity like hospitals and schools; Jama'at offered sacrifices for the Fund.

By the Grace of Allah, those who wanted to disintegrate Jama'at are lost now, and The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at is progressing in more than 200 countries in the world and every year hundred of thousands new people are joining

Thus believers should thank Allah for new mosque in Japan which is granted by Allah unexpectedly and they should pay right of it and bring pure changes in them. May Allah help.

During this tour of Australia and Far East by Holy Khalifah (a.t.), the new fiscal year (80 th ) for Tahreek e Jadid has started. Jama'at presented offerings of 7,869,100 British Pounds…It is 650,000 B.P more than previous years…The chapters of Jama'at in Pakistan, Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Indonesia, Australia, Two Arab Countries, Ghana and Switzerland presented outstanding offerings…..Germany toped in annual increase.…USA topped in per person offering….Ghana topped with respect to increase of offering in local currency.

Holy Khalifah (a.t.) prayed, May Allah increase in faith and confidence, all those who are making any kind of sacrifice and also contributed to Tehreek e Jadid and may these sacrifices be purely for the sake of Allah.

Reference: Based on Friday Sermon, 8 th November 2013 by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help), Nagoya, Japan, mta.tv and alislam.org
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