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JesusAndPromisedMessiah:16-Commons and Signs


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
1-Jesus (a.s.) was a Promised Prophet for sons of Israel as their books were witness to it.

2-Jesus (a.s.) came at the time when Jews had lost their government in that area and they were living under Romans. Roman government was very much like British in India.

3- Jesus (a.s) came at a time when Jews were divided in sects with mutual discords and difference in understanding of Torah and other issues; they were only united in the Unity of God. No teacher could make peace or make decision among them. They were in need of a judge from heavens who would decide among them through current revelation. No sect was fully pure then, that is why, he was seen as foe because each one wanted decision of their like and call them good and their opponent wrong. Such praise-for-all is not possible for a Prophet to do.

4- Jesus (a.s.) was not commanded to do jihad of sword. Religion of Moses (a.s.) had been under criticism of using sword, though for any reason, by Greeks and Romans. God removed this criticism from Torah by sending a Prophet who was to spread religion through peace.

5- In the time of Jesus (a.s.), corruption had found its way in the existing clergies. Many of them wanted nearness of Roman high officials. They were not focused to get heavenly honour which they could get by practicing Torah. Though they were under surveillance by government, Caesar and high officials were influenced by them. That is why, man from Galilee was persecuted to make his opponents pleaased. Governor Pilate (and his wife) knew Jesus (a.s.) was innocent, he was threatened that a complaint against him would be made to Caesar if Jesus (a.s.) was not sentenced. But The One Who sees from heavens and is the Master of hearts knew the fact; He heard the supplications of Jesus due to his Taqwa (righteousness) and He saved Jesus (a.s.) from death on cross. Jesus (a.s.) and his mother migrated to other place as Allah the Exalted says: “…aaweynahomaa elaa rabwatin zatey qararin wa maeen.” (23:51) i.e. ‘….We gave them refuge on an elevated land of valleys and springs of running water.’….The word ‘aawa’ is used for getting refuge after trouble’….Jesus (a.s.) got refuge after the trouble of cross. According to Ahadith, he reached the age 120 years. Then he died and his spiritual station is with John the Baptist (a.s.). He was pious, a Prophet, but he was not god.

6- The advent of Jesus (a.s.) was in the reign of Roman Caesar.

7- Roman empire was against Christian religion but eventually this religion entered into Romans. Caesar became Christian.

8- A new star appeared in the time of Jesus (a.s.).

9- When he was put on cross, sun was eclipsed.

10-After mistreatment to him, a severe plague spread.

11- Due to religious discrimination, case was filed against Jesus (a.s.); allegation was made that he was enemy of state and wanted revolt.

12- When he was put on cross, a thief was also put at cross.

13-When Jesus (a.s.) was brought to Pilate, Pilate said he did not see any sin with him.

14-Because of lack of father, Jesus (a.s.) was not from sons of Israel but he was last Messenger of their chain; appeared after Moses (a.s.) in 14 th century.

15- During the time of Caesar in the time of Jesus (a.s.), many services were provided for the ease of public; like roads, guest houses. New ways of courts were introduced which were like British courts.

16- Jesus (a.s.) was like Adam (a.s.) in having no father.

These 16 properties were placed in Jesus (a.s.) in Moses’ (a.s.) dispensation.
Then God the Exalted brought Muhammad’s (s.a.w.) dispensation, as promised in Prophets’ books. Hakim [All Wise] and Alim [All Knowing] God desired to make similarity between start and end of both dispensations. God declared that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is like Prophet Moses (a.s.) as evident from Holy Quran:

[Chapter 73 : Verse 16]

‘Verily, We have sent to you a Messenger , who is witness over you, even as We sent a Messenger to Pharaoh.’

= Hazrat Moses (a.s.) used sword against aggressing disbelievers.
Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chased by disbelievers when he was forced to leave Mecca and he used sword to defend Muslims

= In front of Hazrat Moses (a.s.), his severe enemy Pharaoh was drowned.
In front of Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.), his severe enemy Abu Jahal was killed.

There are many more similarities in the start of both dispensations. It was essential to have similarities in the end of both dispensations. Sixteen properties of Hazrat Jesus (a.s.) has been mentioned above; his counterpart in dispensation of Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) has similar properties.
1- First property is being Promised….. There have been many men of Allah in Islam, but they were not Promised. But the one who was going to come on the name of Messiah was Promised only. Similary, none before Jesus (a.s.) was Promised.

2- Property of lost-government…. Before Hazrat Jesus (a.s.), Israelites had already lost government. Similarly, before the birth of last Messiah (a.s.), Islamic government had been ended from India due to various weaknesses and British rule had been established.

3- In the time of Jesus (a.s.), Jews had been divided in many sects. There was a natural need of a Hakam (Judge). Similarly, in the time of last Messiah (a.s.), Muslims were divided in many sects.

