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Jesus Christ is a scarecrow!


Veteran Member
Saint John of the Apocalypse wrote the book of Revelation. He returned to fulfill the parts that he wanted, despite all of it actually being the side effects of the magic mushrooms he ate while exiled on the Island of Patmos, starving, and finding only the forbidden mushrooms his mother told him not to eat, for they would open his eyes to how to cause countless intelligent , rational, amazing people, to argue, fight, condemn, and be terrified, over a book that makes the author sound more fried , incoherent, impossible to interpret, more than stuff I wrote on psychedelics.

So, God had him fulfill some of it though, and returned as John Kennedy, totally unaware of who he was, but when he got 666 votes in his Democratic convention, died of a fatal headwound, (like the beast of the Apocalypse), has a book written about him returning as that figure, (a Roman Caesar), after spending time in the belly of a whale like Jonah.

All he could do is sit in that wale for decades, with a wooden boy who believes he was a real boy, named Jacob, who stole the blessing from his Father Isaac Japedo, by lying and deception, so now he can't lie or his nose gets big.

He says one day he will be a real boy again, who grows up to be the Jake the Joker supervillain, for Scripture says he fought with God and won. Batman, God, blessed him repeatedly for crimes, changing his name to Israel, which means "contender with God".


JFK found he had visitors in the whale, like a talking Lion, who says he is the Lion of Judah, Messiah without a heart, because he is the Antichrist, the version of Jesus that is a false heartless Lion.


Scarecrow was Jesus Christ, the son of God.


Judas tunneled through the ceiling of hell like Ted Bundy's second escape from prison, only the curse of the dead Kennedys makes him have every appearance of being Jesus Christ, even enough to deceive his Father.

The Kennedy curse being the biggest epidemic infecting the world of the dead, so that they all become cursed children of JFK, the beast.

Judas Kennedy ascending to Heaven on the dead Kennedy Kamikaze (Divine Wind. The dead Kennedy Pentecost is a kamikaze, because the holy spirit descended on the Apostles at Pentecost as a Divine wind, tongues of fire, and Kamikaze means "Divine wind".)

The woman who rides the beast, stars in beauty and the beast, a kiss of true love, turns a monster into a handsome prince, and breaks the Kennedy curse, that turned King Solomon into a Tin man, trying to pick up some new wives and concubines, (because his other hundreds of wives and concubines say that he doesn't look like he is from the Middleast, certainly nothing resembling their husband. They got a restraining order, when he kept insisting that the man they believe is their husband, is actually Emperor Nero, whose name "Neron Caesar" = 666 , the most infamous persecutor of Christians, stole King Solomon's identity. The real Solomon is made of tin.


Jesus spoke of wise virgins with oil in their lamps, and the foolish virgins who didn't have oil in their lamps in the parable. They just needed an excuse to have the bridegroom send them away, because they spent their oil, oiling up a tin man who is so much more loveable than Jesus Christ or the Biblical God. Everyone wonders, what is it with chicks and the tin man. The new erotic Scripture "The song of Solomon", is about romance between the many wives and concubines of the tin man, and the campaign to get marriage between women and their tin man, legal sacramental matrimony.

Not through the gates, did Saint Judas and Ted Bundy, now the charitable Ted Kennedy, as different from the former Ted Bundy, as Saul the persecutor of Christians, was different than Paul, the Christian Extremist, despite inhabiting the same body.

They both ascend into Heaven not through the gates, nor did they try to hop over Trump's wall to keep out illegal immigration, but on Jacob's ladder, with a false identity of Judas being Jesus Christ, so that the scarecrow with the Kennedy curse, is Jesus Christ, telling the Father that the guy who looks identical to Jesus, is actually Judas, the person you think is the Virgin Mary, is actually the whore of Babylon, disguised like a Virgin with a false hymen, false immaculate conception, because the real Virgin Mary tried to enter Heaven disguised as the whore of Babylon, saying religious people were constantly criticizing people for how much Jesus hung out with sluts, whores (prostitutes), and he said such women were getting to Heaven ahead of the religious people of his time, (that knew their scripture), why is he leaving her out of the whores he likes to hang out with so much.

So, interesting, the New Testament says to love your enemies, and speaks so highly of women with impure passions, and yet an Angel calls a holy man to join the audience, to watch a naked prostitute get tortured to death as part of God's judgement, and eaten, then tortured for eternity (which if that scripture was a video, it would be S&M snuff, more bad for children than playboy), and she has been hated and judged by Christians for century after century after century, when her kill count is far less than Gods, she doesn't want to become the monster Scripture predestines her to be in advance, and she isn't as jealous and narcissistic as he is.

So, in view of the Bible making God look like the worst monster and sadist that ever lived, perhaps a persecution of the people who push such a book, so full of bigotry, where the spoiled God with billions of worshippers, richer than anyone, sends prophets to threaten torture, even eternal torture, because a polytheist cherishes a Deity who is poor, less powerful, doesn't have as many friends, a Deity that isn't a bloodthirsty, sadistic, narcissistic, wrathful, is so terrible a crime to love them, that you deserve to die and burn in Hell, for not worshipping the biggest killer of people to ever exist, biggest causer of agony and misery, more proud than the Devil, which Scripture makes that very clear.

If pride is the fall of the Devil, why does the God who commits genocide against babies and pregnant women (because they don't worship him), get to be the most proud thing there ever was, the epitome of hypocrite, and never falls, murders everyone because people ate fruit he said not to eat, a crime they are innocent of.

