You tell me. Can you substantiate this concern at all?
Don't listen to me............................
Go search out the specialists:
JWs 5 .................... Criotics Nil
Away win for the JWs.
Toys That Affect Children's Behavior - Living The Bump › Parenting
The toys you choose to fill your shelves and toy box with can have a major impact on your little one's behavior. Choose wisely in the toy store or you may be dealing with a tyrannical tot who doesn't understand how to play nicely with others. By avoiding specific toys, you should be able to steer clear of aggression and violent ...
8 Jan 2018 - With recent gun violence in the U.S., one of the questions that always comes up is whether violent media promotes violent or aggressive behavior, ... Vanessa LoBue, Ph.D. The Baby Scientist ... After watching the video, the children were brought into a playroom with the same doll and lots of other toys.
Vanessa LoBue, Ph.D.
Violent Media and Aggressive Behavior in Children
Does watching violence on TV, in movies, or video games promote aggression?
Posted Jan 08, 2018
Although the issue is often presented as controversial in the media, we have pretty good evidence that exposure to violent media does make children more aggressive. And we’ve known it for decades. In one of the most well-known studies on this topic (published all the way back in the 1960s), researchers showed preschoolers a video of an adult playing with an inflatable doll. In the video, the children watched as the adult sat on the doll, punched it in the nose, hit the doll on the head with a mallet, and kicked it repeatedly. After watching the video, the children were brought into a playroom with the same doll and lots of other toys. As predicted, the kids who watched the aggressive video imitated what they saw—they beat the doll with a mallet, and they punched and kicked it. What was most surprising was that the children found new and creative ways to beat up the doll, and they played more aggressively with the other toys in the room as well. In other words, children didn’t just imitate the aggressive behaviors they saw; seeing aggressive behaviors caused these kids to play more aggressively in general (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1963).
Very recent research suggests that these effects can become particularly problematic when guns are involved. Researchers from Ohio State University brought pairs of 8- to 12-year-old children into a lab and showed them a 20-minute version of a popular PG-rated movie—either the Rocketeer (1991) or National Treasure (2004). In the edited movie, the children either saw that actual movie footage, which contained characters using guns, or they watched a version where the guns were edited out. They were then presented with a large room that contained various toys including Legos, nerf guns, and games. Not surprisingly, the children who watched the movie with the guns played more aggressively than children who watched the movie with the guns edited out, consistent with previous research.