4- First Messiah (a.s.) was not ordered to fight. Similarly, the Last Messiah (a.s.) is not ordered to fight because no one, now, raises sword against religion – as clear from the pace of time. Era is giving testimony that those sects in Islam who are waiting for a blood-spreading Mahdi or Messiah are wrong. Their thoughts are against the desire of God the Exalted. Wisdom testifies for it because if God the Exalted wanted that Muslims should fight for religion then He would have given them the excellence for current type of wars; they should have invented weapons, air-transports and submarines and surprise the world. Christians are progressing in these inventions. God wants argumentative victory over trinity. Symptoms precede actual events. Heavens have not shown symptoms of war-winning for Muslims but symptoms of religious arguments have appeared. [Note: These mentions were made in 1903]

5- Just like in the time of first Messiah, in the time of last Messiah, the common believers and in particular their religious scholars have become corrupt and seeker of earthly prestige….There is no need to write details.

6- First Messiah (a.s.) lived under the rule of Caesar. Similarly, last Messiah has also come in the time of a ‘Caesar’. This Caesar is better than the one in the time of first Messiah because it is written that when he learned through opponents of Jesus (a.s.) that his governor Pilate had saved Messiah from dying on cross and let him go somewhere, he put Pilate in jail and had him beheaded. Time is changed, our Caesar is better than that previous unwise cruel Caesar.

7- Seventh property….Eventually Christian religion was accepted by people of Caesar. Last Messiah shares this similarity too. He writes: “I see that my claim and arguments are considered with great interest in Europe and America. These people by themselves have printed my claim and arguments in hundreds of newspapers and have written such words of support and attestation for me that are difficult for a Christian to write…Some have written in clear words that this person seems truthful. Some have written that it is a big mistake to believe Jesus, the Messiah as God. Some have written that, at this time, the claim of being Promised Messiah is exact on time and time itself is an argument. In short, it is clear from all their these statements that they are preparing to accept me. In these countries, Christian religion is melting day by day by itself.” [Reference: ruhani khazain, vol 20]

8- A star had appeared in the time of first Messiah. Same star also appeared in the time of last Messiah too. English newspapers verified so too and they concluded that time of coming of Messiah was near.

9- Ninth property… At th time when Jesus, the Messiah was put on cross, sun was eclipsed….. When the last Messiah was denied, not nly sun but moon too were eclipsed in same month of Ramadhan. It took place twice as hadith said. Both eclipses were foretold in Bible, Holy Quran and Ahadith (e.g,Darqutni)…[A full post exists on this Sign]

10- Plague was spread after the Jesus, Messiah was persecuted. Plague was spread in the time of last Messiah too.


Peace be upon you.
11- Religious scholars in the time of first Messiah, tried to get verdict against him as rebel and death penalty….The divine destiny gave a share of it to last Messiah too. A false murder case was filed against him and attempt was made to portray him as a rebel. A Molvi Batalwi came as a witness from opponents.

12- A thief was also put on a cross when first Messiah was done so….. The day when the last Messiah was acquitted from murder case (as God the Exalted had earlier foretold him and he had published this prophecy in thousands of people), a thief was presented in the court; he had stolen some money, he was given the sentence of three months.

13- When first Messiah appeared before governor Pilate and death sentence was asked, he said that he did not see any sin in Jesus for such sentence. ….Similarly, in the murder trial, Captain Douglas, district magistrate told the last Messiah that he did not make any accusation to him…….The last Messiah praised the morals of Captain Douglas because he showed superior steadfastness and justiceful-bravery and did not yield to the false pressure of corrupt clergies. The last Messiah wrote: “...these good morals of Pilate of our time will be remembered by us and our Jama’at for ever and till the end of the world, his name will be expressed with honour.” [Reference: ruhani khazain, vol 20]

14- Fourteenth property......Jesus the Messiah (a.s.) was not from sons of Israel as he lacked father but he was the last Messenger of the Moses’ (a.s.) dispensation. He was born in 14 century after Moses (a.s.)……Similarly, the last Messiah (a.s.) was not from family of Quresh; he came in 14 th Islamic century and came last of all.

15- Fifteenth property…..In the time of first Messiah (a.s.), the world had become modern in terms of roads, mail, military, ease for travelers and law……Similarly, in the time of last Messiah (a.s.), modern means for ease of life has emerged (like transportation and much more….) as prophesied in Holy Quran.

16- Sixteenth property…..The first Messiah (a.s.) had similarity with Adam (a.s.) in not having father……The last Messiah (a.s.) too has similarity with Adam (a.s.); born with female twin on the day of Friday.

If all this matter was from human design, resemblances on such scale were not possible.
Reference: Based on writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace)‘ruhani khazain’, vol 20, alislam.org