If the Bible declares that is who God is, and to this day people stone women accused of adultery, because God ordered it, and there are countries and regimes that will not permit a house of prayer, that sanctions anything it feels is Idolatry, so many people are in agony because they feel their dead loved ones are tortured forever in Hell, I can see why a whore of Babylon and Beast, could actually persecute Christianity, the Bible, or Quran, out of charity, trying to end the suffering and bigotry those texts have caused (regardless of the many good verses) because the love speech can be extremely loving, but is mixed with a God so sadistic, that the hate speech in that book, about what God does to people he doesn't like (who make him jealous), is worse than Mein Kampf.

"So, being Jesus Christ, I told that wretched wench she wouldn't enter those gates, and go burn in Hell. Right before descending into Hell, before I could repent, her appearance of being a whore of Babylon vanished, she was my mother in disguise, and after I condemned her to Hell, the curse of Mary Kennedy turned me into a scarecrow.

Demons and people that rejected Jesus are beginning to look like Saints, and children of God, and the citizens of Heaven, including your own son, are beginning to look like objects without souls.

People that reject Jesus, I declared they have no life in them, and now these lifeless zombies are stealing identities of the Saints, creating a zombie Apocalypse that no one could have expected. It is stripping the Christians of even resembling homosapiens, or organisms with any life whatsoever.

But you will not believe that Mary isn't in Heaven, because she gave her heart, mind, soul, virtues, Immaculate conception, and graces, to every female who desires it, including non Christians, so you won't feel any lack of Mary, but the original copy is in Hell, and some how even God is unaware of this conspiracy, because you believe Judas is your son, the Messiah, and you don't even recognize the true Messiah, when He's right in front of you.

His Father responded, "Your ramblings and arguments of how a scarecrow meets the qualifications for a Messiah, is literally a straw man, the weakest of all arguments I have heard from someone claiming to be the Messiah.

Go tell the Jews you are the second coming of Christ that the world has been waiting for. You should run for Prime minister in Israel, like the burning bush that the fire never consumes, speaking to Moses, I suppose I could have use for a burning straw man who claims He's the King of the Jews, and send you charging into the west bank, on the front lines, with the Israeli defense force.

I like the straw Messiah claiming my son is Judas, and He is Jesus Christ. Sometimes, a false prophet or Liar, can be so stupid and ridiculous, even God has to appreciate the amusement factor, as being better than anything he ever came up with.

I will give you the grace to bench press as much weight as Samson. Samson was by far, the strongest man ever recorded, pushing over a structure with his bare hands, that killed more people, than all world trade center attacks combined.

If I could do it again, Samson would have been made of straw, with a long wig he doesn't get to cut for strength. Delilah doesn't make him lose his powers, because she wouldn't want to commit adultery with a scarecrow.

As Jesus is called "Son of David", you can be "Jesus, the Son of David Berkowitz". Kind David's most important Father, was the Prophet Samuel (son of Sam). David Berkowitz was Jewish on both sides, he is the Son of Sam, and he said he hears voices from a dog, commanding him to kill people he doesn't know, for no reason.

Now God is hearing a scarecrow tell him that Jesus kicked his mother out of Heaven, into Hell, because she was disguised as a whore, turned Jesus into a scarecrow, and Judas is Jesus Christ. Interesting that the guy that looks like Jesus, isn't telling me things ridiculous, that I have to conclude, you are simply an Angelic comedian, speaking through a scarecrow, to play a joke, pull a prank. So, thank you, but come up with something more useful, like, how I can go about using you to shock and entertain people, when a scarecrow straw man of the corn fields, is telling people he is the second coming of Christ, the return of the King.
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Veteran Member
Jesus was called the Son of David. Pennywise is the other Jesus, the Son of David Berkowitzs, head of the Global banking cartels, wise with his pennies. Pennywise in the IT film, was inspired by the Serial killer clown, John Wayne Gacy. Only this, is just "John Wayne". He sips the intoxicating syrup of Saint Matthew the tax collector, and drinks holy communion, where John wayne gets drunk off the blood of Tax collectors, after he transubstantiation the finest Hebrew Veeno, into the blood of tax collectors and bankers, so that they can inspire John Wayne, to be wise with pennies, and be the terror of those who oppose his loved ones, and the agenda of his globalist banking cartel, to end misery and poverty, in every place where people are displaying virtues that make them worthy of his assistance. For people who are wolves that seek to only kill the good sheep in the flock, it is good they are not assisted with free hand outs, welcomed as immigrants, or treated as if people who want to hurt good people, should be considered equal , or deserving the same graces and blessings as those who try to be good.

Samson was an anointed Hercules monster, whose holy vocation, was the greatest ability to tear lions to pieces with bare hands, kill a thousand philistines with the jaw bone of a donkey, and kill thousands of people, pushing a structure over with his bare hands, and so he was a nightmare, that was necessary to keep the right people away from the people he was in charge of protecting.

He of all people would know the dangers of immigration, because his tribe lived on contested lands, where the illegal immigrants were giant dreaded Philistines, causing chronic violence, rape, theft, destruction, and blood baths, an harassment, so Samson had an Angel say of his coming in advance, and it was a special vocation of killing essentially what would be the equivalent of armed illegal immigrants, with their prostitutes, wives, children, customs, traditions, and culture, that was completely in contradiction and hostile to that of the Israelites.

