I can only speak for myself...
Not worshiping Jesus as a god isn't denying him, it just isn't holding him up the way Christians do. I do still, as a former Christian, read the bible, and I still find wisdom in it from time to time. That said, now I also read the Zend Avesta, the Hávamál (and the sagas), local Salish Legends, and I plan on delving into the Vedas when I get the time. When I was a Christian, I was constantly told to constrict my views onto Jesus and to just ignore everything else. Never ask the big questions, or have any doubts.
Now, I see Christians I know terrified that non Christian family and friends will be tormented forever when they are cast into hell, that God is angry with America (and the world in general), how people are all so wicked and vile, and how he is going to end it all soon enough.
I can't help but remember Matthew 11:30, and wonder just how light that burden is, since it felt so heavy when it was on my own shoulders. Now that I haven't been carrying it, I feel happier than I ever had before, and actually free to pursue the things in my life that I have always had a passion for without any guilt.
That said, many of the Christian folks on this forum are great, and are open minded and honest people. Perhaps if I had been around similar people in my life, I wouldn't have been so burnt out on Christianity.