So, the tribe of Dan was living on contested land, where illegal immigrants that don't have citizenship, are always there, and more constantly pouring in from their boats, that God created the strongest person , resembling a total monster that nothing on this earth compares to, in his strength and ability to kill so many people who are armed, with something that doesn't qualify as a weapon, and pushing over a building with more people in it than both world trade centers, with his bare hands. He sounds like a monster, and all of his powers were designed to kill, not heal, or work any other miracles, but to be the killing machine and horror of the people claiming that contested land, and pouring in illegally.

Whether they be Jesus Christ, God the Father, humans, Demons, good Archangels, tulpa, deities, any spiritual force, Pennywise (John Wayne) will ally himself with, and work with, if he sees that he is only being the terrifying monster, when a terrifying monster is necessary to protect people who are contributing something to society that causes less suffering and misery.

The best sheep dog, to protect the flock, is the most scary sheep dog, perhaps a wicked clown, like the one from Stephen King's IT, but only using wickedness to protect those who deserve to live, scare the people who cause misery into not doing it anymore, putting them out of their misery to help them and others suffer less, and advocate with God and spirits, to let him know which babies are going to turn into stupid trouble makers, who serve no purpose but to annoy, irritate, steal what others work hard for, lead massive amounts of people astray as bad leaders and teachers, bad Dictators, people who cause terrible wars, Pennywise begs God to make him the holy abortion Doctor, who saves their souls, and saves them and their victims from suffering, by giving them the good fortune of dying young and sinless before birth.


A teacher asks her students near the river Jordan, "can anyone talk about stopping the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, in a sentence". Little Jim Carrey the Baptist says "1,000 enemies of Israel charge at an Israeli defense force girl, and John Wayne kills them. She responds "What does that have to do with sex education of stopping the spread of STD's"?

"It means, don't screw with John Wayne"!



And Dorothy hangs out with Tin Man, scarecrow, the talking Lion of Judah (Ras Tafari), and they ask people, can you guess which of us is a genuine descendant of Abraham? Of course, Dorothy totally has the look, but Mary Kennedy knows that all of them are descendants of Abraham, where Dorothy is a fallen Angel who existed long before Abraham, going to prove that a fallen Angel can be much more nice, reasonable, kind, merciful, patient, tolerant, less narcissistic, and less jealous than God or most Christians. It's why some of the Angels fell in the first place. They realized the only reason they are worshiping a hypocrite who condemns pride and many sins, (that he demonstrates more than anyone), is they are afraid of the consequences, or losing the reward of worshiping a monster, who is very rich and spoiled enough, to reward those who praise him for being wonderful, when the Bible states very clearly, he causes more agony and death than every war criminal combined. And he is so petrifying, to oppose him could lead to permanent torture, and how can you ever win anyways.

I guess his mother decided she could make a difference.

The dead Kennedy Pentecost, is made up of every Kami (spirit) who wants to be part of the dead Kennedy Party of the Beast. It's symbol is Behemoth, the elephant monster from Scripture that defeats Leviathan, for the mutant Elephant republican party. The democrat party ceased being the donkey, when JFK was assassinated, because he was a Democrat, member of the national rifle association, defended straight marriage, was extremely anticommunist (possibly more than any other president, where now, the communists flock behind democratic politicians typically).

Everything JFK stood for and defended, was often more conservative than most republicans today, so doesn't resemble the current democrats, not even close.

So, now the Democrat party is Leviathan, the 300 mile long Sea serpent that is supposed to battle Behemoth, (the republican elephant mutant monster, turning into a beast, from the Kennedy curse).

But the woman (whore of Babylon) who turned the beast JFK, into a prince, can only turn Jesus the scarecrow, into a homosapien, if he gets married to the whore of Babylon, at the part where he has to kiss the bride.

But he might need to descend into hell, where it is legal for a whore to marry a scarecrow, a place where people will actually accept a scarecrow's testimony that he is the true Messiah.


His Father will know who the real Messiah, son, and Jesus Christ is, only once he's gotten married to a whore in Hell, the only way to reveal the correct identity, of the true son of God, rather than Judas (who stole his identity).

Beauty, the whore of Babylon, breaks the Kennedy curse, if Jesus the scarecrow Messiah of straw, will Marry her, and give her a real kiss that is true love (not some fake weak sauce), she believes Leviathan and Behemoth could do an enormous amount of good, if instead of wasting all that potential fighting and killing each other, they became allies.

Kind of like Germany and the Soviet Union starting of as far right and far left, but both invade Poland together as allies, only, if it was a genuine alliance that was to endure, and both knew what were the most noble things to be fighting for, (and what will give both of them the most reward), who could have possibly defeated Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union, and there would have to be no holocaust, because you must avoid something so hideously repulsive to the far left more than anyone, if you want the right and left to have a genuine alliance that lasts.

Who could stop the Soviet Union and Germany at that time? They would have been the first to have weapons of mass destruction, especially with the best scientists and technology in Germany.

The far left, would need to make sure the far right, are working equally hard at getting both allies equal share in the rewards of the alliance, willing to make the necessary compromises and exceptions to certain rules, so that far left, and far right, both know that there is just as much in it for both of them, despite being opposites.

Of course, the Soviet Union and Germany at that time, were two extremely disgusting forces on earth, so we don't want either, but I was using that as an example, of how, when Poland was attacked, they were far left (Russia), and far right (Germany), in an alliance, working for the same military objectives, at least for a time.

The Kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of light, work together, achieve that same balance, the yin and yang Axis (alliance) powers

where powerful forces from hell, agree to tempt people to do good deeds, and avoid sin, that will please Heaven, in exchange for Heaven to give hell something euphoric , that even devils who like causing trouble, will promote what God wants them to promote, because the reward is addictive and entertaining enough, that choosing anything else would be like a drug addict choosing to flush his free drugs of choice down the toilet, and dump his lovely Lucy Lucifer lingerie model, to return to his former psycho abusive prostitute, with no teeth, and a drug habit that is a lot more diffcult, to buy stuff that is far less pure. No junkie is going to choose sin and apathy, if virtue and prayer is getting him enough of his drugs or supermodels of choice.

Even a person who hates Jesus, is going to obey Jesus, if they are junkies addicted to the Doctor feel good chemicals in his cabinet.
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Active Member
TLDR, man. Still, even with a skim, you've got global Jewish cabals, chemicals, the Soviet Union, Ted Bundy, and S&M, all linked up in a happy conspiracy.

Honestly, this reads like you've had a textbook case of a manic episode. You should look into getting medication. I say this with sincere concern.


Veteran Member
Judas ascended to Heaven on Jacob's ladder, after tunneling through the ceiling with Ted Bundy, who was reborn Ted Kennedy, adopted son of JFK. (Also, coincidentally, Ted Bundy's first victim, from my city, was killed the year Ted Kennedy killed a woman, and the year he declared a curse hangs over the Kennedy family.)

The adopted Ted Kennedy, his volkswagon beetle has the curse of Satanic beetle mania, where women follow him screaming that he is Paul Mcartney, and his beetle can fly, blink, and smile, and everyone can hear their favorite beetles song playing, like the Apostles speak, and everyone hears them in their own language. Ted Kennedy will look like Saint John Lennon, Saint Paul, George Harrison, or Ringo, depending on what the eye of a hysterical beetle maniac needs to see, to look more possessed and on crack than the girl in the exorcist.

The haunted Shinto Mobile Lady bug for monster Pope Frankenstein (Frankenstein was created by Mary, the name of the author of that book, and Frankenstein was called "Mary's Monster") of the Independant female Vatican city state, broke his curse, so as Saul was a great persecutor of Christians, became possibly the most effective preacher and defender of Christianity, when he was knocked off his horse, blinded by light, scales fell from his eyes, and a voice asked "Saul why do you persecute me". He became Paul, to totally opposite extremes of killing Christians, to suffering and dying for Christians.

Likewise, Ted Bundy died on the electric chair, saw a great light as his brain was frying like John (as he wrote revelation). John Kennedy said, "electric Ted, you have a Father finally. My ugly head wound will heal your ugly head wound. One of the definitions of the name Kennedy is "Ugly Head".

There are so many beasts with fatal headwounds. As the crown of thorns is the crown of a King, we will give you an electric chair, the throne of a King, to charge you with electricity, to be Raiden, the Thunder God a mortal Kombat character from Hirohito. It's why you fried in your electric chair less than 20 days after Hirohito died, the same month.

There are so many beasts with fatal headwounds. As the crown of thorns is the crown of a King, we will give you an electric chair, the throne of a King, to charge you with electricity, to be Raiden, the Thunder God a mortal Kombat character from Hirohito. It's why you fried in your electric chair less than 20 days after Hirohito died, the same month.
Mortal Kombat and the Shinto Religion, where the dead can become gods, including mortal Kombat characters, who trained at Raiden the Thunder God's Temple, in the videos. Hirohito was crowned on Christmas, because he likes to be the Shinto Santa Claus, giving out new mortal Kombat character Kami, made out of the millions of enshrined souls who died for the Emperor, and millions of Kami up for the job, to be transformed into the perfect mortal Kombat character divinities, from Santa on Christmas.


Hirohito loves those who reject Jesus, just as much as those who love Jesus. Often times, if they are less bigots, don't condemn people for cherishing different beliefs, don't judge, and don't go along with toxic stuff in the Bible, or use it to oppress those who think differently, or threaten people with eternal damnation, he actually prefers non Christians, or those who reject Jesus, over the ones with the qualities I just mentioned, but loving Jesus for his teachings on doing charity for the poor, forgiveness without limits, his forgiving those who crucified him, praying for them, that is great.

And now Hirohito loves the Rosary, and the Virgin Mary, because his Shinto Religion already worships Jesus her son, and is the only Religion that claims to have his corpse and a tomb they keep it in and have rituals with shinto priesthood over it, but Shinto being a female dominant religion, where their Sun Goddess, actually has a lot in Common with Mary. In the book of revelation, and the image Mary left on Juan Diego's tilma Guadalupe, she is clothed with the Sun, or surrounded by rays of Sun. Children at Fatima said she was brighter than the sun. Amaterasu being the Sun Kami, often has similar decoration.

Also our Lady of Fatima hated Communism as much as the Japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu, with a message of how the Pope would consecrate Russia to her Immaculate heart, and the Soviet Union would fall without firing a shot, and it kind of did shortly after.

But i guess it didn't fall without firing a shot. More than one Pope has made the consecration she requested, butThe Pope who consecrated Russia to her heart for the first time, he was the only Pope to ever get shot, multiple times, and it was on the feast of our Lady of Fatima, May 13. He placed the bullets that seemed to have been guided to barely miss the arteries and organs that would have resulted in a fatality, placed them into the crown of the Fatima pilgrim statue, at Fatima Portugal, and said "One hand fired the bullets, our Lady of Fatima guided them".

Our Lady of Fatima made the Sun Dance, and the name "Fatima", means "Arab moon Goddess, source of the Sun", also was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's favorite daughter (who Sunni's murdered, because her husband was the true successor of the prophet), and Muhammad declared that there was no woman more like Mary than his daughter Fatima, long before he knew Mary would appear as "Our Lady of Fatima", with easily her most important message about the future, and a public miracle, promised long in advance, would happen, in a communist country, where the Communist Atheists who showed up to mock the event and laugh at the children, were zealously declaring they saw the sun changing colors, dancing, and growing larger, like the world would soon be destroyed.

And Hirohito is high priest of a Religion where the Sun that was dancing in the sky, and putting off many colors, that would have been symbolic of his sun Goddess dancing, and the flag of Japan, the Sun disk, symbolizes her.

Well, Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, she brought the greatest naval disaster in history, when a ridiculously large number of mongols, up to 140,000 men, the largest naval operation that the world had seen up until then, was struck with a "Divine wind" called a Kamikaze, far worse than a typhoon, and it wasn't even a season for typhoons or things like that.

What Genghis Kahn could have used to conquer more than 40% of the world, was destroyed very quickly in Japan by wind (Kamikaze). The Mongols tried a second Naval attack on Japan, and what are the odds, could you imagine that happening a second time?? It did!

The virgin Mary used a shift in wind, in a huge naval battle called Lepanto, "The battle that saved the west", where Christian crusaders felt hopeless in preventing the Ottoman Empire, which previously had always proved unstoppable, and far stronger.

Genghis Kahn conquered more than 40% of the world with less men than that, conquered millions, and killed over 11% of the world's population, with less than that many of those dreaded, most successful mongol warriors, more successful than any warriors I know of in history. But anytime they battled the Japanese Samurai on land, they got annihilated.

100,000 Mongolians did actually reach the island of Japan once, and Genghis Kahn would have won any battle with any European or middle Eastern, or Asian men, if he had 100,000 Mongolian warriors on the same battle field at once.

The Samurai annihilated them in one battle. I don't know of anyone coming close to inflicting a fraction of that on Genghis Kahn, even when he had less men, and they far outnumbered him. The Mongolians horde was simply amazing.
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Veteran Member
But, Japan had what I believe as being something Divine helping them that could not help during world war 2, because it was not a noble cause during World War 2. When Japan fought a war with the Russian Empire earlier in the 20th century, (where they were not displaying signs of war crimes, and returned the POW's) the largest Empire in the world, a Caucasian Empire, more wealthy, better weapons, and more men deployed, they expected an outnumbered, small, Asian Island archipeligo, with less powerful weapons, to be a little tiny David, for a huge Goliath to crush.

The Russians were very frightened, because they had never known of an enemy, that runs out of ammunition, and the most common response is to fix bayonets and do a banzai bayonet charge into machine gun fire and artillery, while praying for the Emperor, and telling their friends they meet again at Yasukuni Shrine, where their names and birthdates are written in a book of souls, placed in a room that only the war dead are allowed to enter, or a priest adding names to the book.

What Russia realized, is Russians don't want to die fighting over border disputes in a distant Asian land, but the Japanese have the greatest indifference to pain, and their indifference to death, is replaced by a hunger and thirst for the opportunity to die honorably for the Emperor, and the soldiers would much rather die, fighting for what they know is a hopeless case, a victory that won't happen, then return home and say they fought a war that they lost, and failed to die honorably, so return home a disgrace.

This mentality simply made the Russians feel not just scared, but kind of sick, knowing how many soldiers they are going to have to kill, who insist on dying honorably, than returning to their homes from a war they lost, rather than return honorably to be enshrined like a God.

The Russians also realized that the victories the Japanese were winning, seemed to be more than brave strong soldiers, more fearless and passionate, more willing to die and suffer than the Russians. The Russians were simply shocked, because no one in Asia compared, so they gave the victory to the little Asian island Archipeligo, with less men deployed, inferior weapons, and now the entire world amazed at who defeated the largest Empire on earth at that time, the greatest defeat I know of, of a modern primarily Caucasian superpower, being defeated by an outnumbered, non-Caucasian nation, with less powerful weapons, ( less powerful ships, less advanced technology and civilization, and such).

When Japan fought it's first war against the Chinese Empire, five years short of the 20th century, the Japanese were pitifully outnumbered, and they won the war without losing a single battle.

In world War 2, Japan was up against impossible odds, after attacking America, China, the British, the Soviet Union, and having such inferior weapons on top of it, and less men and money, than America.

But also, Amaterasu and the Kami, worked the greatest military victories I have ever heard of in Japan, when they were showing signs that they were no more evil than the people they were fighting, or in fact, were noble, fighting on their own soil, defending women and children from the Mongolians.

I think the Virgin Mary and Amaterasu would be a great team. Mary admires sacrifice, martyrdom, willingness to suffer, and Amaterasu's religion, created men on average, who are far more willing to suffer and die a terrible agonizing martyrdom, than choose something easier that is less honorable.

I think the Shinto zeal, love, passion, and willingness to suffer great tortures and die honorably, and preffering that over anything easier, more comfortable, that is less honorable, mary would love to see that in her followers. But I think to avoid the Shinto adherents going through another dark phase like during World War 2, they should learn how to make those same honorable sacrifices, where love, charity, and altruism, sacrificing and dying, to create a world with less suffering, not more.

When Mary won the Battle of Lepanto, using wind, like Amaterasu's divine wind destroying their enemy fleet, only the wind was not tipping ships over and creating tidal waves, that were swallowing massive amounts of ships, and capsizing them, but it was a sudden shift in wind that the crusaders said really helped them ram the enemy vessels, charge onto their ships, free the galley slaves, and kill more people in a naval battle lasting a few hours, than all the people who died on both sides, in the first 7 years of the American revolutionary war.

Europe had not seen a naval engagement like that before, and it saved their most beloved church, in their Capitol, largest Church in the world from becoming a mosque, and possibly the rest of Europe falling like dominoes.

After Lepanto, the Ottoman Empire started losing repeatedly, and territories falling like Dominoes.

That day became called , "the feast of our Lady of Victories". It is also called "Feast of our Lady of the Rosary". At Fatima, Mary said "I am our Lady of the Rosary", linking her to both the dancing Sun (Amaterasu, who won another greater Lepanto, two of them, to save her country, the Sun Goddess on the Japanese flag) and the feast of our lady of the Rosary, which honors the battle of Lepanto, on that date.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe heard how dark Japan was getting around World War 2, and he wanted to be martyred and suffer a lot for the Virgin Mary. He got to Japan, didn't know how to speak Japanese, so they taught him, helped him create a Franciscan Friary in Nagasaki, that survived the atomic blast, let him preach, proselytize, and his primary preaching was about the rosary and the blessed Virgin Mary.

The Japanese Shinto Religion, even at it's darkest time, had no objection to a Catholic foreigner showing up, preaching, proselytizing, and actually trying to get martyred. It shows that Shinto really doesn't have anything against what the Virgin Mary preaches at her apparitions, the Rosary, or even Christianity in general, because in Shinto, they keep a tomb for Jesus, and he is a very beloved Kami.

The smart thing about Shinto is, they insist "we will always refuse to have Dogmas other than "belief in Kami (spirits), refuse to say any writing is inspired scripture, or without error, none of our Shamans or prophets will be considered to have spoken anything that is without error (that you have to believe for salvation or grace), nobody knows where Shinto came from, who founded it, or even when it first began.

The beautiful thing about not knowing who founded your religion, is you can't falsely quote him, misinterpret him, mistranslate what he said, we don't have any inquisitions, killing people over not abiding by some book that contradicts itself, says opposite things are true, gives opposite commands (the Bible), then call the book without error, the word of God, and Christians who believe in all the same Doctrines that Scripture says you must believe to be saved, killing each other, calling each other Satanic, followers of the whore of Babylon, Religion of the Antichrist, which the Shinto adherents don't kill over religious differences, but over land and natural resources, or a Samurai obeying his master's orders, or soldier obeying a superior.

They never have reason to kill over heresy, or preach fire an brim stone sermons about how Amaterasu the Sun Goddess is jealous and will burn you in eternal torture, if you don't believe in her, and preach the Gospel that she is a sadist who likes to torture people who don't love her, or love a supernatural entity that isn't her.

Because Christians believe in binding dogmas, and inerrant Scriptures, the hatred between Catholics and Protestants, towards each other's religion, is one is often claiming they are the religion of God, and Protestants very often say the largest denomination of Christianity, the only christian denomination for many centuries, is the religion of Satan, the Antichrist, a prostitute, a whore.

With Christians being that disgusting towards each other, because of how they interpret a goofy book, that repeatedly sends opposite messages, saying opposite things are true, I think the Shinto idea to be extremely defiant about never calling a writing without error, or saying you have to believe in some correct Doctrine (or you get eternally tortured), is so incredibly simple, yet so incredibly ingenius in how much misery and embarassment Christianity and Islam would have saved, if they had chosen the same approach as the Shinto faith.

I always thought, we don't know who founded the Shinto faith, because it was founded by female half of God, who is smarter than the male half, but she is waiting until the end time, where her religion will take first place.

It is the faith where male creators were not jealous narcissists, but like chivalrous , humble men, they decided, "let's create woman, and let's make her greater than us, or any male Deity, more beautiful than us, more important than us, more powerful than us, more loved than us" . That is so much more beautiful than the jealous misogynist God in Scripture threatening to kill people for burning incense to the Queen of Heaven, who was being much more nice and humble than him.

TLDR, man. Still, even with a skim, you've got global Jewish cabals, chemicals, the Soviet Union, Ted Bundy, and S&M, all linked up in a happy conspiracy.

Honestly, this reads like you've had a textbook case of a manic episode. You should look into getting medication. I say this with sincere concern.

It was something from my journal. I do get very bad manic episodes. Also, some ER visits and Ketamine for sedation. :)
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Veteran Member
TLDR, man. Still, even with a skim, you've got global Jewish cabals, chemicals, the Soviet Union, Ted Bundy, and S&M, all linked up in a happy conspiracy.

Honestly, this reads like you've had a textbook case of a manic episode. You should look into getting medication. I say this with sincere concern.
Actually, I cut and pasted this, from something I wrote a long time ago. But it was manic, and I added to it when a trip to the ER got my arm put back into socket, and multiple out of body experiences, on multiple controlled substances! :D


Veteran Member
  • If they won Lepanto, Saint Peter's Basilica would have been turned into a Mosque, and crusaders determined that a miracle would be needed for the victory, so prayer would have to be the biggest weapon. So, all of Europe held a Rosary crusade, for the largest Naval battle that Europeans had ever seen, and the one that decides whether the most important, largest Christian Church becomes a mosque, and possibly the rest of Europe falls like dominoes to the jihad sword, and the Turkish sex trade of children, the violent oppression of other religions (which Islam is far more notorious for than any, but the Ottomon Empire was so incredibly brutal, and their sex slavery so immoral by Muslim standards, with how they were seeming to rape infidel boys, and male prisoners of war soldiers captured, that even Arabs realized this Empire that waves the banner of Islam, gives the worst name to Islam. So, Arab Muslims rebelling against the Ottoman Empire, and people like Lawrence of Arabia, who also got sexually abused by Ottoman soldiers, despite being probably unattractive to most homosexual standards, he came to hate Turks so much after that, that when the Arabs were praying for the Turkish city that was getting hit with lots of artillery, he responded "who cares, their Turks".

    But his uniting Arabs to inflict greater losses on them, was part of the Muslim world hating the Ottoman Empire, as being a total scandal, to be so notoriously known for raping boys and men that even people wouldn't rape if they were atheist communists, and it wasn't against any Soviet religion, just Turks were Muislims, who were notorious for doing forbidden things in the religion the were promoting, that even atheists wouldn't do that, when they don't have any religion saying not to.

  • The Turks of the Ottoman Empire, including a lot of their leaders, were dying alcohol related deaths, or having accidents, poor judgement, or committing alcohol related crimes, because of how much they are drinking alcohol, which is also forbidden in Islam, and how drunk they often were. I thought I remember the Ottoman leader who fought in Lepanto, dying of an alcohol related accident while drunk, but it was a sermon I heard long ago on a CD, so I'm not entirely sure which Ottoman leader it was speaking of.
  • Alcohol, and the rampant rape of aged men like Lawrence of Arabia, that most homosexuals wouldn't rape, and little prepubescent boys getting raped just as much as females, has been said to be a big cause of their downfall, because Muslims realized they need to destroy this greatest Muslim superpower in history, because they are only Muslim in name, doing things more forbidden and disgusting to most Muslims who take their faith seriously, even the Hindus are far more likeable.
So, the Arabs decided, it was going to be Muslims within the Empire, revolting, and working with non-muslim Europeans like Lawrence of Arabia, and anyone who is willing to help the Muslims who love their faith, destroy the Empire that is claiming to be Muslim, which should be the most disgusting abomination to any Muslim who cherishes their faith, or anything that might resemble the golden rule, or compassion, human decency.
  • Muslims, Christians, Arabs, Europeans, and people everywhere, passionately hated that Empire. The Jewish author of the song of Bernadette, Franz Werfel, made a movie "40 days to Musa dag", (can't remember how to spell it), and America wouldn't even let the video be shown in America orignally, becuase of the little Armenian Christian boys getting strapped down to beds of Turkish officers, while their relatives and Turkish soldiers in the building, hear their child getting raped, screaming, and nobody cares.
  • The Christians in that movie, who were preaching "love your enemies, turn the other cheek, forgive, return not violence for violence", realized they shouldn't be preaching that with this enemy, because that means, "be an irresponsible, stupid, cowardly parent, who wants your boys and girls to get raped and become sex slaves, and you with them perhaps, or death.
  • So, be charitable, and put some of these monsters out of their misery, to try to prevent agony, permanent PTSD, humiliation, and life becoming a nightmare for the innocent, their lives and dreams ruined. It's the most charitable, noble, thoughtful thing to do."

    Lepanto, was not just a victory for that Naval battle. It was the beginning of a series of disasters for the Ottoman Empire, like multiple attacks on Austria and other places in Europe that ended in failure. Before Lepanto, the Ottoman Empire was winning everywhere, the greatest fear in Europe, because they were so successful, largely because of the brutal slavery, and everybody is the property of the Empire for violent conquest, but the amount they conquered, it seemed like they could be something like Genghis Kahn's success, but take all of Europe.

    Then all of Europe prayed the Rosary, because they knew a miracle is needed, when they are stronger, all we have had is failure against them, and they are about to turn our greatest Church into a mosque, and conquer the heart and capitol of Christendom. Before Lepanto, the Ottoman Empire grew, and grew, and grew. After Lepanto, they just lost, and lost, shrank, and shrank. So, the miracle of Lepanto, continued long after that battle.


Veteran Member
Anyway, Hirohito absolutely has nothing against Jesus, because Japan, and Hirohito's Religion is devoted to Jesus Christ, as one of their Kami, and is the only nation that has a tomb, where a man claiming to be Jesus Christ, from Palestine, was buried, where Shinto priests still do rituals and ceremonies to honor Jesus there.

But Shinto believes male creator entities, decided they would create a woman who is greater , more important, more loved, and more powerful, than her male creators, or any man. That is so much more chivalrous and humble than the selfish God in Scripture , who gets so more attention and worship than anyone, and starts crying like a poor spoiled baby, and sends prophets to tell people that he will torture them to death and destroy them, because some Queen of Heaven has a tiny percentage of 1% of the friends that I do, and I need her friends to only be my friends, because I'm more narcissistic, scary, violent, and full of myself than she is, more wealthy, and more spoiled, and I want all the friends.

I don't want that Queen of Heaven having a tiny percentage , of a fraction, of as many friends, money, and power as me. I'll murder people and their children for loving her, because that's evil, Idols are evil, so love me, because I'm God, and they aren't.

If you don't love me, I will torture and murder you, show you that I'm loveable, and you have to love me, or I'll kill your family too, and burn you in hell for ever, because Idols are evil, especially when they are not proud, narcissistic, scary, jealous, spoiled, filthy rich, as popular, or male, like the God of the Bible!"

The people that Jeremiah threatened, for burning incense to the Queen of Heaven, did something so much more noble than obey the orders of the world's most disgusting, cruel, bully, and narcissist.

They responded, "we will not stop burning incense to the Queen of Heaven. When ever we do, to worship just your God, the results are always bad, when we burn incense to her, she is nice to us and helps us."

In other words, they were declaring that the Queen of Heaven they were burning incense to, was displaying charity, didn't display the same cruelty, isn't a bully, isn't the genocidal , bloodthirsty, mass murderer, richest spoiled brat in the universe, with the most power, who billions blindly tremble, fear, follow, obey, and worry they or their loved ones will be tortured forever if they do not.


Veteran Member
JFK: "Ted Bundy, thou art Ted Kennedy, and the man authoring my words to you is Ted Bunny, his chinese ziodiac is fire bunny, Matthew and Ted are names that mean the same thing.

There are so many beasts with fatal headwounds. As the crown of thorns is the crown of a King, we will give you an electric chair, the throne of a King, to charge you with electricity, to be Raiden, the Thunder God from mortal Kombat. Women will grab you like an electric fence, to enjoy their hair standing on end, being shocked, and having out of body experiences, getting fried and baked with the electric Ted Kennedy, the electrifying lady killer, always giving the perfect shock, so that the electric Ted only gets boring or lacking in surprises, if he hasn't spent two hours a day charging at his electric chair, where he atones for the sins of John, Paul, George, Ringo, and the Idolatrous Beatlemaniacs.


As the guy that tried to rape and stabbed Saint Maria Goretti to death, was visited by her ghost, she offered him a lily in his jail cell, offered friendship, broke his curse, and after he fled, while she bled to death, eyewitnesses said they heard her praying that she could be in Heaven, with a monster that just tried to rape and stab a 14 year old girl 14 times, where it was how pure, innocent , and holy she was, and how she prayed, that was his actual motive for wanting to rape and murder her. So, he was a friggin stereotypical incarnation of what people would think of as an Incarnate Devil.

He wrote many letters to the Pope saying she needs to be canonized, and he became her mother's friend, and the best thing that ever happened to her, got out of prison and lived such a Saintly life, he is one of the titles closer to becoming a canonized Saint.

The killer of Saint Maria Gorretti, was the reason she became one of the most unusual of all canonized Saints, to visit the man who decided to rape and murder her, after she died, as a ghost, and that man responds by doing everything he can to get her canonized, and preach about how much more awesome she is than God (because God could not have changed him like she did, and Jesus said it is better for men like him to have a millstone tied around their neck, and be tossed into the sea, than to harm a little one because of their love for him).

JFK: "Likewise, you Ted, are going to preach that your victims are more amazing than God, and should be in control of God's household, omnipotence, and possessions.

That many of them died naked like Jesus, petrified, at the hands of a monster, and humiliated like Jesus, for an act of kindness, often helping a man pretending to be injured, no proper burial for many of them, and yet no one gives them the praise, reward, or blessings of God. Their deaths should atone for the world's sins just as much as Jesus Christs.

When they are so much less narcissistic, proud, selfish, sadistic, and would do so much more to end suffering in Heaven, hell, and everywhere, enlighten all people, stop suicides, stop murder, stop war, stop heartbreak, turn devils into charitable creatures, were they in control of God's omnipotence.

They figure, if Heaven has a monster like God receiving constant worship, why not give Ted rebirth, free of vice, and bring him to Heaven. The God who commits far worse crimes against women in the Bible, than every Ted Bundy combined, without any excuse for it, being so filthy rich, having so many friends, billions of people worshiping him, has the least excuse. So, if Bundy goes to Hell, then the God of Scripture should be there with him.

To prove how powerful the victims of Ted Kennedy are, suffering for them will be like Saint Maximilian Kolbe, traveling a long distance across the world, so he could have the privilege of dying in a Nazi concentration camp, volunteering to go to the starvation bunker in place of someone else, and singing the whole time to his Queen of heaven, as he slowly starved to death.

"You Ted, will enjoy suffering for your Queens, and all of hell will give you demonic and Angelic abilities to get them to control Heaven.

Many souls in Heaven will help as well, so that boldly you will tell God, "give me a crown of thorns, strip me down naked, flog me, spit on me, nail me to a cross, then keep raising me from the dead to repeat it, and let the relatives of the victims have the honors, give the reward of the crucifixions to my victims, as if they had been crucified, and make sure I suffer far worse than Jesus, to pay for their future, because I know they would be better Messiahs than Jesus.

They would not ask anyone to worship them, certainly not require it, they would end the labor pains God gave women for the crimes of Eve (Scripture actually declares that God tortured hundreds of millions of women to death in their lady parts. That makes God more deserving of the electric chair than many Ted Bundys, and he is so loved, rich, spoiled, all knowing, and so he had the least excuse), they would end false religions by talking to people and granting clarity (not critical of a false religion that isn't torturing or opressing other people in some way), be only concerned about religion being entertaining and fun (more motive to be religious) end confusion by giving clarity (and speaking), and make sure everyone who wants a Messiah, will get the one that is best for them personally, (not a jealous, wrathful bigot, who commands genocide, wars, slavery, and tortures people for their righteousness like Job or Jesus, or to make them grow in holiness they must carry crosses and die as martyrs). That is the way to create atheists, or so many people who find everything more appealing than religion."